Top 10 Habits You Must Avoid When Using Chopsticks
While we were children, we were typically taught how to properly eat in the dining table and practice good manners. You may find yourself breaking the rules of the dining table from time to time, but in Japan where proper etiquette is especially emphasized, it is recommended to be conscious of how you behave, especially in a country where social norms are different. Here are the top 10 habits or practices you should consider avoiding while using chopsticks.You should be aware of this as we tend to point at things while conversing. Pointing at food or a person with your chopsticks is considered very rude. In fact, pointing at objects or people is generally considered rude in Japan. Instead, wave at the object you are trying to indicate.
You might have done this subconsciously with a fork, knife, or other utensil, but sticking your chopsticks upright in a bowl of rice is not only considered bad etiquette but also bad luck, as it may evoke feelings of death. This is called tate-bashi. People usually place chopsticks upright in rice at Japanese funerals.
You may not be aware of how you hold or place your chopsticks, but forming an "x" shape with your chopsticks can symbolize death and bad luck. If you plan to go to Japan and have a peculiar way of holding chopsticks, such as holding them in an "x" shape, it's strongly advised to adopt a different, more acceptable way of holding chopsticks while eating.
You may have done this when first using chopsticks. However, this is considered impolite. This practice is rooted in Japanese funerals, where the bones of the deceased are passed using chopsticks, which may evoke feelings of death. When handing small portions of food to another person, it is best to use a plate.
Some people tend to have this habit when they are picky about choosing food. However, this is considered bad manners. The same applies to touching the food with your chopsticks and not eating it. If you are a picky eater and want to try a variety of food, it is better to take a small portion rather than hovering your chopsticks indecisively.
This practice is more tempting if the chopsticks are of bad quality (e.g., splinters of wood), but if the chopsticks are in good condition, rubbing them together is considered bad manners as it can suggest that the chopsticks are "cheap." If you see splinters coming out of your chopsticks, it's best to remove them using your hand.
This is called sashi-bashi. You may have done this as a child, but you might somehow find yourself poking your food subconsciously, usually with a fork. If you have difficulties picking up slippery food using chopsticks, you may also be tempted to pierce the food to make it easier to pick up. In Japan, this is considered rude, especially when done with one chopstick. Using a fork is more appropriate if you want to pick up slippery food with ease.
This is called yose-bashi. You might be tempted to drag objects closer with your chopsticks out of laziness, but this is considered rude and a clumsy way of bringing objects, especially soup, as you risk spilling it and making a mess.
Honestly, that doesn't sound easier anyway. It would be hard to pull an object of significant size.
We all learn not to do this by common sense, as it is universally considered bad and childish manners, especially in Japan. Children typically do this, but some believe that it will summon a spirit if done continuously. If you plan to visit Japan with children, make sure you teach them not to do this.
This habit is not a "must avoid," but it shows immaturity to other people.
The Newcomers
Leaving chopsticks over the bowl shows disrespect to the person who made your food. Placing chopsticks on top of the bowl indicates that you're done with your meal. If you are still eating but want to take a short break, it's best to use a chopstick holder.
The reason is that you might subconsciously point at someone or something with your chopsticks, which is considered rude in Japan.
This is also a behavior that children typically exhibit. Not only is it considered bad etiquette, but it also deteriorates the material of the chopsticks. If you're a clumsy eater, you may accidentally leave a bite mark on the chopstick, but it is best to avoid doing so.