Top Ten Pyrrhian Dragons Who Will Probably Play a Major Role in a Future Wings of Fire Story
Gee, that title was long. Spilers for Book 11 (and maybe future books. This is being made one and a half months before Book 12 comes out). Note that this list is purely speculative.Tsunami swam around the world! Of course she is. She might be the next queen of the SeaWings and that WOULD change the future of the story. Tsunami would MAYBE try to reason with her enemies before she attacked, or I don't know, maybe she could be like a normal queen. - Jaguar the RainWing
She swims across the ocean to dragons she wasn't even sure existed (HELLO!). But I don't really like Tsunami
Probably not, as Moon's gonna just come over and take the spotlight for the millionth time.
I have seen comments saying 'Kinkajou may be a protagonist of a future Wings of Fire book'.
Well, Kinkajou is Tui T. Sutherland's favourite character. But she has confirmed that Kinkajou will NOT be a main protagonist of a book.
I am so sorry for people who wishes Kinkajou will be a main protagonist of a future Wings of Fire book.
Thanks! — Leopard the RainWing NightWing hybrid
Okay, everyone, listen up.
For the main characters of the books (Not including Pantala dragons) there have been two of ever tribe exept for Rainwings, Mudwings, and Skywings. Kinkajou was in the jade winglet, so I think it's pretty likely that she'll have her own book. But you also need to consider the Mudwings and the Skywings. (I think I got all the facts right? Sorry if I'm wrong)
Kinkajou needs her own book but if Tui decides to make Kinkajou her own winglet then I won’t complain. Even though it would be fun if Kinkajou got her own book. I also agree with the voters, Kinkajou deserves a bigger role in future books. Please Tui!
Butterfly the Rainwing/Icewing (and princess to the Rainwing throne!)
And also a overly excited and caring and funny and talks-a-lot dragon to make the conversation parts interesting and fun.
She is such a good character. She is in my top ten favorites. I love that she is sarcastic and cheerful and how excitable she is. Even though she is worried. I hope she appears in more books.
- sundew-is-the-best
Lynx is awesome, and I can totally relate to her. Like my parents are like 'go do something' and I'm like 'do I have to? I'm reading!'
Tui said that Lynx would be on the back cover of The Dangerous Gift, so she must have an important role in the book!
Lynx will be on the back cover of book #14, so Lynx will probably have at least somewhat of a role...
-Nightshade of the Leafwings and Nightwings
Moonwatcher will probably play a major role in the series because:
1. She has the long-lost NightWing powers that no one else alive has
2. She defeated a undead huge large animus dragon, or at least she was there for that death
Moonwatcher is going to make up a large part in the series. And can people please only comment on her if you want to talk about her in a good way? Because most of the comments are hate on Moonwatcher. Moonwatcher is also the best character and I never want to let go of her. - Clarity the Animus NightWing
Guys if your gonna vote a dragon then can you at least vote them bc you actually want them to rank up? Seriously the top comments were hate bc y'all don't like that she helped Pantala. LIKE WHAT IS IT do you just want her to sit back, relax and watch it all happen? Also one of you said she had no growth in the books which is DEFINITELY not true 100% because book 6-10 was plenty of moon getting over several fears with a big scary kind reading dragon that's been haunting the nightwings for years name DARK STALKER.
I think the next arc should have peace maker older. It could be about how dark stalker is getting closer to his mind and he finds out his past
Yep, makes sense. Tui actually said that if she makes a 4th arc, the protagonists most likely will be Auklet, Mink, Bumblebee, Cliff and Peacemaker
PEACEMAKER IS SUCH A CUTE TINY CINNAMON ROLL! I can hardly believe that he used to be Darkstalker! I want to see a LOT more of him!
Peacemaker is SO sweet, it would be great if Peacemaker played a bigger part later on
I don't really like Qibli, to be honest, but I think he will have a major role later because he is always seen as smart and perfect.
He has amazing potential and would be great to see just how well he would react in different situations
I just want him and Moon to continue with the story. Everyone else can stay as they are.
WILLOW IS AMAZING! I am a big Sundew x Willow shipper-They are just so cute together! I really really want Willow to play a bigger role!
Willow could have a chance... but Sundew's already had her own book, and it's highly unlikely.
She's been somewhat of a major character, so I think she deserves a role as a main character...
-Nightshade of the Leafwings and Nightwings
She's probably one of my favorite characters introduced in the third arc. I would love if we got her point of view on things! ~Newell
He's off establishing a scavenger sanctuary, but who knows?
Winter's time is up. It was amazing while it lasted.
Winter already had his moments...
But then, Winter is better than Qibli...
-Nightshade of the Leafwings and Nightwings
Umber And Sora need books, so we know where they are.
He is one of the best dragons! I wouldn't be surprised if he played one of the biggest roles in The Dangerous Gift. He'd have to stop getting distracted by snails, though.
He's Peril's twin and he has an interesting story. Dragons with humans? That doesn't happen normally with Wings of Fire.
-Nightshade of the Leafwings and Nightwings
I think this is the dragonet Kestrel so called "killed' I think it's the one with to little fire!
Sky is sooo cute! I really want more of him in the series, and since he is DEFINITELY MOST PROBABLY PERIL’S BROTHER, I really want to see them reunited!
Book 14 will probably be her point of view... but it COULD be Lynx or Snowfall maybe even Luna or Umber or someone we don't know yet
Jerboa II has been featured in some of the other books, but she might become a major player...
-Nightshade of the Leafwings and Nightwings
I'm reading the first book, and I'm right in the middle. Based on what I've read, it seems likely- although I still have many books to read.
Probably, I mean, she already saved the world once.
She might be helpful later...
She just seems to have some unfinished battles in my opinion even though shes a queen
Ok, let’s be real. Glory almost killed Scarlet, became Queen of not one, but TWO TRIBES, and stopped the war with her friends. She is AWESOME.
The next possible heir needs some attention too
She's adorable! And she might be queen!
What if Auklet got her own book, ooooooh! Now that would be a book I would wanna read. What is Auklet really like? I haven’t seen her in the books since the lost heir and moon rising when Anemone went to school.
Butterfly the Rainwing/Icewing (and princess to the Rainwing throne!)
She's been a major player in shaping the storyline, but she's never been really featured in the books. She should get a bigger role...
-Nightshade of the Leafwings and Nightwings
She will probably have book 15, but I want to know more about her!
Yeah, she's one of the only SilkWings that didn't get affected by the Othermind, so most likely.
She'll play a roll in some story. I'm sure of it.
She needs to a bigger role if Tui is going to keep involveing quibly
Acting sandwing queen
Snowfall is great! Best queen in my opinion.
Could be her point of view for book 14!
Protagonist of book 14! Hello!
Bumblebee's a character who's shaped the timeline of Wings of Fire. And besides, it would be interesting to know what she thinks...
Nightshade of the Leafwings and Nightwings
In my opinion Bumblebee will be like, the only one avalible and totally save the day Go Bumblebee (and Snudoo of course)!
Snoodu! Bumblebee is so cute and what if she got her own book? Oooooh! If anyone agrees with me please say so by commenting and saying #Bumblebeeneedsherownbook
Butterfly the Rainwing/Icewing (and princess to the Rainwing throne!)
I think that she might have her own books cover sometime, because I think that she needs to grow a little.
My favorite character! I hope Tamarin loves her back!
Not my favorite, but she's close!
I love Turtle! He's so smart and always does the right thing. Turtle is the best!
He swam across the ocean with his sister
It would be interesting to know what the Othermind thinks about dragons...
-Nightshade of the Leafwings and Nightwings
Unlikely. He's had his moments in books 4 and 9.
It is CONFIRMED that 3 characters from Dragonslayer will be in Book 14, including Wren. So, proof, what's not to love?
Do I even need to explain myself?
Amazing scavenger!