Top 10 Best RWBY Couples and Ships

RWBY is as much about its heartfelt relationships as it is about epic battles and stunning visuals. Over the years, fans have passionately debated which couples and ships truly shine in the RWBY universe. Whether it's the unshakable bonds between partners, the slow burn of friendships that turn into something more, or the bittersweet moments of love lost, the relationships in RWBY add layers of emotion to every storyline.
The Top Ten
Blake Belladonna x Sun Wukong

Sun needs an upgrade. I have an idea for one, but I can't do anything about it because I'm not Rooster Teeth. But if we're being serious, Sun has been in the first five volumes, plus the first episode of Volume 6. Every other character has gotten an upgrade, even Penny, who was dead for four of those volumes.

I am a full Black Sun supporter. Sorry, Bumblebee. I just feel like they have the dynamics, okay? Don't judge me. And besides, it's above Bumblebee, so yay? But I also kind of ship Checkmate, so there's that...

I'm in love with this, and I honestly think this is more likely than Bumbleby. I think Rooster Teeth is ship-baiting us with Bumbleby. Blake and Sun just make more sense story-wise. Please don't hate me.

Pyrrha Nikos x Jaune Arc

The ship that sunk before leaving the dockyard. Pyrrha was my favorite character up through Volume 3, and she never deserved the end she got. She should have gotten what she wanted. And yeah, Jaune's alright too, I guess.

They are adorable together. The statue scene with what was obviously Pyrrha's mom or sister was heartbreaking, and so was her death. And can I just say, the fan art for this is gorgeous.

This needs to be higher than Ruby x Scarlett! Scarlett's only in one or two episodes!

EDIT: Just read the manga, and Scarlett has been confirmed as gay, so...

Ruby Rose x Weiss Schnee

I think the only thing holding this back from being canon is that Ruby is written as some shade of asexual. It's a common thing to happen to main characters in adventure stories, mostly to avoid plot complications or upsetting fans.

That being said, they are absolutely adorable together, clearly lean on each other for support, and both have confided in each other more than any other pair. It's really terrible that just when Ruby could have started getting interested in romance (since she was only 15 at the start), she got tragedy after tragedy piled on instead. By the start of Volume 9, she's just so beaten down and depressed I don't think she could recognize any romantic feelings she may have.

Lie Ren x Nora Valkyrie

YAY! Rennora is so cute! You can find so many good fanfics on the internet. This is actually a very close second to my shipping of Lancaster.

Obviously, they're the best ship! Volume 4 made my love for this couple even stronger!

They've been together since they were small. They both obviously love each other.

Qrow Branwen x Summer Rose

I really like the idea of Qrow being Ruby's dad. Summer and Qrow would have been a cute couple, and it just makes sense.

Why choose between Hummingbird and Snowbird when you can have both?

It would make sense. Why would Summer, after Raven ran away, sleep with Tai? It's just like, what?

Blake Belladonna x Yang Xiao Long

Bumbleby has been built up since the Red Trailer. Ever since we got the lyric "Black the beast descends from shadows, yellow beauty burns gold," comparing them to Beauty and the Beast, they've gone through so much development.

While it can be read as platonic in V1, Yang clearly flirted with Blake in V2. In V3, Adam targets Yang because he recognizes her as "someone Blake loves." Not "cares about," "loves." Sure, you can argue that she would've reacted the same way if he maimed Ruby or Weiss, but stories are written the way they are for a reason, and this plot point tied Blake and Yang's narratives irrevocably.

It's also really telling that in V6, Adam has the line "What does she even see in you?!" Given that he's Blake's ex, this is pretty heavily romantic-coded. At the end of the volume, the scene where they're holding hands in an airship parallels the scene where Ren and Nora were made a couple.

As of the third episode of V7, Yang is caught staring at Blake, and she blushes when she asks her if she likes her new haircut. This isn't even mentioning how their eyes match each other's auras. You can't argue that it's a coincidence because RWBY is literally a show about color theory.

Also, they're based on yin and yang. The bits of each other's color in their eyes are based on the black dot in the white half and vice versa. Yin is described as being associated with the moon and yang with the sun (Blake is heavily associated with the night, and Yang Xiao Long literally translates to "little sun dragon").

In conclusion: Bumbleby has plenty of development. You guys are just straight.

Coco Adel x Velvet Scarlatina
Neptune Vasilias x Weiss Schnee

I think they could be good for each other... and if Neptune finally gets a girlfriend, he might not be so flirty! Wait, is that a pro or a con?

We need Neptune to not be chasing every girl possible, so this could really help him.

Neptune needs to settle on a girl so he doesn't flirt with every girl in existence! Seriously, he would probably flirt with Salem if given the chance!

Yang Xiao Long x Weiss Schnee

They are adorable. If you are a homo, okay, I get it, but seriously, they are cute, and you can't argue with me about that. Sure, Yang is with Blake, but just think - if they get separated together in V9, they might become canon.

I AM a lesbian, and I have a girlfriend, and she's like Yang (looks, attitude, same interests, etc.). Again, I'm sorry if you don't approve of this ship, but it's clearly the best ship on here. So please vote.

It's so cute. In the red trailer, it tells how white is cold, and then it says yellow beauty burns gold. Practically announcing that Yang is the flame to Weiss.

Ruby Rose x Oscar Pine

I can literally just see Ruby (in Volume 9) pulling out something of Oscar's from one of her pouches, like a green cloth or something, and then she starts crying. It would probably get the viewers emotional and feel more connected to the two.

They are amazing, and I will fight you if you say otherwise. I am one of those people who look forward to cute, awkward, and dorky people trying to have a normal conversation, but clearly failing.

My honest opinion: it's kinda cute. And it is confirmed, Oscar does have a crush on Ruby, but I don't know how Ruby feels. I think that Oscar just makes it awkward and really cute. I like it.

The Newcomers

? Weiss Schnee x Blake Belladonna

Checkmate. Forever. Please. How is this below Ruby x Scarlett and Coco x Fox? Coco is a lesbian, and Scarlett is gay. Seriously, why? Have you people not seen the checkmate scenes?

Please vote. They are just… awesome.

? Coco Adel x Fox Alistair
The Contenders
Sun Wukong x Neptune Vasilias

Sea Monkey, it'll be alright. It might stay away from Bumblebee and, uh, oh, I forgot about Neptune and Weiss's ship name. By the way, they might be a great couple.

Sun just looks gay, okay? Like, I know he was into Blake and all, but he looks seriously gay.

Weiss Schnee x Jaune Arc

This is honestly my OTP for this show. Their relationship shows the growth each character has gone through.

Things Rooster Teeth forgot: #76 Jaune's crush on Weiss.

They've grown a lot together. They're pretty cute.

Yang Xiao Long x Sage Ayana

I think more people would get behind this if they interacted at least a little bit.

I don't know why I love it, but I do!

Qrow Branwen x Winter Schnee

Opposites attract. Except not really, because on a fundamental level, they are both soldiers and rebels. Qrow is from his tribe, and Winter is from her family.

They have opposite coping methods but only rub each other the wrong way because they see themselves in each other. Qrow sees Winter as a pre-burnout version of himself who needs to learn to relax, and Winter sees the wasted potential she's afraid of becoming.

I don't know why, but I love the thought of uncle and older sister being together, and then niece and younger sister being together. It would be even funnier if Qrow turned out to be Ruby's dad. Kinda creepy, I guess, but funny.

Taiyang Xiao Long x Summer Rose

It's hard to say since we've never even heard Summer talk, but with the other option being Raven, it's not even close. And no one has ever said a bad word about her, so she's probably pretty great.

Roman Torchwick x Neopolitan

I just finished reading Roman Holiday, and I'm SO SAD! Neo and Roman's backstory is so complex and sweet. I cried when Roman thought Neo had betrayed him. But at the end, when Neo kissed Roman, he turned red.

I love this ship, especially because they're both based on Italian cultures. Which makes sense why their ship name is Gelato, basically Italian ice cream, but better.

I see it, and I like it. This should be at least top 10. I don't know why it isn't. They're clearly canon, although when he was swallowed by a Grimm, that was sad for me. But he is still alive, so that makes me feel much better!

Ruby Rose x Scarlet David

Yeah, Scarlett is gay. By the way, they confirmed it in the RWBY manga.

Taiyang Xiao Long x Raven Branwen
Velvet Scarlatina x Fox Alistair
Jaune Arc x Ruby Rose


Okay, kidding, but I do support the shipping of Lancaster (Jaune and Ruby). Jaune and Ruby, as teammates during Vol. 4, care about each other in a way of mutual respect and friendship. However, what if it was something more than that?

I don't care about all the "indirect ship" comments - I ship it because of how they are both there for each other and just how they look at each other. You don't have to ship it, but that's why I do.

Why the hell is this below Ruby x Scarlett? Scarlett is gay. Ruby and Scarlett are never seen together at all.

Anyways, Lancaster is just too good.

Mercury Black x Emerald Sustrai

I won't lie, Merc and Emerald are adorable together. He may annoy her sometimes, but they are really the real Romeo and Juliet.

I think that Rooster Teeth has been shipping this as much as we did. Who knows what volume 8 awaits!

These two are so cute. The way that Mercury stood up for her as well. I think they are gonna happen.

Ruby Rose x Penny Polendina
Qrow Branwen x Clover Ebi

For once, I thought Qrow had a chance for a happy ending. Then his semblance had to mess it up again.

They had a lot of chemistry.

How can you just say that Clover hasn't been flirting with Qrow?

Qrow Branwen x Ozpin
Emerald Sustrai x Cinder Fall
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