Top Ten Pet Peeves About Fortnite

The Top Ten
1 When you die right away every game

Someone save me.

2 When you can’t get a kill
3 When your teammates take all the good weapons and jump off the map
4 When your squad is teaming with another team
5 When your game crashes
6 When you are second and the person who won had 1 HP
7 When a hacker is in your game

Doesn't happen on PS4 because they actually know how to deal with those people.

8 When your team keeps dying and needs you to revive them
9 When you have 0 wins

I only have 4 wins in Team Rumble and many wins in the Endgame mode. I wish they counted.

10 When you try to do what a youtuber did in a video but you just die
The Contenders
11 Tryhards

They should just play Arena or Creative instead of ruining the fun for us.

12 Being trapped inside the eye of the storm

This is so annoying. Whenever people are battling players, reviving teammates, or collecting loot, the storm immediately shows up and closes in on you. It slowly depletes your health. By the time you escape the storm, you're dead.

13 Long loading screen

This happens all the time on my computer. Instead of being in the training area, I'm already in the Battle Bus halfway down the map. I think it's because my computer is pretty laggy for Fortnite.

14 When you forget to switch things quickly

This always happens to me.

15 Everyone talks about it
16 The dances
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