Top Ten Most Underrated Languages

The Top Ten
1 Portuguese

This has always been one of my favourite languages. So pleasant to listen to

2 French
3 German

It is so poetic and interesting. I love listening to German.

4 Italian
5 Korean

K-Pop and it fans are spreading this language so?

Definitely underrated

6 Japanese

Not underrated due to anime.

Haiku is beautiful poem.

They copied chinese

7 Russian
8 Hungarian
9 Finnish
10 Chinese

It gets a lot of beef for sounding harsh and being hecka hard to learn, but it's a beautiful language with a 5,000 year old culture symbolized within its characters.

The original Chinese is the real Chinese and much better than any dialect of modern Chinese.

The Newcomers

? Hausa
? Galician
The Contenders
11 Spanish
12 Turkish
13 Amharic
14 Persian
15 Tamil
16 English

It's the universal language so why is this on the list?

17 Norwegian
18 Indonesian
19 Thai
20 Pashto

Love this language deeply throughout my heart and soul Pashto will always be with me until the day I die and I will take Pashto to heaven with me.

Beautiful language. The language of warriors.

21 Navajo
22 Bengali
23 Romanian
24 Lithuanian

It's one of the best

25 Arabic
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