Top Ten Questions Girls May Have About Guys

This list wasn't created because I got offended about Therandom's list. I'm just curious and I question a lot about boys. It's pretty normal to wonder about the opposite sex and boys and girls may never understand each other. So I just wanted to make this list.
The Top Ten
Are erections that bad?

It depends on what you're wearing.

Sometimes it can hurt when it gets too big, or it can be really uncomfortable, especially when it happens in public places like church or school.

If it's small and you're sitting down, no. If it's like, Damn! and you're in a wet bathing suit, then hell yeah.

What do you like about boobs?

I guess it's because they're soft. I don't know, I'm not a boob expert.

The smaller the better, as long as they're natural.

Do all guys love video games and sports?

No. I don't jump on the bandwagon and worship people who make millions by running around on a pitch. I also don't base my life on the outcome of a match or a round of Call of Duty.

Not all of them do, but the majority like either one or both. Usually, they like both, but one much more than the other.

I was forced to do sports since I looked lazy every day staying in the house, so I do soccer and video games... kinda...

What's it like having a penis?

Imagine just having a gross, hairy sausage hanging off your body for your whole life. That's what it's like.

Pretty decent, for the most part.

What do you find attractive about girls?

In terms of personality, I find intelligence, playfulness, caring, and a light-hearted attitude attractive. I also appreciate when someone is enjoyable to be around, beautiful, and kind.

As for clothing, I prefer when girls wear long, covered clothes like jeans and hoodies. I think it's more appropriate, because if girls wear overly revealing clothes, I feel uncomfortable looking at them - I don't want to be seen as perverted.

Personality and looks are both important to me, but the female body isn't something I focus on first.

Personality, intelligence, kindness, insight, open-mindedness, and understanding. A girl can be beautiful on the outside, but I wouldn't date the prettiest girl in the world if she was a jerk.

What do you think about the rules "You can't hit a girl" and "Ladies first?"

I'd like to think that men still follow the unwritten rule of "ladies first." It's sweet when a guy does this, like opening a car door for a woman.

I've given up hope that anyone would ever throw down their coat over a puddle for a woman to step across, though.

I believe a true gentleman should never hit a woman, except in self-defense, of course. Gentlemen should also let ladies go first, though I think genders should be treated more equally than they are today.

I always let the lady go first. The only time I'd even consider hitting a girl would be in self-defense.

What kind of stuff do guys like to talk about with their friends?

My dude-buddies tell me it's either about politics, global issues, or school. But I have a strong sense that they are not in the majority.

90% of guys: Vine references and vile humor.
The other 10%: Actually having a conversation about something.

Butts and girls, mostly. That's often the main topic.

Are all guys dirty minded?

No. Some are just curious about girls. But that doesn't mean they are dirty-minded. The same can apply to girls.

Some women have dirtier minds, believe me. Men are just more open about certain things, I think.

About 80 percent are. The other 20 most likely are too, but they won't admit it.

In what kinds of situations would a guy cry?

A. I cry sometimes when I'm not used to being away on school trips for a few days. I have anxiety and tantrums as a result, and I've cried uncontrollably.

B. When my family isn't feeling well.

C. When I feel like a loser or not good enough, or when I have suicidal thoughts.

D. Listening to a song or watching a movie that's bittersweet.

Heartbreak, loss, and rejection. Many men don't handle rejection easily, and I struggle with it too. I get depressed and sometimes act out. The situation that made me cry the most was when my crush rejected me and chose to go out with someone who smokes weed instead of me.

Do boys care about body image and shaving?

As a cricketer, I have to care about body image. When it comes to shaving, I have to shave frequently. Otherwise, I'd look exactly like Imran Tahir (the South African cricketer).

Though I like being tall, slim, and strong, I rarely think about my body shape. As for shaving, it's just facial hair, and I only find it annoying when there's a stray hair I have to pull.

I don't care much about my looks or body shape, but I know some guys who do. From my experience, I know that guys still feel some pressure to look good, even though many people assume we don't.

The Newcomers

? Do you like big butts?
? Do you like big boobs?
The Contenders
Why is it that most guys can forgive each other so easily?

I've found this to be true too. I hate that I can sulk for days after an argument with a friend, but some men can have a fistfight and then forget about it a few minutes later. I'd never hit anyone to try and resolve an argument, though.

Unlike most girls, guys can forgive one another so fast in their friendships, from what I've seen. Girls can stay mad at each other for weeks. Why is that?

Someone who bullied me throughout 7th grade just became friends with me around the start of November.

Why do guys like punching and anything that's destructive?
Why do guys tease girls when they like them?

I'm guessing it has to do with them being embarrassed to tell them.

Girls do the same thing, so it probably has to do with nervousness.

What do guys think about, anyways?

I've always wanted to ask a guy this, but I just CANNOT do it in person because that would be extremely weird. The guys at my school are either jerks or really shy. (Or they're close friends, and I just can't bring myself to ask.)


Big tractors, basically everything that can destroy, and girls. You know, the usual.

Do tough guys actually care for their families and friends?
What do you think of feminism?
What's so cute about girls?
Do guys like rainbows?
Are guys capable of loving their partner?

Umm, yeah. Duh. If I didn't like my partner, why would I be with them?

Do guys ever dream to be girls?

Some of them, yes, but I'm pretty sure God made me a dude for a reason.

What does it feel like to be a guy?

I added this one too, and I do frequently wonder what it is like to be a man. I mean, I am just curious. - EC

Do all guys think they're better than girls?
What do erections feel like?
What do you think of women's rights?
Does it feel cool to be a guy?
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