Top 10 Best Pixar Villains

The Top Ten
Syndrome - The Incredibles Syndrome (born as Buddy Pine) is the primary antagonist in The Incredibles. He wanted to be super like the others, even though he had no powers. He was Mr. Incredible's #1 fan, and dubbed himself "Incrediboy," but he was rejected by Mr. Incredible. Angered after being refused, he developed an evil plan... read more

He killed almost every single superhero in the world just so he could become one himself. His plan was to plant a dangerous robot in the middle of a big city (which would cause many casualties) and then destroy it just so he could be seen as a hero.

He would then sell his inventions for loads of money so that everyone would be super, and the very foundation of power in the world would be disrupted. His plan would have started wars and caused many deaths, making him one of the greatest evil geniuses ever.

Hopper - A Bug's Life

Hopper represents the capitalist class of the real world - the rulers who want to keep the proletariat down. A Bug's Life is an amazing socialist commentary, and the scene where the ants stuffed Hopper into a cannon is reminiscent of when the French peasants guillotined the decadent French monarchs who lived lavishly and stole the fruits of the peasants' labor.

His death made me sad because I really liked him, but it also sends an important message that the only way to deal with the bourgeoisie and oppressive governments is through revolution.

Lotso Huggin'Bear - Toy Story 3 Lots-o'-Huggin' Bear ("Lotso" for short) is the main antagonist of Toy Story 3. He takes over Sunny Side Day Care and makes all the other toys work for him.

I admit it, Syndrome and Hopper are villains, but they get a little too much praise, especially Syndrome. Some say he is the best Pixar villain, but pure evil can be boring, mediocre, and uncompelling. He's a walking example of how a pure evil villain can be written.

He's a guy with an emotional story and heinous actions that are understood because of his motives, but not justified. Then, with the third act betrayal, every single sympathy I had for his backstory vanished, and I wished he was dead. (He's just strapped to the garbage truck, but I wanted to see him have a deadly fate. The series should have ended with Toy Story 4.)

Hopper and Syndrome are great, but Lotso should have ranked higher than them.

Randall Boggs - Monsters Inc. Randall Boggs is a Pixar villain from both Monsters Inc and its prequel, Monsters University. He is voiced by Steve Buscemi, and has a reptilian appearance, with purple and blue scales and green eyes.

Randall is the best Disney villain ever!

Also, I have a theory... In Monsters Inc., he and Henry Waternoose III were an evil duo, working together to take down Mike and Sully. But why? Why was it Randall who helped Henry? Well, it goes deeper than Randall just being evil.

Remember Monsters University? In that, we learn Randall's backstory: Sully embarrassed him in public, causing Randall's so-called friends (the jocks) to abandon him. With Mike gone, Randall was alone. That made Randall mad at Sully, obviously. Can you blame him? Sully is the reason he lost all his popularity and his only good friend.

A few years later (Monsters Inc.), Randall became a jerk to everyone. When Boo came along, Henry probably needed someone he could frame if things went bad, and that someone was Randall. Given that Randall was really, really mad at Mike (who didn't even defend him when everyone was laughing at him) and Sully, Henry used that information to trick Randall into turning evil.

My theory is that Henry tricked Randall into becoming evil. It wasn't Mike and Sully (though they were a big part of the reason), it wasn't his so-called friends, and it wasn't Boo. It was classic trickery.

Sid Phillips - Toy Story Sid Phillips is a fictional character in the Toy Story franchise. He serves as the primary antagonist of the original Toy Story film.

More misunderstood than evil and not a true villain. I felt really bad for Sid, but I'm glad he changes after the first movie. He grows up to be a garbage man.

Charles Mutts - Up

A deranged explorer played by Christopher Plummer who uses evil dogs to do his bidding. That's already awesome enough.

He is so AMAZING! He is really intimidating, and when he died, it still seemed creepy to me.

Chick Hicks - Cars

He has destroyed gods and made people suffer until they give him confetti. Is there anything else to say?

He doesn't care about anyone but himself. He deserves to be hit with confetti.

A one-dimensional villain with barely any screen time. Despite this, I consider him one of my favorites. He just looks so badass in my opinion.

Ernesto de la Cruz - Coco
Henry Waternoose III - Monsters Inc.
Stinky Pete - Toy Story 2 Stinky Pete, also known as The Prospector, is a fictional character in the Toy Story universe. He serves as a primary antagonist in Toy Story 2 (1999) and is voiced by Kelsey Grammer.

The Newcomers

? Gilbert Huph - The Incredibles
? Ercole Visconti - Luca
The Contenders
Auto - WALL-E

It's not evil. It's just doing its job. That's my favorite thing about it.

He's my favorite Pixar villain of all time! He should be in the top 5.

I don't like him that much aside from trying to kill the captain.

Evelyn Deavor/Screenslaver - Incredibles 2

She did not wear the costume for Screenslaver. She just used a random guy for her duty and took credit for it.

She's the second greatest villain in the Incredibles franchise, with Syndrome first!

She plays an awesome role as the mastermind behind Screenslaver!

Zurg - Toy Story 2
Bruce - Finding Nemo

Fish are friends, not food. That doesn't sound evil. But you never want a shark to smell blood.

Sadness - Inside Out Sadness is a major character in the 2015 Disney/Pixar film, Inside Out. She is one of the five emotions inside the mind of Riley Andersen.

Sadness almost became a villain when she touched the core memories.

Anton Ego - Ratatouille
Miles Axlerod - Cars 2

Axlerod is a former oil baron who sold off his fortune and converted himself into an electric vehicle. He was the leader of the Lemons (a criminal organization) that wanted to turn the entire world against alternative fuels and profit from it.

The Lemons hurt many and even killed several cars in their attempt to achieve their goal. However, Axlerod's plans were foiled when Tow Mater exposed his crimes.

He's actually really incredible and well-written. People hate him because they didn't dig deeper into what his actual plans were.

Thunderclap - The Good Dinosaur
Omnidroid - The Incredible
Gabby Gabby - Toy Story 4

I think Gabby Gabby is the best villain of all time and one of the many reasons why Toy Story 4 is my all-time favorite film. She isn't evil. It's just that her actions cause trouble for the main characters. The scene where she is given to the lost kid almost made me cry. I see Gabby Gabby as the perfect villain.

Mor'du - Brave
Chef Skinner - Ratatouille

Underrated as hell. He didn't care about anyone else. He's so desperate to exploit Gusteau's image so he can sell his frozen foods. Not only that, but his character is portrayed so well that he didn't believe the movie's message that anyone can cook.

Al - Toy Story 2

He was insecure and convinced that the world revolved around him, just like a bully who believes the world revolves around him. He demonstrated this when he told the flyboy, "Listen, flyboy! The contents of that case are worth more than you make in a year! You got that, sport?! You be careful!"

Darla - Finding Nemo
The Underminer - The Incredibles
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