Top Ten Most Boring Months

The Top Ten
1 February

This truly is the most boring month, just endless coldness and Valentine's Day is uneeded

Is it just me or is this month the most boring one of the bunch?

2 September

I really hate this month, thank god I'm not born in september.

This is my birth month, but it can be boring at times.

Uh, back to school!

3 August

The weather is changing from summer to fall. Back to school the days start to get shorter as the sun sets earlier. The air is crisp and there are no holidays to celebrate. Boring dull.

Back to school, yay (not)

4 March

Feels like February part 2, still cold and nothing special

Nothing exciting happens in March.

Nothing fun 31 days

5 November
6 January

The most boring month by far. There's nothing fun to do, it's always freezing cold, and the days are short. January feels like the longest month of the year.

NO HOLIDAYS! At least August has back to school and September, which albeit isn't a good thing, has 9/11. When you think January, you think filler month.

How is this so low? Christmas and New ears Eve are over and you've got endless coldness in front of you for three-four months

Yay! I'm so lucky to have my birthday in January, when it's summer.

7 April

Aside from Easter it's a bit boring (except for my mum's birthday)

8 May

Lol I figured. I'm from Canada, so we get of at June! :(

Summer vacation, you do miss your friends

9 October
10 June
The Contenders
11 December
12 July