Top 10 Saddest Akame Ga Kill Deaths

Which character's death in Akame ga Kill! is the saddest in your opinion? It's hard to decide since so many characters died. I want all of them to be in first place, but you have to vote for one.
The Top Ten
Chelsea Chelsea is killed by Kurome's puppets after she successfully completes an assassination mission, making her death a tragic loss for her comrades. Her severed head is displayed to discourage her allies, adding to the brutality of her demise.

Episode 17 of Akame Ga Kill is the most devastating and heartbreaking episode ever. Kurome is to blame for Chelsea's death! I hate Kurome for killing poor Chelsea!

She was a great character. I connected to her so fast in such a short screen time. I expected she would die when they showed the character she was changing into. Also, her death was depressing.

It broke my heart to see her death in episode 17. They did Chelsea wrong. She didn't deserve to be treated badly! One day, I will talk to the author about this.

Mine Mine dies after using all her power in a final attack to protect Tatsumi, leaving her grievously injured. She passes away in his arms, having confessed her love to him just before her death.

Why did she have to die just when I started to like her? She didn't die in the manga! Her death didn't make any sense. It could've been avoided if Tatsumi had ignored her and taken her to a hospital or something. Underrated anime, underrated character, and underrated death.

She was my favorite character in the series, and she truly went out protecting someone she cared for. A true hero. She deserved better.

Her death scene was just the saddest.

Tatsumi Tatsumi dies protecting innocent people during the final battle, sacrificing himself to stop the rampaging Emperor's weapon. His heroism is remembered as a testament to his commitment to defending others.

His death was both sad and dumb. He died a heroic death saving people, but he didn't receive as much gratitude and attention after his death. Especially as the main protagonist who defeated the strongest imperial arm wielder, the emperor. He also could have been saved if he had been treated quickly. His willpower should have saved him as well. Where was the plot armor?

Tatsumi lost everything in his final mission, and when he dies we find out the tribe doesn't even know what happened to him. He died as a nobody.

Bols Bols is killed by a disguised Chelsea after showing unexpected kindness toward her, though he believed she was a civilian. His death is complicated by the affection he had for his family, highlighting his human side.

He didn't deserve to die. I can't imagine how his wife and child suffered. The way he died was sad too. He just wanted to help a little child, and that was the reason he died.

Really sad for him to die and leave his family behind. He's not really a bad person.

Seryu Ubiquitous Seryu Ubiquitous dies in a self-detonation after a fierce battle with Mine, demonstrating her extreme loyalty to the Empire. Her commitment to her ideals remains unshaken even in death.

The more I looked into Seryu's psychosis, the more I realized how tragic of a character she was.

1. She was basically brainwashed by Esdeath.
2. She was kind to the citizens who lived in the town.
3. She said to Mine and Sheele, "Bandits like you are the reason my father was killed in the line of duty!" Meaning she probably had a very traumatic childhood knowing her father was dead.

I'll agree Tatsumi had it worse, but I actually feel bad for Seryu.

I know, I know! She killed Sheele, but try to develop empathy. She was absolutely brainwashed.

Susanoo Susanoo sacrifices himself to protect Night Raid during a critical battle, using his regenerative abilities to buy them time. His selfless death underscores his dedication as both a warrior and protector.
Lubbock Lubbock is captured during an infiltration mission and, after a brutal interrogation, he attempts an escape but ultimately falls to his death. His loyalty and sacrifice highlight his unwavering dedication to Night Raid's cause.

The man loved her, but didn't have the chance to tell her. He died thinking it would be a glorious end, but from an outside perspective, his death seemed more pathetic than anything else.

He was such a great character. Almost every character made me depressed, but he really broke my heart. It was so sad.

He never told the boss that he loved her.

Leone Leone succumbs to her injuries after a fierce battle, but before dying, she uses the last of her strength to help civilians. She dies peacefully in an alleyway, content with her contribution to the fight for justice.

Wasn't expecting her to die that way. I really thought she was going to make it. Really sad. She died with a smile.

Her whole last scene was exceptionally emotional, beautiful, yet so sad.

Not my favorite character in the show, but her death scene really makes me sad.

Sheele Sheele is killed by Seryu Ubiquitous in a gruesome battle, during which her abilities prove insufficient to save her life. Her death serves as an early reminder of the risks Night Raid members face.

I know it happened very early, but I sobbed for hours. I think I was mostly sad because I really liked her as a character and I wanted her to keep going.

Why did she have to die? What did she do to deserve this? Man, it is always the nice characters. I wish she got more screen time.

Her death was the saddest. I was crying in class after watching it for like half an hour.

Esdeath Esdeath meets her end in battle against Akame, remaining true to her ideals until her final moments. Despite her strength, she is ultimately outmaneuvered and dies with a sense of acceptance.

Why, why, why? I was starting to think she and Tatsumi would make a great couple.

Though she was the villain, her death was sad. Really loved Tatsumi.

The Contenders
Bulat Bulat is fatally wounded while protecting Tatsumi, facing his former mentor in a life-or-death battle. He dies with pride, passing his weapon and ideals to Tatsumi.

Bruh, Bulat died as a noble hero, passing on the torch. His death hurt me because he did everything for the main character in his final moments.

Kurome Kurome dies after a decisive battle with her sister Akame, bringing a tragic end to the siblings' bond and rivalry. Her death represents a tragic culmination of the manipulation she endured.

Thinking about her past with Akame... It's just sad. She thought that her sister, whom she cared for the most, betrayed her and joined the bad side.

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