Top 10 Stupidest Things to Do in High School

If you're in high school or are going to be high school soon don't do any of the following things. Because the consequences could result in suspension, expulsion or possibly detention.
The Top Ten
1 Get into a fight

You'll get suspended for this so there's no point in allowing someone to belittle you to the point you want to start attacking them.

2 Do nothing in a group project

You'll get fired from your group pretty fast.

3 Trust students with your belongings

Or put stuff in them when you weren't looking

Chances are they'll lose it half the time.

4 Stare at your phone the entire time you're in class
5 Try to smuggle drugs in your backpack

Automatic expulsion to be honest.

6 Copy and paste stuff you found on the internet and claim it as your own
7 Smoke in the hallways

You'd be suspended or possibly expelled easily.

8 Go to school drunk

I think this quite honestly best explains itself.

9 Have sex

For obvious reasons...

10 Masturbate in class

Not only would everyone hear it but... no one wants to see anyone feeling their fishing rod in class.

Thanks man you made me laugh. (Person below me)

The Contenders
11 Have a temper tantrum
12 Pull the fire alarm

Oh yes this is quite stupid too.

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