Top Ten Most Annoying Places to Have a Mosquito Bite

I am a Canadian who hikes daily, and I therefore have to put up with these miniature vampires. They have a knack for biting you in places that leave you shaking your head and thinking, "How the HELL did that bug get in there? "
The Top Ten
1 Finger

At the joints specifically. I think there are better places for mosquitoes to suck blood than those bloody fingers. Maybe the belly (though we won't allow it through our clothes).

One night, I got bitten on two of my fingers and a bunch on my arms and legs. This is one of the most annoying parts of the body because I use my hands every day.

Ha! I've never been bitten by a mosquito. I feel like I've been blocked out of some exclusive club. Now I really want one - a mosquito bite, that is...

2 Ankle

I have one on my ankle right now, and it's driving me crazy! I have really sweet blood and can't get through a summer without getting at least 100 bites.

I almost always have one on my ankle. Scratching there is most uncomfortable when I hit my bone.

You know those bruises you get when you bump your ankle? Multiply the annoyance by ten.

3 Foot

I once went outside without shoes and socks and got 134 mosquito bites on my feet and ankles. I was in agony and couldn't walk for a week. They always seem to bite in multiples on the feet.

I got 20 mosquito bites all over my legs, arms, and back, and two under my feet. They are more painful and itchy than normal, plus they get bigger and itch more often!

Especially on the bottom of your foot, where it's frowned upon to take off your shoes and scratch in public! It's the worst!

4 Back

Especially on that little square that's out of both swatting and scratching range.

I have no idea how this happens, but I have one on my back right now, and I cannot reach it!

Especially when we can't reach it. I scrub my back against the wall when it itches. Hooray for bears!

5 Genitals

It's hard to imagine unless a mosquito somehow gets through your underwear. Or if someone is without clothes, that's another case.

EDIT: Well, that's something I shouldn't have forgotten. Damn outhouses! But bathrooms at home are fine - no mosquitoes there.

Fortunately for me, mosquitoes seem to be attracted to my mother and brother. I felt sorry for my brother when he got bitten on the testicle.

I've never experienced this, but my brother, on the other hand, has. He complained and complained for days.

6 Calf

It's so uncomfortable to scratch the calf. It doesn't feel nice.

Simply because they're very unsatisfying to scratch.

7 Scalp

It's annoying because you cannot get that part to ever stop itching, at least for me.

I honestly have no idea how the bugs even get through to the skin.

8 Ear

Or right behind them. Thankfully, mosquitoes (or mosquitos, I'm still not sure) rarely succeed, thanks to their high-pitched whine. They leave that to the black flies.

I think I got bitten on the inside of my right ear, and it hurts so bad. My mom grabbed one of those ear tools and tried to look inside that ear. I started crying because it's really painful, and I can't sleep.

9 Elbow

It's like what I said about ankles - it's uncomfortable to scratch because you hit the bone.

Similar to ankles, but easier to scratch.

10 Toe

It itches worse than any other mosquito bite I've ever gotten. I have one on my second toe on my right foot, and it sucks.

Especially when they're right at the top of your toe.

The Contenders
11 Buttock
12 Eyelid

I have experienced a bite on the eyelid, and it is terrible. It seems like eyelids are the worst to me.

13 Breast
14 Neck
15 Belly Button

Oh dear lord, any kind of bite there is painful. It's hard to treat because you can't get much cream in there, and when you need to scratch, you don't really know where to itch. Just touching the area around it is painful. Dear lord.

Not a mosquito, but I never found out what type of bug it was. It was torture to lie in bed and try to sleep while my belly button was itching awfully.

Dear lord, it's painful when it gets swollen.

16 Between Toes

Between the toes is very uncomfortable. I have one between my toes, and it itches so badly.

17 In Your Mouth
18 Palm
19 Armpit

Especially when you're wearing a tank top.

20 Back of Hand

You can't even use your hand until the bite heals, which is annoying as hell. Your hand goes numb, and you can't even scratch it because if you try, you'll only make it worse.

The back of the hand is the worst for me. I have a bunch of bites, but the one on the back of my hand is the worst one. I don't know why, but... it is.

21 Knee

I was bitten on my knee last night. So annoying!

22 Eye Ball
23 Back of Leg

Please tell me that I'm not the only one who thinks this is the most annoying.

24 Heels
25 Near Your Toe Nails
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