Top Ten Things That Should Happen to the Teletubbies

The Top Ten
1 Cancel the Show

This show in my opinion has ripped the hearts of little kids in the 1990s.
Why? the creators of Teletubbies cancelled a show called Playdays which was a new version of Playschool.
Playschool aired from 1964 to 1988
Playdays aired from 1988 to 1997
That is really mean how a new version of a show was shorter lived and it was before Cbeebies existed.
Playschool and Playdays were educational shows.
I will always remember Mr Jolly, The Bus and Why Bird, the cartoon opening.

I love how its powerful, but no violence.

This show got canceled already!

2 Noo Noo Swallows Dipsy

I'd love to see that!

3 Have a War With Barney
4 Paw Patrol Kicks Them

Yeah paw patrol rocks teletubbies sucks they will destroy teletubby land and hypnotize haters of paw patrol to start liking paw patrol and start hating teletubbies and they will replace teletubbies with blues clues and they will destroy the hill house and build the lookout and flood the land with there oil and skye will take care of the bunnies since the bunnies are the only good character and marshall will set teletubbies on fire and rock will put there bodies in trash and ignore do nothing on the list and leave them alone just vote this instead since I love paw patrol and I hate teletubbied so paw patrol better than teletubbies

Thank for adding this on the list I love paw paw patrol

I love paw patrol and hate teletubbies

Teletubbies are for babbles paw patrol are for older kids

5 SpongeBob Shoots Laa Laa With a Shotgun
6 Stab Their Heads Off With a Knife

Or slice their heads off with a blade by Lady LovelyLocks and her friends.

7 Tell Pichu to Kick Them In a Black Hole
8 King Kong Squeezes Po With His Hand
9 Pinkie Pie Blasts Laa Laa With Her Party Canyon
10 Do Nothing from the List and Leave Them Alone

Its rather humiliating for the men (Tinky Winky and Dipsy) and women (LaaLaa and Po) who have to behave as babies. In reality you have to feel sorry for them, and the parents who allowed their baby to pretend to be the sun and people thought their daughter was a boy.

The Contenders
11 Elmo travels back in time and aborts the Teletubbies so they don't exist

Someone invents time travel and every mother of everyone who hates the teletubbies has an abortion.

Haha good one

12 Force Them Onto South Park

And have Cartman throw them off a ' cliff towards their doom prior to rule the world with Invader Zim side by side.

13 Chase puts his net around them and they get trapped in his net forever

Are you talking about paw patrol

14 They Get Left On Sesame Street

Yeah sesame street has a bigger brain than teletubbies

15 Twilight Sparkle Kills Them With Her Magic
16 Give Them Poisonous Berries
17 Spray Baby Sun With a Hose
18 Put Them in a Gas Chamber
19 Let SpongeBob Kill Them
20 Let Sonic Destroy Them as if They Were Robots

Sonic the hegehog rocks teletubbies sucks sonic the hedgehog rules teletubbies drools sonic the hedgehog wins teletubbies in the bin

That would be way past cool.

21 Rainbow Dash beats them up
22 Have a giant sized Duchess RavenWaves cut their heads off with her giant pair of scissors

If RavenWaves does that, all of the Teletubbies could be headless morons. Lady LovelyLocks rules!

23 Have SheZow kick them off PBS immediately
24 Elmo Shoots them All
25 Set Them On Fire.
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