Worst Game of Thrones Characters

What are worst Game of Thrones characters ever? Either in terms of how annoying they are, or how evil they are.
The Top Ten
1 Ramsay Bolton Ramsay Bolton, also known as Ramsay Snow, is a fictional character in the A Song of Ice and Fire series of fantasy novels by American author George R. R. Martin, and its television adaptation Game of Thrones.

In my opinion he is an awesome addition he just adds so much to the books/series. yes he is evil and insane but imagine how flat some of the scenes would be without him. in the series he's just mental which makes him so much of a good, but bad, addition.

I love the fact that he's so cute in appearance, but so evil and malevolent in his deeds. The first time I saw him, he really deceived me with his cute aura.

I want to throw something at the T.V. whenever I see this guy's face. So frustrating, fake, sadistic and evil! Never thought I'd say this but I prefer Joffrey over this stupid Ramsay Snow bastard.

I don't know how he got so high, I thought he was an incredibly deep cool and especially likeable character.

2 Joffrey Baratheon Joffrey Baratheon is a fictional character in the A Song of Ice and Fire series of fantasy novels by American author George R. R. Martin, and its television adaptation Game of Thrones.

Joffrey is undoubtedly a detestable character, but an excellent villain. We know a villain is good when we love hating him. The actor who played him was excellent, because from start to finish, I hated Joffrey.

A good character is someone we can take interest in, or feel something for them. A great villain can easily make us detest them for proper reasons. Joffrey was a great villain and a good character for what he was.

There are some villains that are interesting and everyone loves them but Joffrey is one of those villains that everyone hates for obvious reasons. Because he is an evil stuck-up brat.

Jack Gleeson is an amazing actor. He was the best choice to play Joffrey because he was so good that everyone hated him. It's sad he quit show business after this part, but I guess it wasn't a bad idea considering he was on top

3 Daenerys Targaryen Daenerys Targaryen is a fictional character in George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series of novels, as well as the television adaptation.

Tyrannical wannabe monarch. Preaches freedom but demands fidelity. If you do bend the knee to her, she will crush you. Or have someone else do it for her. She is not a warrior and not a good leader. She has only arrived where she is by enlisting those stronger and wiser than she is. I have never really been a fan of hers - bumbling around the desert. Free slaves? That's great! But, they are just now servants in her personal war that will claim many of their own lives. Her first encouter with Jon really did itfor me. What an arrogant and naive brat she is. You don't know me, and I just showed up here... "birthright," "bend the knee! " Who gives a crap! Let me use your dragons and keep quiet. And man she does love hearing all her titles.

I stopped rooting for her after the first season. She hasn't really done anything good except freeing the slaves, but even that was only good for the slaves. For everyone else she pretty much wrecked the economy of Slaver's Bay. She stole the unsullied army to make them fight in a war they don't really believe in. She acts super entitled all the time, even though she has made virtually no good decisions on her own and has had everything handed to her. She knows nothing of politics in westeros and thinks she can just barge in and say "I have dragons, now give me the throne" even though the Targaryen dynasty officially ended so there are many who have far more legitimate claims to the throne than she does. Hell, even Gendry has a better claim. All in all, just a spoiled brat that everyone loves for some reason.

Aside from the horrible wooden acting from Emilia Clarke, the character is the most Disney princess, cotton candy, chocolate bunny, phony character in the show and brings the entire series down a few levels. When she's upset she just whines like a teenager and (same goes for Sansa) never sounds like an adult. She tries way too hard and worsens an already cheesy character with the cheesiest lines. Good for a prepubescent maybe but this show shouldn't pander to tweeny boppers.

Definitely the worst character in the series. She's the opposite of everything the writers want her to be and in my opinion her whole storyline is unecessary at best. Other characters carry her forward while worshipping her for absolutely no logical reason. Whole armies follow her because... I don't know, maybe because she won't burn? Very disappointing storyline, it held some potential but it was lost very early into the series

4 Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish Petyr Baelish, nicknamed Littlefinger, is a fictional character in the A Song of Ice and Fire series of fantasy novels by American author George R. R. Martin, and its television adaptation Game of Thrones.

The greatest player of the game. He took major part in every big event in the show, nothing would have happened without him. The most dangerous, sure, but not the worst.

You can say a lot about Joff, but at least he wasn't a pedophile. Petyr is creepy and manipulative to the daughter of the woman he was obsessed with and the man he betrayed. Just very eww. *shudder*

That's kind of strange, but I actually liked him...

5 Cersei Lannister Cersei Lannister is a fictional character created by American author George R. R. Martin. She is a prominent point of view character in Martin's award-winning A Song of Ice and Fire series, and also a main character in HBO's adaptation of the series, Game of Thrones.

Probably one of the most useless, one dimensional characters in the show that's just their for the "Oh my gosh, that's so bad," aspect. I'm astounded that someone says that she's well-written, that's hogwash. Her continued existence in the show makes her all the more irrelevant, and I find it ironic that the whole point shows hidden message of, "Everyone can die" with this character (along with others) is still in existence. They make it seem like she's so smart when everything she does is so stupid and the consequences are predictable. I understand that there are other "evil" characters like Ramsay Bolton and Petyr Baelish, but at least there isn't a massive failure of an attempt to flesh them out and give them some kind of meaning to why their in the show.

"She's a collective archetype of all negative traits ascribed to a woman in the Middle Ages" - don't remember the source, but seems close enough.

She's evil but at least she's well written with more than one dimension. Unlike Daenerys, who is just flat.

I love Cersei, the guy who made the comment that she's "one dimensional" must be an idiot.

6 Walder Frey Walder Frey is a fictional character in the A Song of Ice and Fire series of fantasy novels by American author George R. R. Martin, and its television adaptation Game of Thrones.

He was responsible for the Red Wedding and every time he opens his mouth I want to punch him in the throat so he can't talk.

Man, bring this dude back just to die. He dosen't just get to kill off 4 of my favorite characters and just disapear.

He killed so many people! He should be at least number 5!

He killed the one and only king Robb Stark.

7 Gregor "The Mountain" Clegane Ser Gregor Clegane, nicknamed The Mountain, is a fictional character in the A Song of Ice and Fire series of fantasy novels by American author George R. R. Martin, and its television adaptation Game of Thrones.

Killing Oberon aside, there's nothing interesting about this meathead. There's not one character trait he has outside of his stature and brutality.

Big, evil, and brutish: there is nothing friendly about this character.

There's nothing more to say about this character than "HULK SMASH! "

Boring & overrated

8 Theon Greyjoy

The worst character doesn't necessarily have to be the most evil. Personally I think characters like Cersei and Littlefinger contribute a lot to the plot and they're awesome characters even though I hate them. They're the type of characters to love to hate. But Theon is a character you hate to hate. He just doesn't bring much to the table as a character.

He's a coward. There have been enough moments of redemption for him and he didn't take any. He only made things worse.

Pathetic and traitorous, Theon causes a lot of grief throughout the series, and has few redeeming qualities.

Is it weird that I really liked him until his character transformed into Reek?

9 Tommen Baratheon

- Manipulative religious fanatic brad. Wears a crown but has no guts at all. Not able to defend his wife, nor his mother, but calling himself protector of the realm... Joining forces with the very same old whit that diminished his credibility and power, as much as his queen and queen mother. Tommen is a little boy, full of fear of the grown ups, and unable to get some courage.. Hope Margaery strucks him with a knife on the back in his sleep.

He's useless, that's all!

10 Melisandre

She used to be good. Then the show removed the naked women and because of that they have ruined her best part. Can she just die now

Best looking one by far but also the worst.

I just can't stand that woman

I love how people are hating her for how Stannis turned out.

The Contenders
11 Euron Greyjoy
12 Stannis Baratheon Stannis Baratheon is a fictional character in the A Song of Ice and Fire series of fantasy novels by American author George R. R. Martin, and its television adaptation Game of Thrones.

I never liked Stannis, even before he burnt his beloved daughter. I'm glad Tyrion, Bronn, Podrick, the Hound, Tywin and others defended King's Landing from him. I'm glad Davos saved Gendry from being killed for Stannis's sake. I'm glad Mance didn't bend the knee to him. And, most of all, I'm glad Brienne killed him.

See, not even Darth Vader could kill his son. And yet here comes Sean Connery over here burning his daughter alive because some Arianna Grande' wannabe with an obscene obsession with arsonism told him, "Oh, don't worry about it, you'll win if you do it, dude" And ended up getting killed for something he forgot about doing back in season 2. Technically it wasn't even him. But be that as it may, when Brienne makes him confess, he had like an "Oh yeah" moment about killing his brother with a demon baby birthed by Arianna. Man, "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 2" could've been so much better. Wait, wha-! Game of who?

Yeah, I don't like this guy. He has the personality of a lobster, (Props to Loras for saying what was on my mind. ) and is way too easily manipulated. Melisandre has him wrapped around her finger. Any person who is that easily seduced will not make a good king in my opinion. He is perfectly okay with using black magic to be on the Iron Throne and his ego is so big he can't ever listen to more mindful people over himself. All hail Daenerys, the one true ruler of Westeros.

I don't get why Stannis get's so much hate. He's the most misunderstood character on the show, and almost everything he does is for what he believes is the greater good.

13 Bran Stark

Brand Stark is what I will be calling all Game of Thrones merchandise from now on.

His character is just really boring all he does is dream and wake up

2% of people voted for a misspelling of bran stark

Just so so boring

14 Jaqen H'gar

He needs to pay for blinding arya!

15 Sansa Stark Sansa Stark is a fictional character created by American author George R. R. Martin. She is a prominent character in Martin's award-winning A Song of Ice and Fire series.

Its really her fandom that gives me a bad taste in my mouth, what makes her a good character in the later books is that she was a horrible one in the first book, and they like to deny it, excuse it, and overall refuse to see her faults.. One of the things that fascinates me about her is that she is not an angel, almost everything she does is very self serving (good on her! ) and they refuse to see that, which makes anything I read about her disgusting..

I cannot stand sansa. I understand her plight, and feel for her. She is simply trying to make it by until she can finally catch a break. But her personality is ATROCIOUS. She is the epitome of a condescending brat; she'd fit into a sorority quite well! Even in season 5, when you think she would have learned her place, she obviously thinks herself better than Myranda and the Lady who brings her Brienne's message. Horrible as this may be, I have actually grown to like Peter Baelysh because of his manipulation of Sansa.

She's incapable of distinguishing between ballads and poems and the real world, a bafflingly bad judge of character and in willful denial about what's happening around her. And it's even worse in the books. In her egotism about wanting to be married to a prince (like in the ballads! ), she gives away Neds plan to leave for Winterfell to Cersey to win her favor and pretty much causes the deaths of Eddard and the entire Winterfell household at King's Landing, playing a huge role in igniting the war of the four kings, all for a childish fantasy. It defies all reason how someone can be so stupid and incompetent.
It's a testament to the genius of the actress who plays her that I hate her just as much in the show.

She's not too bad in the books but she's absolutely unbearable in the show. I think it's a combination of the character and the actress who plays her.

16 Allister Thorne

I'm glad he remained for the time he did, and his (spoilers) death was fitting and wrapped his story up neatly. That said, this guy was antagonizing Jon well before he even knew the guy and was an all around pain to look upon.

17 Olly

I can understand his reasons for opposing Jon (what with the wildlings and his tragic past and all), but for gods sake he didn't have to KILL him!

Worst character EVER

18 Ellaria Sand

Just a complete waste of a potentially good character.

19 Roose Bolton

Contributed to the Red Wedding and killed Robb Stark. A traitor who deserved his death at the hands of his even more sadistic son.

Number 22? Are you kidding? He did the Red Wedding!

He started the whole flaying tradition.

20 Renly Baratheon
21 Rickon Stark

Annoying and weak, there never was a more useless character in the history of television. Topping that with terrible acting skills.

Least significant of the Stark family. It is hard to understand why the author has introduced him to the show in the first place.

Most annoying character

Good bye stark heir...dead

22 High Sparrow The High Sparrow is a fictional character in the A Song of Ice and Fire series of high fantasy novels by American author George R. R.
23 Janos Slynt Janos Slynt is a fictional character in the A Song of Ice and Fire series of fantasy novels by American author George R. R. Martin, and its television adaptation Game of Thrones.

One of the few characters who deserves to be on this list

Jon showed him, though.

24 Talisa Stark

Boring, boring, a stereotype, a cliche, and also boring.

Annoying trope

Classic Mary Sue. Entitled, pretentious, and boring. Just really really annoying. At some points I wanted her death more than Joffery. The idiot ruined Robb.

Arrogant, entitled, caused so many people to die.

25 Viserys Targaryen Viserys Targaryen is a fictional character in the A Song of Ice and Fire series of fantasy novels by American author George R. R. Martin, and its television adaptation Game of Thrones.

Why is he so low? Very despicable character

I was so happy when he died.

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