Top Ten Underrated Punch Out Characters

Think you know all of these characters? This list was suggested by my own brother.
The Top Ten
1 Mad Clown
2 Mr. Dream
3 Pizza Pasta
4 Dragon Chan
5 Kid Quick
6 Bob Charlie
7 Heike Kagero
8 King Hippo King Hippo is a fictional boxer from Nintendo's Punch-Out!! series. King Hippo first appeared on the Nintendo Entertainment System game Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!, as the second competitor in the Major Circuit.
9 Narcis Prince
10 Piston Hurricane
The Contenders
11 Hoy Quarlow
12 Glass Joe
13 Disco Kid
14 Bear Hugger Bear Hugger is a Canadian lumberjack boxer who first appeared in the arcade version of Super Punch-Out!!
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