Top Ten Planets That Would Look the Best If They Replaced Our Moon In the Sky

Saturn is 83.7 times larger than our earth. So if Saturn was put in the same place as the moon, it would look like we were right next to it.
That would actually look really cool.
Jupiter would look nice if we could see it in the night sky, but it would have to be at a greater distance from Earth. Also, we'd be orbiting it, not vice versa.
Jupiter is largely made up of hydrogen and helium, so that could affect our planet. As if one ball of gas in the sky wasn't enough!
Jupiter would pretty much take up the entire sky due to hoe giant it is.
Mars has a very similar surface to the moon, very dry and boring.
I've seen what Neptune looks like on the surface (I don't know if the pictures are fake or not) but either way it looks pretty. I love Neptune.
Neptune is really cold. So is would make earth colder. This isn't a good idea.

All this week I've been seeing Venus in the sky.
Mercury has a thin atmosphere, so we could travel there easily.
This would definitely work out.

It was only a matter of time before this was added.