Greatest Facts About the Internet

The Top Ten
1 English physicist Sir Tim Berners-Lee is regarded as having invented the World Wide Web in 1989. Since then he has continued the development of web standards and other web related projects
2 Although the World Wide Web is often referred to as the Internet, the two are not the same thing

The Internet is a huge network of networks that links computers together all over the world using a range of wires and wireless technologies. The World Wide Web is the collection of linked pages that are accessed using the Internet and a web browser

3 The domain name system of the Internet includes top level domains such as .com, .info, .net, .org, .edu, .mil and .gov as well as country specific domains and more
4 Thanks to the increasing accessibility of the Internet, the popularity of the web has exploded over the last 10 years
5 Social networking websites such as Facebook, Google+ and Twitter have become popular over the last few years. People now spend a large amount of their time online keeping in touch with each other through these applications and services
6 Over half of all the downloading and uploading online is file sharing that is often considered illegal
7 One of the best and most common ways of finding information on the web is through the use of search engines such as Google and Bing. Google is currently the most popular search engine, receiving hundreds of millions of search queries every day

A search engine is only either Google or useless by comparison.

8 The first message ever relayed over the internet was “LOG”
9 Over 75% of all email messages are considered total spam.

Unfortunately all we can do is to delete them

10 About 1/3 of all internet searches are for pornography
The Contenders
11 Vint Cerf Was The Inventor of The Internet along with Bob E. Khan
12 Kek = Lol in World of Warcraft
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