Top 10 Things That Scare People Most

The Top Ten
1 Death

Why death? Are you not afraid of problems? Everyday you wake up and got to do your job like always. You worry that you might encounter a worst problem in life that would make you suffer a lot like, not eating food everyday, not having a descent house, not having a job to gain money, and being thirsty everyday. If your dead, what would you worry?

One of the worlds biggest mystery, even with trillions of people witnessing it. What is it like after death? Darkness? Spending the rest of your life as a ghost? Maybe being reborn in a different world? You can only find out when you die. But you won't be able to tell anyone what it is after death.

2 Being Sexually Assaulted

I for one, have this as my biggest fear, simply because it has already happened to me, I am a 16 year old girl, and at the age of 15 I was molested by a 42 year old man that happened to be my dad's so called "best friend" nobody should have to go through this, at all, no kids, teenagers, adults, nobody.

Death, darkness, being embarrassed... These will probably happen at one point anyway. Most of these are things are a fear of the unknown.
People who have been sexually assaulted are more afraid of it happening than those who haven't. The physical, emotional and spiritual damage WILL last the rest of your life even if you come to terms with it not to mention STIs, unwanted pregnancy, etc

3 The Dark

Being afraid of the dark is pretty meaningless, as you are just viewing things from your everyday life from a different perspective, but I understand why this is a common and enormous phobia. Just like being afraid of death, the real thing that these people fear is the unknown. What will happen to me when I die? What is that dark shape in the doorway I can't see? Does space go on forever? These are some of life's unanswered questions. That is why people fear them, as there is no explanation for them, and it is so hard to understand. Being afraid of the dark is a bit weird though, and while I have been afraid of death at times in my life I have never experienced this because while it may seem like the shape in the doorway is something you don't understand, there is actually a logical explanation to it. Remember that.

4 Not Going to Heaven

The afterlife might not be as scary as most people think. In my opinion, people are not sentenced to heaven or hell. I think people just end up in either heaven or hell based on how close they are to God, how sorry they are for their sins, and whether they accept God's love. If they let sin overpower them so much that it tears them away from God, then they may end up in hell. If they accept the fact that they are sinners and try hard to move closer to God and away from sin, then they may end up in heaven. Besides, I think hell is more of a state people go into as a result of rejecting God than an actual place. If God is a merciful, loving father-figure who never stops forgiving humanity for its sins, why would he willfully send someone to hell?

5 The Unknown

I will admit I am fascinated by the unknown. I have so many questions that I wish were answered, like: Are there really aliens at Area 51? What is beyond the outer space we already know? What is the government hiding from us, and why? What really happens after you die? What was that weird creature in that vlog I saw? I've always been intrigued by this kind of stuff. But after thinking about it for a while, it starts to make me wonder if there is a reason why we don't know. Let's say if the government was really hiding something from us, why would they be? What would happen if we knew? Something bad? But that's just one version of it, really. This fear can vary from hearing a noise when your home alone and thinking "What the hell was that?!" to "Where do we go when we die?" This fear never really scared me, but I can definitely see how it can be scary to some people.

6 Loved Ones Dying

If death didn't exist, hitler and like, a million other serial killers would still be alive. There is one question that no one can ever decide from... would you rather know WHEN you died, or HOW you died?

That is so sad! My mom's sister and mom had a baby die once, and one of my great grandpas died from cancer. Plus, someone I sort of knew who was mental at my school died from stroke. Why must death exist?

This is way more hard hitting and scared than you think. A loved one dying has an incredible impact on your life. If you really loved your loved one, this leaves never healing wounds

7 Being Embarrassed

Ah yes, this reminds me of an interesting story. there are many days in my life, and there are few that are more memorable than this. so I was at a rather large hotel, but the T.V. 's had only one channel. So I was watching a film about some rugby players being stranded in Antarctica after there plane crashed, and so I thought to my self "hey, rugby players are awfull at survival! They're all just a bunch of cowards! " unfortunately, I realised this was not a thought, but a shout, and not only that, but my door was open. I was also afraid by the fact that the loud music from downstairs had Stopped, and that they were celebrating there most recent win in, you guest it, rugby. so since I was terrified by the shouting from them, trying to find out who said it, I hid under my bed and I was under there for so long I fell asleep. I never stayed at a premier inn again, and probably never will.

8 Being Hurt by Someone You Love

I'm scared of loving, at all. I feel like when someone says he loves me, it's just a joke. Or if it is real, someday sometime, he's gonna get bored of me and leave. It's so scary investing feelings and growing so attached to that person that you may even forget yourself when you leave. Ick! scary!

She didn't hurt me on purpose (and I did get a little weird in my senior year), but damn. Disregard and disdain are as lethal as knives.

That's pretty sad. I have zero interest in dating, and this is one of the reasons why. I mean, your crush hating you sounds really bad.

9 Pain

I can handle physical pain. What I'm really scared about is emotional pain. It's happened to me. I've had to cry for hours at end, all alone. Believe me, no one wants this to happen to them. It feels like death. All you want is death when it happens. It is death.
It's been really hard for me. Imagine people teasing you just because you like different things. Imagine that all you want is to be treated equally and for someone to love you, but you get hate instead. This is part of my everyday life. I blame my gym teacher. I'm just that bad at sports, okay? Leave me alone! You're embarrassing me.
Sorry, that last part was unnecessary. But it's just because I'm bullied for being bad at sports.

10 Failing

Although death may be the end of our lives and that most of us don't want that to happen already, we all know that it will happen in the future. We all dislike failure. We feel annoyed and frightened when you didn't achieve your goal. Whether the failure was losing your team and feeling hated, working hard/ spending money for nothing, or losing a partner/failing him or her, we fear it more than death. We know we can stop it or not make it happen (unlike death), but we feel so horrible in making that mistake that changed your life/ or won't ever forget for all your life. This is the #1 fear human has.

The Contenders
11 Getting a Debilitating Injury

I was born with multiple eye conditions so I am partly blind. I can't have any surgery to fix it. I won't ever be able to drive, and my mom won't even support me in trying to train myself to read signs. I've been shoved down many staircases and bleachers. Went through depression. So I'm extremely scared of getting further disabled. Also, mom says she wants to look into signs of insomnia for me. Almost died in a car crash. Witnessed my step-dad (at the time) beat my mom with a hammer in front of my younger siblings. Been to 5 different schools in my life. And was threatened to be sent to Juvie by my mom. Sorry, none of you probably care anyway.

12 Disease

Especially when it's something like cancer or AIDS, you just feel that you are going to die. That's why you shouldn't use these diseases as an insult. Yeah, I might sound slightly sensitive here, but you gotta be aware of using diseases as an insult. In fact, just don't

Google "george carlin fear of germs" and watch the whole video, so true.

Some diseases like AIDS and Ebola are nearly unescapable.

13 Spiders

Since it's pretty much summer, I already had my first encounter with a spider this summer. I was walking into my room with a bowl of Cheetos, and since its summer and I was on edge, I was constantly looking out for spiders. So before I even got into the room, I did a little check. I saw one on the ceiling, and my first instinct was to THROW THE CHEETOS AT THE SPIDER. So I threw the Cheetos out of the bowl and they went to hit the spider. I then immediately closed the door, and waited a couple hours looking around every five minutes in the living room until someone came home. Thankfully, someone did (I am living with other people) and I got them to kill it for me.
Then they asked why the Cheetos where all over the place.

14 Clowns

The word Coulrophobia means a persistent and irrational fear of clowns. It possibly originates from Greek Kolon meaning stilt or stilt-walkers which are often used by clowns. The word clown might have even originated from Cloyne, Clod or Colonus- a rustic country bumpkin, farmer, yokel or someone who lacks common sense. they are the most scarest thing in the world I can't even look at them or I will passout

I absolutely hate clowns, but I'm not afraid of them. They literally wear weird clothes, face paint, and wigs. Plus they frighten people. Whoever invented clowns must not like kids.

15 Angry Parents

I'm super scared of my parents grounding me!

You don't want to see my mom get mad...

16 Poverty

What so scary about not being rich? I think poverty is more scary. If you can afford a roof above your head (rented or paid for), food, and drink without being rich, consider that as a blessing.

It's always a heart-warming moment whenever you see someone donate their money to someone who is homeless.

17 Asteroid Hitting the Earth

In 2029, an asteroid the size of a tennis ball will hit earth. It will hit Australia and killing a 17 year old. Hopefully It isn't me.

I'm scared when it's really going to happen. We just never know if it will really ever happpen somewhere in the future.

18 War

This should be first... Currently Death is first place but isn't War what causes so many deaths in this current world? I believe it must be the most hurtful, most unfair and scariest way to die and live.

War is one of the scariest and most awful things ever. People die in brutally ways.

You would have to be hiding under a bunker or a cupboard for a few hours too.

19 Insects

Cockroaches terrify me so much. I saw one flying around and I fainted. When I woke up it was on my stomach. I don't honestly know what happened but a kind of bloodlust came over me and I squeezed it while its bug juices squirted all over me then I woke up in t he hospital because I had fainted. cockroaches can do a lot to me!

Kids call me retarded for not brushing off house spiders. Actually sliders rarely bite Pepe unless they feel threatened. Nobody can call me stupid for not killing an animal who's just trying to get by. I am a weird kid because I love anything that freaks people out.

20 Earthquakes

The big one that will destroy California has to come yet. It's just a matter of time.

These literally wipe out animals, people, and towns.

21 Being Physically Tortured

Now this is scary. This can traumatize your life forever. Just thinking about it scares me. How isn't this higher? If you have a fear of the dark, you must know this is scarier. Ugh, don't even wanna think how much this hurts, physically and mentally

22 Being Left

I still have dreams of being left or lost... not sure why but during my travels I tend to be careful not to loose travelling companion

Your parents forgetting you exist, not knowing where you are, frightened, forgotten, lost.

23 Puberty

Pimples. I don't have any. (YAY) but my friend has a lot and said she got them when she was twelve. So far her past has predicted my life- size, period. so I'm super scared of what comes next.

Let me grab some newspaper for the restroom. What the flip? Where the fudge this blood come from?

I can't wait for my periods! I took a quiz and if it's right, My periods will be coming in about 5 months!

24 The Ocean

You can't see them, but they know you are there. Sharks and other scary creatures. Thalassophobia is a thing.

Some scenes in Finding Nemo freaked me out as a kid.

25 Other People

Humans are the scariest thing on Earth. Pretty much anyone could kill you in a hundred ways at any given moment because they feel like it. Humans are capable of a lot of horrible things.

Its terrifying I wont even watch a trailer for one! I made that one mistake of watching a trailer for one...I had lots of nightmares...

I have lost all faith in humanity...

That's why now I fear them...
Humans...why do you have to be so cruel now days?
Last time there was no racism, feminists, LGBTs, memes, Gore horror movies
And horrifying 5-year olds which ruin every single game we love...

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