Top Ten Kuroko No Basket Couples
Vote for the best KnB pairing (male x male, female x male, female x female).Don't question the obvious. Kagami and Kuroko's relationship is so gay you'd accept the ship even if you don't like it. They were meant for each other. Light and its shadow thingy is so cute.
Kuroko practically confessed his love for Kagami and his basketball skill in the first three episodes. Plus, the light to the shadow is so symbolic and cute!
I can't really ship them with anyone else but each other. They are the main bond of this series, after all - the light and his fated shadow.
Kasamatsu was easily the best thing that happened to Kise after his Teikou days. Senpai (and Kaijo too, of course, by extension) brought Kise down to earth after the boy lost himself in middle school. Thanks to his captain, Kise learned the value of teamwork, experienced the desire of wanting to win with and for his companions, and the will to sacrifice himself for his team. He also learned to respect himself, his teammates, and his opponents.
Kise matured so much thanks to senpai throughout the series! And I think that Kasamatsu, in turn, developed a huge admiration and respect for Kise's efforts to better himself, haha. I even think that Kise's fun personality could be a good thing for Kasamatsu, who is always so serious and has a tendency to overwork himself.
I mean, it's just clear they are the real couple! Momoi just "loves" Kuroko as a friend because he's the good, kind guy. Nevertheless, she chose to follow Aomine to high school. Coincidence? I don't think so. To me, it's clear she is secretly in love with Aomine, always worrying for him and looking after him. Maybe she hasn't realized it herself, but that's how it is, so they should TOTALLY be together. Who doesn't fall for the bad (but secretly good) guy?
Momoi cares so deeply for Aomine, and I love it. They were friends for a while, and I find them so cute together!
Ok, time to rant.
Akashi and Kuroko are opposites in many ways (except height, but that's a taboo area for both of them). I believe that these opposite traits make them so perfect together. They balance each other out.
Firstly, Akashi is someone who simply can't be ignored. If he walks into a room, all eyes fly to him. Akashi has a commanding presence that completely contrasts with Kuroko's weak and almost nonexistent presence. Kuroko's weak presence causes him to more likely than not be ignored. Most people do not notice him at all until he actually speaks, even if he is right next to them. Akashi is the ultimate light to the shadow that is Kuroko.
Secondly, their coloration perfectly balances out. They are like fire and ice in both personality and looks. Kuroko always wears a cool, expressionless mask, while Akashi will make sure that you know he's annoyed and has already thought of thousands of ways to get revenge.
Thirdly, Akashi can always predict someone's next move, but Kuroko has striven to be the exception. I believe that the fact that Kuroko can surprise Akashi, even with his emperor eye, brings Akashi back to earth when his ego and pride become too big. The opposite is true as well. Kuroko has perfected his emotionless mask, yet Akashi can discern his emotions despite this fact. Kuroko feels like Akashi can read him like an open book because no one else can even slightly read him. Akashi finds Kuroko to be an extremely interesting puzzle because he's used to being able to read a person in a single glance. They are each other's exceptions.
At the same time, Akashi and Kuroko do have things in common. While their differences equal them out, their similarities put them on common ground with each other.
To start, Akashi and Kuroko both love basketball with a burning passion. Even if at one point Akashi's view got distorted, he still loved it. This love for basketball is the main reason they met in the first... more
He is so nice to Takao, and I feel like they have bonded beyond just teammates.
Love this ship so much. The way Takao cheers him up and teases him is so cute.
Aomine was Kuroko's original light, so yeah, basically everything about KagaKuro is also true for AoKuro. Aomine was kind of Kuroko's best friend in middle school, and they encouraged each other (he prevented Kuroko from quitting basketball). You can say their relationship is platonic, but I only see romance.
They are perfect together. Aomine was Kuroko's original 'light'. He made some mistakes along the way, but I've always felt they belong together. Aomine is really aggressive, and Kuroko can always calm him down. People might say that it's the same with Kagami, but they were the original! I will go down with this ship.
Yes, Riko did date Kiyoshi, but they broke up. Ship her with Hyuga instead. It makes more sense because they knew each other longer.
How could you not ship them? They're basically the only ones who kinda have romance throughout the series.
This captain and coach are just. too. cute. He loves her so much! When he ate that "curry," I instantly fell in love with this ship. OTP, man! I feel so trash. I shipped them from like episode 2.
Murasakibara is like a child, while Himuro is like the mother restricting said child from eating too many sweets. Although people see this as a platonic ship, they would be very couple-like.
I like how Tatsuya is always bribing him with food and telling him to wash his hands before eating. It is just so cute.
You can see the care in their eyes every time they look at each other.
Takao is always there by Midorima's side even if he's down, and the same goes the other way.
The Newcomers

Aokise, in my opinion, is the best ship since they know so much about each other (as said in the anime). They share such a special bond and friendship more than a lot of other ships. Aomine also inspired Kise to play basketball, which he loved and still keeps playing. He also encouraged Kise to play better and improve so that Kise could beat him.
Kise also makes a big impact on Aomine. When they played each other in the inter-high, it was because of the look Kise gave to Aomine that he started taking the game more seriously. Put this in a relationship, and they would be so encouraging and helpful to each other by always inspiring and encouraging the other party. They both also see each other as worthy opponents. They would have an amazing and unique relationship. Plus, Aomine even punched Haizaki when he injured Kise in the Winter Cup. It just shows how much he cared for him. Plus, Kise is a model, and Aomine likes pretty girls. A bonus! I love them so much!
I think the fact that Kuroko was the first person Kise acknowledged at Teiko makes the ship even more compatible.
Kuroko considers Kise his rival.
Kagami considers Aomine his rival.
200% confirmed.
Gives life a whole new meaning for me.
They both got in the zone in the same match. They are also very alike, therefore I ship them.
They're perfect for each other!
I mean, whenever Kuroko is going to drink, he always has a vanilla milkshake.
I know, right? This is awesome. I mean, Kuroko is sort of sweet in a way, and you have to admit that he's cute. And Momoi is pretty. So, yeah, this is awesome.
I personally ship Teppei and Riko more, but I can't help but ship this too!
They are just such great friends, and they understand each other so well.
Their history is adorable, and I feel like they'd go great together.
I don't know why, but I ship them. It's cute.
Akashi is the shadow that tried so hard to become "light". His true strength is much suited as the shadow that brings out the best in his teammates. He's actually vulnerable and needs someone who accepts his vulnerable side.
Their ship is like lovers to enemies, and rivalry ships are always hot! Plus, Midorima was always hanging out with Akashi in middle school.
They were so close in the Teiko era, and it seemed like Akashi had a different aura while playing shogi or talking with him. (Sorry if I have mistakes, English is not my main language.)
I don't know. I searched this ship on Google, and it just looks really cute.