Best Dance Mom Moms

The Top Ten
1 Christi Lukasiak

I am so happy because Christi is my favorite, and she is first! Holly is my second favorite, and she is second! I don't agree with the rest of the list though.

Also starts a lot of problems and drama as an awesome daughter choke great dancer and I think some day Clara can be just as good as Chole

Christi is hilarious, always says what needs to be said and defends her kids fiercely! The best mom by far!

Christi is hilarious. When things go wrong on Dance Moms she always is funny

2 Holly Frazier

Holly seems like the most mature she calmly expresses her opinion of Abby the other Moms are right to stand up to Abby but sometimes they curse while doing it she can stand up to Abby whenever the Moms argue with Abby she's the one who gets the girls out of the room so they don't have to hear the arguing she'as a great Mom

When fight happens, I always feel like Holly is the only adult. The other moms don't even act like grown women.

She comforted Mackenzie when Melissa just yelled at her. She is one of the only moms who acts like an adult.

When Abby had fight with Kelly she was the only one who cared for the girls,she told them to go out of the room to a safe place. doesn't get involved in fights.

3 Melissa Ziegler-Gisoni

She's an amazing mother to Maddie and Mackenzie and is always so supportive of them! She is very sweet and one of the nicest moms and doesn't cause drama like Christi and Holly and doesn't try to get people into fights with Abby like Jill. Plus she almost never fights with Abby, because she knows her kids will pay for it. She respects Abby, and Abby adores her kids.

How the hell is Christi first, yes, she cares about the kids who she wants to care about, but bullied Maddie at the age of 8. She us disgusting and a hypocrite and loves to fight and complain. Melissa is always there for everyone, and Christi tries to make her look like the bad guy, because she's jealous of her child.

MELISSA IS MY LEAST favorite she is annoying and only cares about Maddie not Kenzie and she is such a goody goody so arrogant

She is the best because she always pushes maddie to be a better dancer. and no matter how mush work it is it pays off.

4 Kelly Hyland

Brooke never really liked dance but kelly made her do it and that was kind of unfair

"Stop eating, that's why you're fat!" I love Kelly! She's so funny!

I just love kelly. she fights for her kids and is kind to all the girls

Kelly always pushes her daughters and knows how great Paige and Brooke actually are. She never lets Abby tell her what to do and fights for what she believes in. 💞

5 Jill Vertes

She is REALLY funny. I even liked it when her and Melissa were yelling in the megaphone. XD

If I made this list I'd make Jill, Christy and Holly top 3

I didn't like when she shouted at brynn for no reason

I just love her laugh!

6 Kira Girard

I love when she puts the other moms in their place. Like Ashlee and the mini Moms. She's funny too.

She should be higher

7 Cathy Nesbitt-Stein

I don't like her, I just think the comebacks she uses are funny.

She' the worst

8 Kristie Ray

Too strict on Asia

I love Kristie

9 Christy Hunt

Why is she so high up, I hate Christy she's so horrible and treats everyone so badly, and she's ruining Sarah's dance career because of her attitude

You've gotta love her!

10 Jodi Grey
The Contenders
11 Ashlee Allen

She is sometimes over the top but what she says does make sense. When Ashlee commented that the duet lost because of Kendall, I couldn't agree more.

She is the only reasonable and likeable Dance Mom - except Holly! I hate Jill and Jesslynn...

Terrible. So done with her. She has to be the least liked mom ever

I hated her at the start but I like her now

12 Loree Cloud
13 Kalani Hilliker
14 Kaya - aka "Black Patsy"

NO SHE WAS HORRIBLE TO KENDALL what kind of person attacks a teenager online for NO REASON

No she was immature and talked about Kendall on social media like a 16 year old cyberbully.

15 Tami Adamson
16 Jessalynn Siwa

She should be much higher. Why is she number 26. She is amazing just like her daughter

I said 'so much higher' she should be higher but she was so rude to brynn and ashlee for no reason

She should be so much higher

17 Kendall Vertes
18 Brynn Rumfallo
19 Jackie Lucia
20 Shelly Serigne
21 Gloria Hampton
22 Jeanette Cota
23 Stacey Ketchman
24 Yolanda Walmsley
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