Top 10 Superman Villains of All Time
Superman might not have the best villains, but these ones are some of the best.He is extremely intelligent. He is basically DC's version of Norman Osborn. He is the perfect example of brains beating brawn. He, along with Batman, is the only human able to go toe-to-toe against the Man of Steel.
He is ruthless, cunning, and can even keep the entire Legion of Doom in check. He was able to conquer the entire world (but of course gets defeated by Superman) and has caused more pain for Superman than all his other villains like Metallo, Darkseid, Brainiac, etc.
Lex Luthor is without a doubt the greatest Superman villain, one of the best DC villains overall, and definitely owns the title of Superman's archenemy.
I prefer him as a Justice League villain, but yeah, he has gotten the most personal with Superman out of the entire Justice League. Heck! Superman even believed that killing Darkseid was the only answer to stop him!
Darkseid is the utter personification of both pure evil, cruel intelligence, and power. Frankly, every other villain, especially Luthor who always seems petty to me, can't really compare.
Darkseid is stronger than Superman and more intelligent. I hope they include him in the final Superman movie because defeating the best villain is a good way to end a movie series.
Doomsday is by far my favorite supervillain of all time. Not only was he the only villain that killed Superman, but he also withstood Darkseid's Omega Beams and defeated him in a direct confrontation. Most importantly, he shockingly defeated the Justice League with one arm behind his back. The secret to Doomsday is that every time he gets killed, he regenerates back to life and becomes immune to whatever killed him before. This is why Doomsday is a force to be reckoned with.
He is like the Hulk mixed with the Thing mixed with the Abomination on steroids! Also, did I mention that he killed Superman before? Enough said!
General Zod was an ass because he killed a lot of people and wanted to take over Krypton. He is the most powerful human villain in the DC universe. He is very smart, secretive, and very loud when he yells at people.
Zod kicked Superman's ass in Man of Steel. I never thought so highly of him until I saw the new movie.
Superman's dark reflection. He is a worthy enemy of the Man of Steel.
By far my favorite Superman villain and would be my number one. His various incarnations are all good, but his best is the "true" Brainiac from the Superman: Brainiac arc. He caused Pa Kent's death purely out of petty spite. Superman fantasizes about beating Brainiac to death in one of the most badass sequences of dialog-free panels you'll ever see.
I vote for Brainiac because he shrinks worlds, he is one of the most intelligent beings in the universe, he has all the tech you would need, and he can control minds. He is the best! He definitely deserves the top 5, not 8!
(P.S. I voted for this Brainiac instead of the other Brainiac because this one is ranked higher! I do not know why they put him on here twice.)
Not the most evil. Not the most dangerous. Not the most iconic. Why is Bizarro an awesome villain? Because he is everything a villain shouldn't be. Bizarro represents the fun, the madness, and the action that the comics are!
Bizarro, oh man, I love him because he can be very dangerous without really wanting to, 'cause his innocence and opposite way of thinking make him funny and even more dangerous because he can be fooled easily. Also, he loves Lex Luthor, and that's not really a good thing 'cause he will follow any order from him.
He is one of my favorite Superman villains. His heart is powered by Kryptonite, and he is loyal to Lex Luthor. He is also one of the few Superman villains to push Superman to his limit. That's how bad he is.
Metallo was a regular human being, which always makes for a good story for a villain. He's also powered by Superman's only weakness. You can't get any more dangerous than that.
Metallo is indeed a very popular villain. He has super strength, can easily destroy buildings, and can fight Superman at any time. He is also very smart and cruel.
He just needs to grab you, and you die. He is definitely one of Superman's deadliest enemies.
As a kid, I watched Adventures of Batman and Superman. In the cartoon, Parasite was my favorite of all the villains.
Parasite is powerful, destructive, and creepy. He is mostly a villain unrelated to Superman, but he isn't very clever.
I loved him in Injustice. Also, I believe he is Stan Lee's favorite DC character.
I know Lobo should not be number one, but he should be in the top ten.
A DC villain that many who have not heard of might think of as a joke, but in reality, he is one of the most powerful DC villains to ever exist. He can alter reality itself!
This guy was from another dimension and had the edge over Superman. When I saw his premiere in the Superman television cartoon show, I thought the show would never end, as Superman and he were just going back and forth.
Long live Gilbert Gottfried for his voice work!
The Newcomers
Toyman has no real goal. He's just a creepy character who hates Superman and doesn't always act smart.
Superman's big-mouth, screaming villain, but most of all, she's also the enemy of Supergirl!
Silver Banshee is great because she turns one of Superman's strengths into a weakness.
The DC version of Whiplash, powered by kryptonite.
Come on, man, this guy has the powers of entropy - to destroy the universe at his will. He can do ANYTHING.