Top 10 Dumbest Things Schools Have
Because there are problems with the school system that can be improved on. This is not to insult, but rather constructive criticism.
I just want to be allowed to wear a hoodie or a beanie in class without getting in trouble for it. Why do schools care about hats and hoodies but not bullies?
So you want kids to get sunburned during the summer?
To honor the flag, I don't exactly understand, but I might when I'm older.

Why can't they just punish that one kid instead of punishing everyone? I have tried to tell teachers that this rule is cruel and unfair, but they always reply, "Well, it's that kid's fault! He/she ruined it for all of you!"
This also encourages all the other kids to bully the one kid that broke the rules. Teachers need to stop doing this because it does not solve anything and makes the situation even worse.
That is seriously unfair and downright evil. Quite often, the only thing to come out of this is the entire class brutally ganging up on the one kid who broke the rules. Bullying is a big enough problem in schools as it is!

I had to wear a school uniform from 1st to 8th grade, and I absolutely hated it. To make things worse, uniforms weren't really enforced, so most of my friends were wearing comfortable everyday clothing while my mom made me wear a stupid uniform.
In 7th and 8th grade, I would sometimes change into my regular clothes once I got to school and then go home in my PE uniform, which was surprisingly more comfortable than the regular uniform.
First, they are a waste of money. Can't the schools at least just give them to students for free? I sorely wish that was the case. You continue the chain of disadvantages.

I mean, this wouldn't be a problem if they didn't waste their money on stupid stuff and people weren't vandalizing places in the school.

I mean, don't expect schools to be filled with gaming PCs and give their students gaming laptops, but yeah. School computers are still slow and basically do the very bare minimum for any schoolwork.
Once when I was in 5th grade, my mean substitute teacher made the entire class stay after the 2:20 dismissal bell all because of some kid's mother. When the bell rang, I decided to take my backpack, go up to the door, and open it. My teacher caught me the first time, but I made my escape a few minutes later on my second attempt just as some kids were ratting me out to the teacher.
I went home like nothing happened, and I surprisingly didn't get punished when I returned to school on Monday. I think it helped that I had an orthodontist appointment the next day, giving me a three-day weekend.
The origin 500 test. What did I need to do exams for in primary school? Tests are hard enough.
Even when it's an emergency, some teachers refuse to let you go. They always say, "Why didn't you go during lunch?" even when lunch was over two hours ago. When we only have 20-30 minutes to eat and take a break from work, we don't always have time to go to the bathroom. Also, sometimes you did not have to go to the bathroom then.
You should be able to go to the bathroom anytime. Teachers do it because they don't want kids using the bathroom as an excuse to get out of class, but instead, they should just give you a five-minute time limit to go to the bathroom instead of refusing to let you go.

The worst subject in school! All the other subjects at least test your brain. This subject, though, is nothing but sport! Um, hello, Mr. School? Do you know not everyone likes sport? Especially not me.
Hate it, except for last week when we made our own obstacle courses.
The Newcomers
They just give you a random assignment totally unrelated to the unit just to keep students busy. What?!
Once, I had gym class outside in the late summer, and the instructor literally said no water, no bathroom, and even no shade. Luckily, another instructor let me talk to the vice principal. Thank God.
Most schools are strict, but it went too far as most schools in Texas (known for paddling) and other schools have harsh, painful, and humiliating punishments.
In high school, my special ed teacher forced the class to follow extremely dumb and stupid rules, such as requiring us to drink plain milk even if we didn't like the taste of it, prohibiting drawing the hanging body when playing hangman, and not allowing unlimited snacks during class holiday parties.
In 1st grade, my teachers forced any misbehaving kid to stand on a rug with duct tape on it while facing the back of the classroom. SO STUPID!

I get why some people think it's useful, but we could seriously do without homework. When we're at school, that's when we're supposed to work and learn. School is the only place where I actually feel like working because I am able to concentrate.
I would prefer if school was one hour longer. At least we would be able to relax once we're home, and parents wouldn't be on their kids' backs all the time.
What the hell is homework? It's just a short, boring summary of what we learned in class. It's like if your parents gave you waffles, then forced you to write an essay on the food, how it tastes, and other stuff.
In my junior school, when the bell rang for the end of lunch or break, we had to line up in alphabetical order in silence. Then the teachers waited five minutes until we were silent. Then we walked indoors in single file and entered the classroom. Naturally, everyone started talking again, and the whole exercise was pointless.
Ugh. At my school, we always line up after recess and lunch to stop us from going upstairs without permission. Only when our teacher says we can go up, we go up.

After you studied so hard and have forgotten the answers to the test questions, guess what? You're toast. Teachers will expect you and the students to do their best, not to get an A plus. You have to pass the test if you want to get this over with.
I hate these so much! I have to give up all the worthwhile things I actually enjoy doing just to memorize information that I will soon forget. Most of it I will never use 10 years from now! Such pure BS!
I can kinda get where you're coming from with this since in school, at worst, you get marked down 10%, but in college, this is a must-ace.

The fire alarms are ear-piercingly loud. I feel like I would get hearing damage from how ungodly loud they are. If you're going to put a lot of them, why make them 110 dB? Do they seriously need to rupture people's eardrums for anyone to realize there's a fire? I bet someone got deaf due to them.
I HATE fire drills. Why do they have to be so loud? Plus, when I was in kindergarten, there was a fire drill even though there was no fire! And once it was very cold outside, and I didn't even have my jacket on. I thought, "I don't care. I wouldn't freeze to death." And I had to cover my ears.
Luckily, I was never in the bathroom and was always in my classroom.

I get that you need to be strict, but you shouldn't have to abuse your power to force others to follow your rules. If you keep doing it, you're going to make yourself look like that one person that no one wants as a teacher.
Absolutely. Skipped every single one during my high school tenure.

My school sometimes even blocked websites that my teacher posted a link to.
Just block inappropriate content, not educational YouTube videos!

OK, so this tipped my parents off and still does. When I was in 4th grade, I had to go to the chiropractor, and my neck and the way my head sat on my body were out of line. So yes, this should be illegal.
It's like schools want us to break our backs.
Yes, I know and highly acknowledge how important it is to read and write, but why is it a required class even after elementary school? It's not like we live in a country where people still can't communicate in the native language. It's now just an excuse to make the authors famous.
I like theatre, though.
It's literally required to take four years of an English class. The final year is not too bad if you want to make it easy on yourself. Well, that's how it was for me. Unless you mean a certain reading period... then yeah, that was totally unnecessary in elementary school nevertheless.

I heavily prefer typing over handwriting. Typing causes less pain for your hands, is easier to erase mistakes, faster to complete, and neater when getting stuff out and putting it away. However, English classes sometimes emphasize handwriting and claim that it helps you "remember better." Honestly, that sounds like a myth.
I can't even read my own letters, and I'm left-handed, so my hands get all grey after writing. But I am an expert at typing on a computer!
This is the year 2018. Can we move into the 21st century and eliminate paper and pencil so we can save trees?
At least my school didn't have to do it, but there was an instance where some kid got suspended for not doing it that happened a pretty long time ago.
I hate having to stand up and say pointless words.
There's usually a 40-minute time limit for lunch. In high school, when I line up to buy lunch, I spend about 20-25 minutes in line and only 10-15 minutes eating. I usually have to shove food into my mouth.
When time is up and students are still eating, they have to throw out their food because you can't bring food out of the cafeteria. It's a waste, and since I don't want to waste any food, I chug my chocolate milk really fast and sometimes end up choking on my milk or spilling it all over myself.
Schools really need to set up their food buffet style and extend their lunch periods.

If you are a teacher who bases your life on being mean, let me get this straight. You bully students into following your rules in your "classroom" that isn't your property. It belongs to the government that you pay taxes for.
Just because you had a bad day or were bullied during your childhood doesn't give you the right to take your anger out on the students you were hired to teach. And if you keep moaning about people not respecting you, maybe you should start being more careful and easygoing around your students.