Top 10 Best Wings of Fire Villains

The Wings of Fire series is full of powerful, mysterious, and downright terrifying villains that push the dragon protagonists to their limits. Whether it's a tyrannical queen ruling with an iron claw, a treacherous sibling scheming for the throne, or a powerful ancient force lurking in the shadows, these antagonists are a huge part of what makes the series so gripping. Each villain has their own style, motivations, and unique powers that make them unforgettable - some leave you in awe, while others make you want to throw the book across the room.

But what makes a great villain in Wings of Fire? Is it the sheer strength they wield? Their clever manipulations and mind games? Maybe it's the way they challenge the dragons we root for, forcing them to grow and fight for what they believe in.
The Top Ten

Darkstalker is a villain, but I don't see him as completely evil. True, he did try to commit genocide. But he had a good heart and good intentions at first and just didn't know how to show them. Would you turn evil if you lost your mother, your father was horrible, almost lost your sister, and were betrayed by your best friends in the end? I would.

He was terribly smart and manipulative. He made Moon think that he was innocent to trick her into wanting to let him out. Then he tried to secretly commit genocide. In the end, he died a death worthy of his overall character. I love him though. He's awesome.

Queen Scarlet

She seems evil. She had power over the largest kingdom, a dragon that could kill by contact, and dungeons stuffed with prisoners. She attempted to kill the DoD, plotted revenge when she lost the throne, and was incredibly manipulative.

A Guide to the Dragon World makes her seem like a vain psychopath. I wish we could see her motivations. While she appears evil, she could just be corrupted. She does seem excessively cruel, though. Essentially, she's like a Roman emperor.

Scarlet is my second favorite villain after Darkstalker. What she did was what I would've done. She made her prisoners fight to the death in an arena to dispose of them. Plus, I just love how menacing she is. She likes to play with her victims first before she kills them, which I love about her. If they win too much, she just puts them with Peril and kills them. It's impossible to escape when you're her prisoner (unless you have magical death spit, lol). She doesn't want to take over the world, which I love about her. And she isn't completely bad, like Darkstalker.

I would turn evil if my throne, glory, riches, and almost my life were taken from me. Who wouldn't? (Probably Sunny and Blue, but that's not the point). All she wants is just her rightful spot as queen. - Laurel

Princess Blister

Would you consider her as a villain? It's tricky.

She wants what she was born for. "Never give up," that's what people always tell me. She never did. She fought desperately for it. But she had a "way" of getting it. Being sly and desperate. Being intelligent is her way of winning. Should taking away from others to improve your own tribe be considered selfish?

If Blister is a villain, all the queens should be.

She is my favorite villain in all of Wings of Fire. Please don't come at me, but Blister is my favorite sister out of all three of them. And yes, I am aware she cared for nothing or any dragon. Well, she cared for nothing except being queen. I am quite mad at her for just watching with a smirk as dragons panicked because of her dragonbite vipers she set loose.

All in all, she is pretty greedy, evil, and smart. (Pretty evil)

Queen Wasp

I hated Queen Wasp because I wanted to kill her from the start of the third arc. I think Tui did a great job making her because aren't you supposed to want to kill the villain?

Anyway, I also thought she was the best and evilest villain.

- Moonbli4life

Queen Wasp is currently my favorite Wings of Fire character. I voted for her because she made a partnership with Cottonmouth/The Breath of Evil, stabbed unhatched dragonets in their eggs so that she can control them, and destroyed all the trees except for the Poison Jungle.

She lied about the Book of Clearsight and nearly wiped out the entire LeafWing tribe. However, in her earlier queen years, I agree that she may have been another Snowfall, but without a Lynx to help her. She may have thought that the only way to survive was to be the most evil and control all other threats.


Well, I guess she just wanted to be Queen because her mother has been the Queen for such a long time. But she's literally like Blister! She's a princess who wants to be Queen! And she literally made a statue that's been killing the female heirs for YEARS!

Then she challenged her mother for the throne and thought, "Oh, I'll win this!" Until, you know, the tail stab. But no one can be something forever... but maybe 4 dragons? Anyway, maybe if she met Tsunami or Anemone or Auklet, she might've changed. Anyway, this is my opinion.


Okay, this guy has got to be my favorite villain ever. He's a complete rebel! So he's going insane from his animus magic, but then his sister, Queen Lagoon, says she doesn't need him anymore because now she has a newer and better animus, Fathom.

Albatross is just like, get wrecked, and enchants a knife and stabs her! This guy has no rules!

But then, he looks at the knife he just stabbed his Queen with and is like, Oh, this could be a fun game. So when the SkyWings try to escape, he just stabs them as well! And then he decides to go on a killing rampage and kill his whole family!

Lagoon and her sister Sapphire were complete jerks to him when he was younger, so in my opinion, Lagoon deserved it. I never liked her anyway. Albatross deserves to at least be number 3.

- Darkshade The NightWing and RainWing


This guy is shady, a huge jerk, ruined Clay's, Sunny's, Glory's, and Starflight's lives. (He technically saved Tsunami's life because she was a princess and would've been killed, but still, he is a jerk.) I got SO MAD when the prophecy turned out to be not real. He is the biggest jerk there is.

He's a cool subversion of the wise prophet trope.

He's a cold imperialist who justifies his horrible actions by telling himself he serves the tribe. A cunning and badass antagonist.

He isn't too bad. Morrowseer allied with Blister, which was a very good idea since she's the smart one.

The entire series of events in The Dragonet Prophecy was because of him and Queen Battlewinner.


He placed a ton of bombs and brought in Chameleon, one of my other votes, disguised as a MudWing to blame it on that tribe instead of him. He tried to replace Thorn with Onyx, who would repay him in some sort of power in return, and got rid of that plan when he found out that Darkstalker was King of the NightWings. Can you even imagine King Vulture of the SandWings? NO! Vulture made his whole family suffer as well.

- Vitality the NightWing

Vulture should have been used slightly more, maybe as a pre-villain before Darkstalker as he only appears later in the arc. But I still think he is a very good villain, especially because he's connected to Qibli's past.

The Othermind

I LOVE Cottonmouth as a villain! He's smart, clever, and just plain cruel, to name a few of his traits. So, he's one of the best villains. His character is basically the embodiment of the traits a villain needs!

I think he should be 3rd because I honestly like Darkstalker and Scarlet better as villains... but still, Cottonmouth is a fairly good villain!

-Snowleaf The Ice-Silk-Leaf-Rain-Nightwing

P.S. I know my hybrid is over the top, but these are my favorite tribes.

Why is this THING so far down!? For starters, it's a murderer. It tried to kill Cricket and was also going to kill Willow.

Secondly, it mind-controls dragons into doing what it wants! It takes away dragons' futures and turns them into what it wants. I mean, look at what it's making Blue do in The Dangerous Gift!

Also, when the tribes first came to Pantala, they obviously needed a new home. They tried to settle in, but then the THING turns bugs feral to attack them. They dig into their scales while they're sleeping, and then it sends wasps and bees to sting them, crows to peck at their eyes, and more and more creatures.

And you're telling me that this THING is seriously number 6!? It should AT LEAST be higher than that grumpy old jerk Morrowseer!

- Darkshade of the NightWings and RainWings


I don't think she is very bad. She was just trying to get her brother back.

Imagine your sibling suddenly disappears, and you don't know where he is. Someone tells you they know where he is, and you'd do anything to help him, right? Right?

I'm just saying! Anyway, that's what siblings do.

Icicle is the coolest (pun intended). She's very determined, and everyone should really love her.

My cool (pun intended lol) awesome icy gal. I used to hate her, but seeing why she was the way she was made me change my mind about her. She wasn't evil, just desperate to save her brother and please her family.

9/10 Overall

- Lynx of the IceWings

The Newcomers

? Queen Narissa Queen Narissa is the main antagonist from Disney's 2007 feature hybrid film Enchanted, and is the stepmother of Prince Edward.
? Sundew
The Contenders
Princess Burn

So much personality! So unique! She does so much in so little time. Really, she feels like the mark of a well-developed character, having their own little quirks outside of jobs and roles in the story. Everyone can make an artist who likes art, but it takes a truly good character to reach outside of their job and role as a character to develop hobbies and personality.

I never really liked Burn that much, but they are just so much more convincing than a lot of the characters in these books.

She should be higher on this list. True, Blister is more evil, but Burn should be closer to her on the list. How did Anemone place higher than Burn when Burn did basically what Anemone did, but to more dragons?


As much as we agree that Whirlpool is a jerk, let's admit that it's kinda fun reading his lines in whatever disgusting voice we imagine him with.

He's my second favorite character in Wings of Fire because I have so much fun reading in his voice.

Whirlpool isn't exactly evil, but he's extremely selfish. He wants to be king so badly, so all he does is ooze over how amazing Queen Coral's work is. I hate him. He's got a stupid goopy personality and a stupid goopy face too.

- Sunrise (Rain/Sand Hybrid)

OMG, I hate him so much, and he is the worst at teaching aquatic. He is stupid and wants to be king when he doesn't even deserve to be. He is so gross. I was very happy when he died!

Queen Coral

Coral is definitely evil, no matter how much she's been through. She painfully murders any dragon who fails to guard her eggs, doesn't care about her sons, treated Riptide horribly just because of his father, and basically ruined Anemone's life by being so overprotective.

In general, she is way too harsh on her subjects and doesn't care about any of them. For example, in book two, when her soldiers come back horribly wounded, she only complains that they are dripping blood on her carpet and doesn't get them medical attention until Tsunami reminds her.


Maple, the LeafWing-SkyWing


She has a very interesting mind. If I were an animus RainWing, I would've controlled her. What I would've done is sound charming, like Darkstalker, and then ask her a lot of questions.

Would she want to challenge her mother and kill her sisters? If the answer is yes, I would've told her that I would help her challenge her mother for the throne if she served me and Queen Scarlet until Queen Scarlet killed Ruby and Glory.

I enjoy controlling other people, and my characteristics are most like Darkstalker's and Queen Scarlet's. You should put me as the best villain in first place because my evil soul is super evil!


Mastermind isn't bad. He was just doing what he was told, like Peril was. And plus, he was expanding dragon knowledge. There's nothing bad about that!

People: He only did what he was told! He's not bad.

Me: Ahem, Queen Wasp, Morrowseer. They were both just doing what they were told. Why is Mindreader any better than them?

He's not that bad, but still, he never once questioned his orders. He never once went, "I shouldn't be hurting other dragons like this."


I totally agree. Fierceteeth is just jealous of Starflight because he's in the prophecy and she's not. Also, she makes this clear in the beginning of Dark Secret.

I hated her when I read The Brightest Night, and I hate her more now that I've read Winglets: Prisoners. What a vain, ignorant, selfish dragon.

- Frostflower (Rain/Ice hybrid)

Just upset because her mother ignored her after Starflight was born, but I don't think she was truly evil.


I don't care what people say, I love him. He's selfish and he just wants to be everything he's not. He's an absolutely terrible person and I love him! He doesn't need to be some over-the-top, OP control freak to be a good villain. He has all the power of Pyrrhia in his claws and he doesn't use it wisely! And that's fine because not every villain needs to be some intense, psychopathic intellectual. He's a failure and an idiot, but he has a place in my heart. His whole being is a masterpiece. Underrated.

He has a kind of tragic story. Betrayed by his tribe because he didn't have a natural ability, he finds Darkstalker's scroll to make himself a different dragon for each tribe and started working for Queen Scarlet. I just think it's cool.


She's not evil. She just wants to care about her mother, that's all. Nothing else. Her thoughts may be a little bit twisted, but she's not evil.

Look, he was taken away from his family, hurt by a SandWing, and chained up by Darkstalker. He just needs love, that's all.

He's really misguided. I don't think he was really evil because he cared about his mother.

Queen Diamond

She's pretty evil, that's hard to deny. She enchanted a crown to make all future queens hate NightWings to keep the war going forever, I guess. She also wanted Arctic to kill his own dragonets. I don't think she should have expected him to do that.

She also trapped Foeslayer and made an enchantment so she could kill her 40 times! Foeslayer got killed too many times to count. If that's not evil, what is? -Catfish the SeaWing

I don't think Queen Diamond is that evil. Wouldn't you want revenge on your enemy? She was willing to let him back in, even though that would be an unforgivable crime.

Queen Diamond told Arctic to kill Whiteout and Darkstalker because she didn't want to give animus magic to the NightWings. She knew they didn't understand the dangers of animus magic, so they could easily wipe out her tribe.

Queen Battlewinner

Okay, I know she's a bad queen and is evil! But honestly, she's cool. And sorry to people who like Battlewinner, I think she wasn't exactly smart when she heaved herself out of the lava without remembering she would freeze.

P.S. I think sitting in lava is awesome, and she is my favorite character and villain in the books.

She's actually kind of cool. I don't like Battlewinner, but some of the pictures in the 4th graphic novel of her are cool. Other than that, she protected her tribe by torturing another. She protected a tribe by planning to invade another tribe's kingdom.

She might be trying to save them from torture, but that's not the right way.

Prince Arctic

Another edgy ice boi. He's been my favorite villain for a while now, and simply for that, I say that he wasn't evil. He was a kind dragon, changed by the standards of IceWing society.

10/10 Overall

- Lynx of the IceWings -

He is not evil. Yes, he started a war. And yes, he fathered Darkstalker. But was that his fault? He didn't start the war.

- Nightstalker the NightWing

I basically fell in love with him too, mostly because he's like Winter, and I like Winter.

Silversnow (IceWing and NightWing hybrid)


He almost killed Glory and kidnapped her, which is Glory's fault for going out looking for a monster. But Tsunami is a better character. But still, I agree he should burn in hell, but also get a reward for kidnapping Glory.

Go Tsunami!

- Tsunami of the Seawings

I am a boy, don't hate me.

Queen Magnificent

Wow. I can't even tell why Magnificent was queen. Mangrove came to her every day for Orchid, and every time she acted like it was something new.

Once Glory found the missing RainWings (spoiler alert), Magnificent was all, "Oh, there are fourteen dragons missing? Why should I care, we've got thirty more dragons that will totally not disappear like those ones." I think she has a mental illness (pun intended).

- Sunrise (Rain/Sand Hybrid)

She's not really evil per se, but what she does in The Hidden Kingdom about the captured RainWing problem makes me want to strangle her.

"What's the matter with you?! Your subjects are captured, and you're just sitting on your lazy butt and not doing anything! Seriously, girl!"


Honestly, I hate Qibli. He is so annoying, and Cobra is an assassin. She is better than Vulture, and she is like the best character (besides Freedom).

She was an abusive mom to Qibli. Even when he was being nice, she yelled at him. She also shaped Socorro and Rattlesnake.

Just saying, I love assassins. They are so mysterious and mostly live in the Scorpion Den.


Peril's mother (I love Peril!). To be honest, I never hated her, even though she was cruel in battle training.

Only problem is, why is Kestrel even on here? She's not even evil.

P.S. I feel sorry for her, even though she's not one of my favorites.

Kestrel is one of the biggest jerks ever to walk the planet. She wanted to kill Glory. She chained up Tsunami and treated the Dragonets like dirt.

Kestrel isn't evil. Stupid Queen Scarlet and Chameleon/Soar made her become this way.

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