Top 10 Best Inuyasha Characters

The Top Ten
Sesshomaru He is the older half-brother of the hanyō Inuyasha and the firstborn son of Tōga.

Unlike many other yōkai, Sesshōmaru had no interest in possessing even a single shard of the Shikon Jewel to enhance his powers and considered yōkai who sought its abilities only to strengthen themselves as... read more

I'm surprised I never added a comment to this sooner. Sesshomaru is hands down the best character in Inuyasha. Don't get me wrong. I love Inuyasha's character, and I love him as a main character, but I enjoyed Sesshomaru's character far more.

I've read some comments saying Sesshomaru should be the main character, but I disagree. Sesshomaru is an amazing supporting character, and having him as a supporting character makes him much more mysterious and appealing. If he were the main character, the mysteriousness would most likely disappear because with that much screen time, he would become too easy to understand.

A lot of people like him because he is hot, but my reasons are different. He is such a complex and hard-to-understand character, which makes him really fun to try to figure out. One of the first questions I wondered about him was whether he really hated Inuyasha. Guess what, guys? He doesn't. Newsflash: Inuyasha was alive for 200 years before he got that sword. If Sesshomaru really wanted him dead, he would have killed him somewhere in that period. Not to mention the numerous times when Sesshomaru had an opportunity to kill him but didn't.

So, face the facts, guys. Sesshomaru never hated or wanted to kill Inuyasha. They are siblings. They simply don't get along, much like real siblings. It makes their relationship much more realistic, don't you think?

Anyway, the leading role in the story undoubtedly belongs to Inuyasha and should never be changed to someone else, even a character as great as Sesshomaru. But the best character, without a doubt, is Sesshomaru.


Inuyasha is my top character because of his excellent character development. He starts out as a bad-tempered, cold, arrogant, and unfriendly character, particularly because he thought that Kikyo had betrayed him and broken his heart all those years ago.

Throughout the series, with the help of his friends and other companions, we see him start to truly develop as a character. He learns to care about protecting his newfound family and to seek justice, not only vengeance for his and Kikyo's sake. He learns about the kindness of others and finds within himself a kind and understanding side as well.

By the end of the series, Inuyasha is still recognizable as himself but has changed in many ways compared to the beginning of the story.


Kagome is truly admirable because of how she strives to help everyone. She helped Inuyasha learn to love again. Inuyasha was in a bad state due to his heart being broken by Kikyo. Thanks to Kagome, he gradually became a kinder and more selfless individual.

She helped form their group of companions. Without Kagome's persistent, compassionate spirit, Shippo, Miroku, Sango, and Kirara would never have been able to come together to ultimately defeat Naraku at the end of their long journey. In the end, it was all because of Kagome's wish that the Sacred Jewel was destroyed and Naraku gone for good. Nothing could have begun or ended without Kagome.


All Kagura wanted was her freedom. She was chained to Naraku for the entirety of the series, and even on the verge of death, she was still tied to him since she was murdered by his hands. She has great character development and is a villain who isn't truly bad, making her one of the most lovable characters by far.

In many ways, she reminds me of Kagome. Both are strong-willed and aren't afraid to get what they want. They won't stand for injustice, especially against Naraku, and are strong in their respective powers. Kagura relates to most of the other characters in the anime as well, such as Sesshomaru. He is also one of those characters who isn't truly bad.

Kagura deserved better than what she got. She deserved to get her freedom and enjoy it, as well as live a long, happy life free from Naraku.


Sango is the best character. She has the saddest story in Inuyasha and in any other anime, for that matter. She is stronger than everybody else because she has more to deal with than anyone else. And with no mystical powers, she is capable of sensing dark forces and has great intuition.

She is very lovely, beautiful, and strong enough to bear as many babies as Miroku wants. Even 20 babies don't seem to be a problem for her. She is cute like that.

She has a very sad story. She has only Kohaku, but he is under Naraku's control. I think she has a very strong heart and can defend herself. Her story touches me the most.


Kikyo used to be a bad person, and I hated her a lot. But when I finished Inuyasha, I thought back about her and realized she wasn't so bad after all. I think in the final act, Inuyasha finally loved Kagome more than Kikyo because he said he was born to meet her and all that stuff.

Kikyo and Inuyasha do make a good match because they have a lot in common. They have people who are scared of them, they were lonely, and then they finally met each other. A great love story. But before all that, I think Inuyasha was seriously obsessed with Kikyo. If you've finished watching the final act, you would've seen the way he kissed Kikyo compared to the way he kissed Kagome. There's not much movement. I still like Kagome more than Kikyo.


He's one of my five favorite characters in the series! He's extremely powerful, funny, and then absolutely hilarious when he's struggling with mathematics. Too bad he's sexist, though. He thinks girls aren't worth fighting because they're too weak, huh? Let's see how he would fare against Android 18! She would stomp him with extreme ease!

I love his flamboyant self. He's quite pretty too. I literally thought he was female at first.

He's really funny yet extremely powerful. It's fun to see him struggle with mathematics.


He's so brave and tenacious but knows when to run away! He is completely confident in himself. Even someone like Inuyasha, who at first seems very confident because of how brash he is, doesn't compare to Koga in terms of confidence. Inuyasha covers up his insecurity with a bold exterior, but Koga is self-assured through and through. He's very mature in that way.

He's also really a nice guy, and the way he loves Kagome is so sweet. He should be in the top 5 at least!

Oh, Koga. Beautiful Koga. He is a masterpiece to behold. Many people legit hate the dub, but I love his voice in the dub. He is a work of art. Yes, he is beauty and grace and will steal Kagome. That speed, though, makes him all the more exhilarating.


He is just so funny! The I want you to bear me a son line still cracks me up when I think about it. Plus, he is so nice to Kagome. Since Inuyasha is rarely nice to her, she deserves a guy like Miroku.

He is literally hilarious. Whenever he becomes a pervert and Sango slaps him, all I can do is laugh.

He always makes you laugh when he flirts with girls. Plus, he has a wind tunnel!


Totally hot. He should hang out with Sesshomaru and make their own Band of Two or something. Makes sense, doesn't it? Sesshomaru is the strongest demon, and Bankotsu is the strongest human. Plus, they're the hottest of their races.

A wasted character with so much potential to evolve into a good ally. The design is very distinguished. I thought he was one of the key characters in Inuyasha.

That voice! I can't help thinking of Trunks whenever he appears!

The Newcomers

? Jinenji
? Tessaiga
The Contenders

I love her! She's so pretty and, like her sister, she always longs for freedom. She helped everyone defeat Naraku, and she looks so emotionless, but deep down she's really kind and does know how to love. She's also ultra-powerful with her mirror, and I'm proud to say that she's my favorite character in Inuyasha!

Why is Kanna so low? She's as great as her sister Kagura. Both yearned for freedom.


Kirara is the only reason I even watched this show.


Shippo is the cutest character ever!

He's cute and adorable! He's very funny!


Best character ever! Without Naraku, there would be no show.

He is cute. I mean hot, but he is downright evil.

He is the best villain! I give him #6.


Dude, this girl is amazing! More than anything, I want there to be a spin-off show just for Rin. She's an even better main character than Kagome. Rin is a really smart girl, super sweet, and believe it or not, she's done more for the show than Kagome ever has. She turned Sesshomaru, one of the biggest threats, into a much more reasonable character.

She's obviously the most open-minded. Whenever someone is doing something wrong, she'll call them out, even though she travels with demons. She travels with demons! That's such a badass aspect of her character!

Have you seen her in the third movie? Rin was the one who went out of her way to get Sesshomaru's sword. She threw beads at a demon that was about to attack Kagome, and she jumped in front of Kagome, telling her that Sesshomaru was going to rescue them when they were about to be killed by the bad guy. She also collected the scattered beads from Inuyasha's necklace. Rin was a big motivator for getting Sesshomaru to work with Inuyasha in the end.

She hardly nags, unlike the main protagonist. And when she's in major danger and defenseless, she actually has a reason - she's a little girl! Unlike Kagome, who is supposed to be "really powerful," "the reincarnation of Kikyo," and "a really good archer," but still gets into trouble and kidnapped all the time.

The amount of times Rin, the little orphan girl who practically raised herself, is in real danger doesn't even come close to how often our supposedly "super strong and reliable" main character gets kidnapped or hurt. Rin can take care of herself and help others around her, not just one person.

For example, the first time we see Rin, she's giving food and drink to a demon (who doesn't even eat human food), risking getting in trouble with the villagers because she saw he was hurt. When Jaken was stung by Naraku's bugs, Rin went to Jinenji for the antidote, even climbing up a cliff to get it. And as I mentioned, she did a lot in the... more

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