Worst Users On Twitter

On a social media platform filled with toxic people, these are among the worst. Check out these users if you wish, but at your own risk.
The Top Ten

While he may seem like your typical annoying SJW, he's far worse than that. He literally sexually assaulted his sister and admitted to it online, which to this day, he never lives down.


In addition to being a terrible movie reviewer, Bob Chipman also comes up with some of the worst takes on the site. He constantly whines about the Joker, and has extremely stupid and invalid reasons for his dislike of it while practically worshipping Captain Marvel and TLJ. Even worse, he's literally advocated for the death of people he disagrees with.

I politically view him as a Social Justice Warrior, and he's very annoying many times.


So many people follow and look up to her, but they don't actually realize how she used to be a paid alt-right troll to attack anyone who has left-leaning back in the day. She's the definition of a grifter, as now she's a massive SJW, and as a matter of fact, was also a huge supporter of #kickthevic.


There's a reason to why furries have such terrible reputations, and this guy definitely contributes to it. He constantly feels the need to remind people he's gay, as if it somehow makes him superior, and will call you homophobic if you tell him it's not a personality trait.


This person is one of the most annoying marxists on the internet, which is saying a lot considering how marxists are. They're extremely self-righteous, constantly calling out people for "wrongthink", and actually believes that being a centrist is the same thing as being alt-right.

On one hand they're hella based and don't hold back against the US's imperialist views. On the other hand they have some absolutely insane takes on the Russo-Ukraine war and have yet to denounce Russia for their atrocious behavior. Also really loves praising Castro because HE apparently was a saint 🙄


Not only did she make a comic expressing how happy she was that PewDiePie and his wife were robbed, she also made a comic encouraging others to shoplift and even implied that she did it in the past. She also uses the fact that she's trans to shield herself from criticism.


This guy is an extreme leftist only exists to call those with even the slightest different views "nazis" or any other type of bigot. He has beliefs such as: the left can do absolutely no wrong, POC who aren't as far-left as him are fake, and that all gamers are sexist, racist, nazis.


This woman is a straight-up psychopath. She believes that everything Antifa does (including assaulting people with milkshakes, severely beating them to the point of hospitalization, arresting people for no reason) is justified. This makes her even more hypocritical when you realize she wants ICE abolished for "torturing kids", yet has no problem with Antifa attacking teenagers. She thinks that people deserve to suffer just because they don't have the same views as her, for example wishing Rush Limbaugh to suffer through his lung cancer, wanting Donald J Trump Jr's kids to be put in concentration camps and even responded to a tweet by Charlie Kirk stating that young children who like Trump deserve to be attacked. Oh, and don't call her out on her behavior, or she'll send her fellow Antifa simps after you!


She's another one of those idiots who thinks it's impossible to feel sorry for billionaires, as if they're not human beings. Also, she made a pretty disgusting tweet about Kobe Bryant's death.


He has the worst takes on this site when it comes to video games, and treats them as if they're facts. For example, he claims Sonic Adventures is a terrible game because its graphics don't look well, despite the fact that it came out in 1998.

The Newcomers

? @historicalwwii
? @spiritofho
The Contenders

Also known as Brooklyn Dad, Padellan has been a Trump reply guy and a shallow loser with no life whatsoever, only going scorched earth any time a conservative does anything.

This guy seriously thought the Capitol Riot was worse than 9/11.


An account solely dedicated to harassing LGBTQ people for existing, repeatedly dog-whistling to hate groups while posing as a just a "gimmick account reposting cringe". They've become unbelievably influential with Joe Rogan promoting them and Ron DeSantis's team citing them as inspiration behind his anti-LGBTQ laws.


If it weren't bad enough that this is an account solely dedicated to mocking trans people, they took it too far as to celebrate the murder of a trans teen. I'd ask how this account isn't banned yet, but we all know Elon Musk loves mocking underdogs.


Overt Nazi and white supremacist. On their merry way to surpass 100k followers and Elon Musk has no problem letting them spew racist nonsense every day.

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