Top 10 Useless Infomercial Products

The Top Ten

Basically, a robe that you wear backward.

Tiddy Bear

The real-life Pedo-bear.

Shake Weight

You shake it, and it barely does anything compared to actually lifting weights.

Suckers who bought this!

Bark Off

A device that makes a high-pitched whining noise that's supposed to stop dogs from barking, but all it does is make them go crazy.

Fat Magnet

A "special magnet" that is said to suck up the fat from food. The product simply doesn't work.

Potty Putter

You can now play golf while using the toilet.

Comfort Wipe

Basically, a stick that holds your toilet paper so you can wipe without touching it.

Wearable Towel
Fart Pad

A pad that you put on your underwear to neutralize the smell.

Better Marriage Blanket

A blanket that absorbs your farts.

The Newcomers

? Ped Egg
? Rejuvenique
The Contenders
Uro Club

A golf club that you pee in since there are no restrooms nearby on golf fields. I'd rather go in the bushes.

Squatty Potty

An expensive stool that helps you poop.

Slap Chop
Crank Chop
Facial Flex
Happy Hot Dog Man
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