Top Ten Crazy But Excellent Things To Flavour With Chocolate

I adore chocolate, and I would have it in almost anything, but what would be the ideal thing to add chocolate to?
The Top Ten
1 Creme Brulee

I've actually had chocolate creme brulee before. It's delicious, and it needs to get out to the world. It would make that person rich as hell.

2 Toothpaste

I just hope it's good for your teeth, which, surely, is the purpose of toothpaste.

3 Marshmallow

As opposed to simply dipping marshmallows in chocolate.

I have s'mores whenever I go camping.
Although I don't like camping, I love eating s'mores

4 Gummy Bears
5 Tea
6 Pancakes

Pancakes have been topped with them before, but why not toss some chocolate into the batter?

7 Lemonade

Some tangy flavor will definitely enhance the quality of chocolates.

8 Bread
9 Shortcake
10 Popcorn

It's been coated, but not flavoured with chocolate.

The Contenders
11 Hummus
12 Ice Cream
13 Potato Chips
14 Water
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