Top 10 Favorite Planets in the Solar System

Ever wondered which celestial bodies rank as favorites in our cosmic neighborhood? Ever wanted to lend your voice to a stellar poll that makes your opinion matter just as much as a seasoned astronaut's? Well, now's your chance! This is an invitation to you to weigh in on the favorite planets in the solar system.

Now, this isn't a scientific journal where we're crunching data about the atmosphere or comparing the sizes of planetary bodies. This is a public forum where anyone with a passion for the planets can vote on their top picks. You're free to have your preferences. Maybe you're in awe of Saturn's stunning rings, or perhaps you're enchanted by the mystery of far-off Neptune. Or is it the familiarity and life-sustaining beauty of our very own Earth that makes it a winner for you?
The Top Ten
1 Earth

I like Earth because if it didn't exist, we wouldn't exist. It's the only known planet to support life.

We all love Earth! It is our home planet and one of everyone's favorite planets!

If you love Earth so much, why don't we all just go there? Oh, wait...

2 Saturn Saturn is the 6th planet from the Sun, it is the second-largest and has the most moons. One year on Saturn is 29 Earth years (10,756 Earth days). Saturn is known for its rings. Saturn is a gas giant, so there is no solid surface on the planet. It is also almost 1 billion miles away from the Sun. The... read more

I really like this planet! It's so cool when you think about it. It has so many rings around it! And every year, it looks like one ring just disappears!

Saturn is so cool when you think about it. It's got billions of little pieces of rock and ice circling around it. I wish I lived there.

Wow! Look at Saturn with the rings! They are so beautiful and spectacularly amazing!

3 Mars

Mars should be the home planet. It is a red planet, a sand planet, a cold planet, and an awesome planet.

If I were you, I would pack my stuff and go to Mars right now!

Take a look at the lawman, beating up the wrong guy. Oh man, wonder if he'll ever know he's in the best-selling show. Is there life on Maa-a-ars?

I love Mars! It could be habitable, and it would be great to make a colony there, although the weather would be an issue.

4 Jupiter

People don't know how much of an asset Jupiter is to Earth. Its powerful atmosphere can suck up objects heading toward our planet.

I don't understand why this isn't higher on the list. It protects us. We wouldn't be alive without it.

Whoa! Jupiter is so big! About 1,300 Earths could fit inside it, and it's 11 Earths wide!

5 Neptune

Neptune is the coolest planet of all time. It has six sets of rings. Also, in millions of years, Triton will collide and become brighter rings for Neptune, making it the blue Saturn.

It has water ice clouds just like Earth. Also, it rains diamonds. I like Neptune.

This planet is the most beautiful celestial object in the solar system. It is the farthest planet from the Sun and has so much mystery surrounding it.

Neptune is so lonely. I felt an urge to comment on it so that it could feel loved. Don't worry, Neptune, I care.

6 Uranus Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun in our solar system. It was discovered by William Herschel in 1781, making it the first planet to be discovered with a telescope. Unique among the planets, Uranus has an axial tilt of about 98 degrees, causing it to rotate on its side. Composed mainly of hydrogen,... read more

So underrated. It is a beautiful ice gas giant with a blue-green color and has two sets of pretty rings. It rotates backward like Venus and on its side like a rolling ball in its orbit around the Sun.

A less stunning but still interesting fact is that its upper atmosphere's clouds are rich in hydrogen sulfide, which makes it smell like rotten eggs and farts. Fitting for its name, right? It is the third-largest planet in our solar system and has 27 known moons.

Uranus is my favorite personally. I think we share similar characteristics: plain and normal at first glance, but different from others when looked at deeper. Plus, it has rings that are more visible than Jupiter's and Neptune's, so I can see them in photographs!

7 Venus Venus is the second planet from the Sun and the closest planetary neighbor to Earth. Known for its bright appearance in the sky, Venus is sometimes referred to as the "Evening Star" or the "Morning Star." The planet has a thick atmosphere primarily composed of carbon dioxide, leading to a greenhouse... read more

The atmosphere on Venus will crush you if you don't die from the heat or lack of oxygen first. Venus is the hottest planet, even hotter than Mars, and its atmosphere can crush the strongest materials in a few hours.

It's like Earth where global warming went crazy. Plus, nothing can live there.

Hot lava planet, like a hot oven with a lot of volcanoes. It is the brightest and one of the stars of our sky.

Pretty orange color, but very ugly weather.

8 Mercury

You have to burn your eyes to even catch a glimpse of it skyrocketing by. If that isn't true to its name, then the ancients were insane for nothing.

It is basically a hot, steaming ball of rock that whizzes around our star every 88 Earth days.

9 Pluto

My dream would be to sit down on Pluto's surface, watch Charon orbit around, and stargaze into the heavens - away from everyone else.

Pluto is the largest dwarf planet.

You should come back as a planet!

10 Ceres

Ceres is the only inner dwarf planet, the only spherical asteroid, the first dwarf planet, and the largest asteroid in the asteroid belt.

The Contenders
11 Planet X

It just seems so beautiful and mysterious.

12 Haumea
13 Sedna

This is such a cool planet. I wish people would talk about it more.

I could talk about it more. Even though many people don't know this planet, it is so cool!

14 Makemake
15 Eris Eris is a dwarf planet located in the scattered disk, a region of the solar system beyond Neptune. It was discovered in 2005 by astronomer Mike Brown and his team, and its discovery led to a redefinition of what constitutes a planet, eventually resulting in the reclassification of Pluto as a dwarf planet... read more

That planet is out in the Kuiper Belt. It takes 558 years to orbit around the Sun.

16 Orcus
17 Quaoar

Yes, Quaoar! The distant icy dwarf, named after the creation god in Tongva mythology! Let's build a biosphere there!

18 225088 Gonggong
19 Chariklo
20 2002 MS4
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22 20000 Varuna
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