Top 10 Disney Movies with the Worst Endings
The worst endings of Disney movies! Not all of the movies on the list have to be bad movies. There are some really great Disney movies out there that don't have very good endings.Mulan and Shang married right before the emperor's eyes! What a humiliation! Will the emperor overlook that so easily? Then the next title of Mulan III will be: China Has Fallen!
The Mongols will defeat all of China, and then Mulan is no longer the pride of her ancestors. End!
Most of this movie was garbage, but the ending was the biggest problem. Do you people not understand politics?
The title of the next sequel (which'll luckily never happen) should be Mulan III: The Decimation of the Chinese Empire.
Ariel is such a terrible character! She is very selfish and betrays her own father to go up to the surface! She even makes a deal with a sea witch - what an idiot! Because of this, she pretty much doomed everyone. And then, after Ursula gets defeated, Ariel, despite causing all of this, gets to keep her legs and be with Eric! Um, what? After all of that, you're just going to give her what she wanted? I know she said sorry, but it did not sound sincere! Even if it was sincere, she still should have been punished! But no! She gets rewarded for putting everyone's life in danger! And does she learn her lesson at the end? No! No, she doesn't! Ariel is an objectively bad character and doesn't deserve to get what she wants!
I like Ron Clements and John Musker, but this movie is terrible! The thing that really got on my nerves was the ending! The whole point of this movie is that Hercules is trying to be a true hero so he can become a god and return to Olympus. That ends up happening, but when he finally gets to Olympus, he chooses to stay on Earth just to be with Meg!
A lot of people might disagree with me on this, but this ending is dumb! If he chose to stay on Earth, then that makes the entire plot of the movie pointless! Also, why does he still like Meg? She was working with the villain and tricked him! Even though she changed her ways, I still wouldn't trust her! Plus, we all know Meg gets killed after the events of this movie! Hercules kills her after being given temporary madness! This movie isn't the worst thing ever, but it has a ton of problems!
I'm gonna take a break from insulting the live-action Beauty and the Beast remake and insult the original for a moment. What's the message of this movie? Inner beauty is greater than outer beauty! Do not judge a person by their appearance! Real beauty comes from within! It doesn't matter what someone looks like as long as they have a great personality!
And then at the end, the Beast turns back into a "handsome" prince. Kind of destroys the whole message. In fact, something that the remake actually did better than the original was the ending! Just one line fixed the entire ending! Belle asks the prince if he would consider growing a beard! This makes more sense because Belle fell in love with the Beast! She wants the Beast back! I love the original Beauty and the Beast, but the ending is my only problem with it.
Someone thinks Slaughter Race "better suits Vanellope's personality." If that's true, then why did I ever think I could relate to her? I can't relate to, nor do I have any love or sympathy for, someone who lives for killing people, maiming animals, and destroying property just over one stupid car that's just yet another red sports car with flames painted on it among many.
Ralph Breaks the Internet should be number 1 because Vanellope decides to live in Slaughter Race and doesn't care about abandoning her own game. She goes Turbo like King Candy did.
It also ruins the events of the first movie. I hope for a third movie. I hate Ralph Breaks the Internet.
I absolutely adore this movie! This is the best Muppets movie ever! But I kind of felt like the ending was a huge slap in the face, and this is the only one on this list that happens in the credits. They do a telethon so they can save Muppet Studios, and they almost succeed in making enough money! Unfortunately, they fail at doing that.
But then, Kermit gives such an amazing and emotional speech! He says that as long as they're all together as a family, that's all that matters. They could just start from the bottom and try to make their way back up! This was such a mature scene! As it kept going on, I really thought they were going to go this route. That would've been the perfect way to end it! I even cried a little bit.
But then, Tex Richman just gives Muppet Studios back to the Muppets. SERIOUSLY!? I really thought they were going to do something different! Other than that, I really love this movie!
The prince is very sexist! But most of us already knew that. Notice how at the ball, he falls in love with the ONLY blonde girl in the room! And also, when Cindy rushes out of the ball, she leaves her glass slipper behind. I still don't know why the glass slippers stayed in that form.
So the prince goes to every girl and has them try on the glass slipper! Ok, what are the odds of no one having the same size foot as Cinderella? At least the prince finds Cindy, puts the glass slipper on her foot, and then they get married! The end! He didn't even get to know her very well, and yet the movie ends with them getting married! This just shows that the prince treats women as objects and doesn't care about who they are on the inside! Ironic hearing me say that since I made a list about the hottest Disney princesses. Lol.
Unlike a lot of people, I like this movie. However, I felt like the ending could've been a lot better. When Arlo is making his way home, Spot reunites with his family, which is pretty emotional. And then Arlo makes it back to his family, they hug, and Arlo puts his mark on the rock. That's it.
The problem with this is that I felt like it was a little rushed. It ends just like that. It would've been nice to see more happening in this scene, so I was very underwhelmed by it.
I agree with this one. I think they should've just left that part out.
I like Frozen 1, and I like Elsa, but even I think making her the spirit that binds everything, or whatever it was, is a bit much. Also, knowing it was just another excuse to force a popular platonic pair apart a la Toy Story 4 and Ralph Breaks the Internet.
The Northern Snow Queen fits Elsa better than the forced canon 5th spirit of the Enchanted Forest. Whereas the 5th spirit of the Enchanted Forest fits Anna better than Arendelle's forced canon queen.
Elsa should've remained Arendelle's canon Snow Queen at the end of this sequel, whereas Anna should've been the canon 5th spirit of the Enchanted Forest at the end of this sequel.
I've seen this movie 3 times, and like I've stated before, I find it to be a little overrated. It's still better than Mary Poppins though! Moana is a good movie, and my favorite character would probably have to be Maui! However, the reason why I didn't like the ending involves Maui!
He says in the movie that without his magical hook, he is nothing. And after his hook gets destroyed and after Te Ka gets "defeated," he says that he doesn't need his hook to be awesome. A good lesson, but then Te Fiti gives him another hook! I guess this was a way to reward him for apologizing for stealing her heart, but that shouldn't be enough for him to get his hook back. And if it was for bringing her heart back, he didn't! Moana did! I'm glad Maui still gets to keep his hook, but the reason for him getting it back doesn't make sense.
The Newcomers
This movie ends with one of the worst Disney songs ever! It's just them repeating the same thing over and over again! "Everybody wants to be a cat." NO ONE WANTS TO BE A CAT! And it doesn't help that none of the characters can sing! I mean, wow!
They also break the 4th wall after the song, which I'm guessing is supposed to be funny, but honestly, it's not. So this ending is pretty bad.
I'm not surprised this had a bad ending since the whole movie was boring from beginning to end.
Continuing Disney's "let's ruin a character and break up iconic duos/groups" kick...
Miss me with that "breaking up popular platonic relationship" bovine excrement!
Honestly, it just seems weird that one of the stepsisters is forgiven at the end. She tortured Cinderella, tricked the prince, and yet she is still forgiven!
The real sad ending: Alan Rickman's filmography. No, seriously, this was his last movie.
I like this movie, but I understand why people hate it. At the end of the movie, Stitch dies due to having a glitch. This is a pretty emotional scene. But then Stitch comes back to life a minute later with no explanation!
I'm glad that Stitch is still alive, but they could've at least given us an explanation!
When your movie's entire selling point is how it bucks tradition, you've actually set up a very predictable ending.
Because of what happens later in Arthurian lore? Disney didn't adapt the later stories, but most people do know that things go badly for Arthur after the movie cuts off.