Top Ten Ways Babies Are Better Than Adults

The Top Ten
1 Babies don't commit crime

Stewie is a fictional character.
You could invent a cartoon about the most evil baby on earth more evil than Stewie go on try.

They will in the future. All adults are just grown-up babies.

They steal. They grab stuff from people all the time.

*cough cough* Stewie *cough*

2 Babies don't drink alcohol

My relatives are Asian and all the men tried to feed the babies alcohol as a joke during family parties

Unless some really dumb person pours alcohol into their bottle instead of milk.

Ever heard of fetal alcohol syndrome?

3 Babies don't smoke

Unless if some really stupid and unstable person gives a baby a cigarette or vape.

4 Babies don't do drugs

It's very likely they will when they grow up.

5 Babies have fun
6 Babies are happy
7 They don't need to study

This list is making me get why adults pretend to be babies.

Eventually they will.

8 Babies are affectionate
9 Babies make people nicer

Absolutely not. The meanest adults I know have them.

10 Babies love the world around them

I hate love and romance

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