Top 10 Worst Years from The 20th Century

The Top Ten
1 1939

1939 was MUCH worse than 1945. The war ended in 1945, though shortages and some rationing continued for several more years, especially in the UK.

2 1945

I'm not voting this as the worst year. The war ended and whilst there was still rationing and sadness (as well as relief an elation) the whole of the 1940s was a much better era than modern times; there was more equality, more togetherness. People were less selfish, things went at a much calmer, slower pace. Neighbours helped each other more. I'd much rather live during the mindless, pointless war of the 40s than the mindless, pointless violence of today. These days are far, far worse.

3 1941
4 1914
5 1942
6 1943
7 1933
8 1944

The war was raging on brutally, but the D-Day invasion at Normandy was one of the greatest achievements of all time.

9 1940
10 1929

The Great Depression in the US began and lasted for about 10 years.

The Contenders
11 1949
12 1999
13 1924
14 1912
15 1994
16 1955
17 1937
18 1968
19 1963
20 1918
21 1965
22 1992
23 1995
24 1980
25 1916
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