Strongest Zodiac Signs

The Top Ten

1. I am the most stubborn sign of all. I stick to my opinion no matter what, and no one can change my mind.

2. I have a sixth sense of understanding the emotions of people. Even if they don't speak up about what's on their mind, I already know about it.

3. I always do what's right for my loved ones. Even if they are hurt by my actions, I don't care because I know what I'm doing is for their good.

As a warrior Taurus, I have been protected by my traits. Only then did I learn about signs and the zodiac. This only reconfirmed what I already knew and had experienced. Taurus is the ultimate sign except for rare true rivals such as Leo. Besides that, we are unmatched.


I am an Aquarius. We are all-powerful and fully capable of using our powers. When someone wants to fight me or mess with me, I feel like I get stronger, almost like there is a devil in me. We are all strong, we can all fight. Don't let anyone try and mess with you. Your powers could be stronger than you think.

The reason I really like Aquarius is because it is considered a special zodiac. I actually am an Aquarius. Some people think of us as weak or not powerful, but for me, I feel like I am fast and strong. Don't think of yourself as weak. Your powers aren't toys.


Leo is the strongest sign in many points: the strongest animal symbol, the strongest planet, the strongest opinion, and sorry, but we all know that Leo is the BOSS. Okay, maybe Scorpio is more aggressive and doesn't think fighting is childish, but Leo is way stronger in caring, and that makes them stronger than any other sign.

We are ruled by the sun. Fire is our element, and our animal is a lion. I am super grateful to be a Leo. All of us are loyal, independent, and caring people.

The ones I've met have actually gone through a whole lot of stress in life and have lived to tell the tale, so I could say they're pretty fearless.


They're just really strong and really cool. They're very protective when they have to be and make great friends.

I have a friend who is a Scorpio, and he is one of the coolest people I've ever met in my life.

When I beat my bully up, everyone was shocked because I'm usually nice. The bully got afraid of me and tried to become friends with me. But I didn't let him. I don't want to be friends with anyone who messed with me. The bully said I gave him trauma.

Scorpio is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. Ruled by both Pluto and Mars, it rules death, rebirth, sex, occult, mysteries, power, and strength.


Aries is the most athletic zodiac sign and is strong both physically and mentally. While they love a bit of playful banter, they can turn deadly serious if someone attacks their friend. They are mentally smart because, while they don't always think things through, they are often as smart as Scorpio in a less evil way.

I wouldn't doubt an Aries. Even if Leo might sound like the strongest, some Aries are actually stronger.

My mom is an Aries, and hands down, she is tough. I have a friend who is an Aries, and she is one fighter. She's probably the strongest friend I know. Yeah, her temper can get in her way, but that just adds to her toughness.


I really like being a Capricorn because I'm nice, but I can get mad whenever someone says I'm slow or not strong. If someone does something I don't like, I get mad or stressed. You will be scared if it happens outside.

My sign is VERY strong. We are natural leaders, highly motivated and ambitious. We know what we want and go for it. We are also very practical and rational. We love to stand up for rights and make a difference peacefully yet firmly.


Gemini is the strongest sign because they have some of the best acting skills and minds I have ever seen. Let me explain. With Gemini, you will never know what they are feeling. They can go to one person and be raging, then seconds later, they can appear as calm as a sitting pond when they see someone else.

I am a Gemini in a house of two Scorpios and a Pisces. I am the youngest but probably the most mentally strong, and I am able to hide my emotions almost perfectly. I have been told my resting face looks annoyed and bored, even though I'm interested at that moment.

Geminis can always be one step ahead. The reason why I don't agree with Scorpio being at the top of this list is because a Gemini can make a Scorpio think they won a battle, but later, the Scorpio will realize that the Gemini was always ahead. For example, Hillary Clinton (Scorpio) thought she had beaten Donald Trump (Gemini), but he was one step ahead and won. (I am not a Trump supporter. This is just an example.)

Geminis are also good actors. They can have a happy smile on their face, even though they have a metaphorical knife behind their back or are feeling depressed. They are good thinkers and can tell if someone is lying based on the facts.

Once, I collected feathers from the ground during recess, and another girl did the same. Later, I got a paper towel because they were wet, and she did the same. I crumpled my paper towel and put it in the back of my cubby, while she folded hers neatly and put it in the back of her cubby. The next day, we were unpacking our stuff. Her cubby was outside of the classroom, and mine was inside. Before she came in and could see my cubby, my friend said that the girl accused me of taking her feathers and claimed she saw the neatly folded paper towel in my cubby - yet she hadn't even seen inside my cubby. I was in first grade when this happened.

Also, when I was in sixth grade, my poker face made the supposedly all-mighty boys afraid... more


I'm proud to be a Virgo man, and probably that is my luck. I remember during my younger years, some people tried to bully me several times, but they failed.

What do you mean by a strong zodiac? I'm not Superman, but I have a lot of ideas with enough strength and confidence.

How strong is Yin Mercury (Virgo)? Keanu Reeves and Khabib Nurmagomedov are the right examples.

I am a Virgo. Someone stronger than me tried to attack me. How did I win? I used their balance and strength against them.


I'm a Sagittarius, and I have beaten Leos in fighting. Most Aries I've met have been pretty weak compared to me. I do Taekwondo, but my strength is still way stronger than most other people I've met. Why do people not see Sagittarius as the strongest? Why!

Oh, come on! This list is incorrect. Sagittarius is a strong and easy-going sign. From my experience, Sagittarians should be in the top 6 strong signs. I like them because they are adventurous, have a good sense of humor, and are nice folks! Thumbs up, guys!

Sagittarius is obviously THE strongest. They have Jupiter, the strongest of all gods, ruling them. They have the strongest body part (the thighs), and they have a kickass fighting spirit too. Obviously an underrated sign.


I don't think that Libras should be 11th on the list. Even though I'm a Taurus, I have a sister who is a Libra. She stands up to a lot of people, like bullies, helps a lot of people in most situations, and is very kind. Libras should be at least in the top 5 in my opinion.

Libras are about balance, love, and intellect. They should be in the top 5, if not the top 3.

Uh? I think I'm strong, and a Libra is ninth?

The Contenders

I would share, but it's a drag and won't make a difference. But think of Einstein, King Shaka, Shakespeare, Jesus, and Buddha, to name a few. That changes one's perspective on "strongest."

I love Pisces so much. At least give them a chance to be in the top 3 because they are the most independent and strongest for me, but yours is your choice. Thank you.

Pisces are so underestimated since we only use violence as a last resort.


Stop underrating us, seriously. Aquarius, Taurus, and even Gemini above Cancer? I only accept Scorpio above us, PERIOD. Cancer = THE FORCE WITHIN. YOU DON'T TOUCH WHAT OR WHO WE CONSIDER VALUABLE. YOU THOUGHT ONLY SCORPIOS CAN HURT? THINK AGAIN.

By the way, Leo = looks very good to impressionable people (Leo = Jaime Lannister), but their pride is ill-placed. They think they are the lion above people when they are just boasting. We Cancers know better than boasting to impress the plebeians.

Aries = bold but lacks deep motives and brains. Good to throw as cannon fodder. And Aquarius rated 2nd, really? I personally know a person with almost all their planets in Aquarius. They have Sun, Moon, and Ascendant in Aquarius. Let me tell you, the result is quite ugly. You get an unstable person full of contradictions, very demanding towards others but refusing to compromise in any way, even for their own good.

You thought Taurus was mule-headed? You clearly haven't met an archetypal Aquarius. And don't even get me started on Gemini. They are smart but lack staying power and courage. They are also unstable and spend cash faster than they can get it. Horrible.