Top Ten Words Added to the Dictionary In 2014

The Top Ten
1 Selfie

I can give it one thing. The selfie is the most human thing anyone has ever done. At least its not indecent and repulsive like twerking is.

For loners who have no-one to take the pictures.

It's sad that this is actually a real word now.

Selfie is now a real word... Wow.

2 Fangirl

Respectfully so. I am a professional fangirl.

I'm in the dictionary! My name is biggestfangirlinthewholeworld!

Ha! I just find this one hilarious!

I hate fangirls so much!

3 Dubstep

It actually took until 2014? It's been around for so long.

4 Unfriend

This doesn't surprise me

As in social media.

5 Turducken

A chicken stuffed into a duck stuffed into a Turkey. Yep, I'll definitely being using this word in my everyday conversations.

A chicken stuffed into a duck stuffed into a Turkey? Weird...

Its not really an everyday word...

6 Baby bump

I haven't heard of this word for a while.

7 Auto-tune
8 Hashtag

#I can't believe this word is in the dictionary

9 Spoiler alert

This is cool. I never knew its an actual word.

10 Hot Spot

As in a wireless Internet connection. "new sense" means that it was already a word, but it now has another meaning.

When I hear 'hotspot' I think of birding hotspots, places where many species of birds have been seen.

This is what the world has come to...

The Contenders
11 Lol
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