Top Ten Kinds of People Who are Most Easily Triggered
I've met a few and had the most hostile interactions with them. They actually think they have a duty to be disruptive and violent.
That woman: Did you just add me to this list? Oh my gosh, I am offended. You deserve to be ashamed for treating me, a woman, like that. Disgusting men!
Remember when the scene in the SpongeBob episode "Wormy" where they burn everything down was too insane to happen? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Donald Trump is living proof of how many stupid Americans live in America since there were plenty enough to get him elected.
The rest of the Americans are being ignored and worrying about the future generation growing up with such lunatics who're probably going to burn their own country down by causing an unnecessary war.
Many of them act like anyone that doesn't like or agree with Trump supports Hillary Clinton.
I really hate him and all this extra money I have had the last couple of years.
It's fine to believe in equality, and that's feminism. However, all these Tumblr feminists are just foolish and they're never going to change anything. The first and second-wave feminism did change how society thinks, and that's how women got their rights. But will Tumblr feminism ever change society's current views? No. Men and women are equal and they have their own strengths and weaknesses. I'm a feminist who is all for equality, but Tumblr feminism is pathetic.
Maybe their voice would be taken seriously in the '50s, but now it's all man-hating, irrelevant debating over trivial topics (like Legos, not joking), standing up for rights they already own, and enforcing female stereotypes unknowingly. For example, a female stereotype is that women always whine. Well, modern feminists seem to always whine. And to think these are adults saying all this nonsense, I swear LeafyIsHere has said smarter things.
I don't blame people for being triggered when they are falsely accused of being racist.
Nobody's saying that other lives don't matter. We're simply stating that Black lives still matter because some people don't understand that. While there are racists, the three women who created the movement didn't have any racist intent. They simply wanted justice for Trayvon Martin and other people of color killed unjustly.
Black Lives Matter, oh where to start. Martin Luther King Jr. would be so disappointed because these "peaceful protesters" resort to violence and counter-racism. I saw a video of a BLM leader at a rally telling white people to go to the back. That's not the way.
I swear to God, when I first saw this scene, I wanted to grab my phone, video the scene, and then send it to my friend with the message "*facepalm*". Basically, what I'm saying is, yes, they can, you little beoch!
And now they are giving my religion, Christianity, a bad image!
Boys can like boys. These people are so idiotic.
If you so much as say that Trump is better than Hillary, they rage and scream at you.
And also Trump supporters, anti-feminists, and conservatives. They get triggered very easily. Especially anti-feminists.
From some of the reports I have been reading, they are coming unhinged.
I have never seen a blue person in my life. Unless it was Grover, Cookie Monster, or Blue from Blue's Clues. Just kidding. I have never seen a blue person seriously.
To be more accurate, ALM supporters, just trying to live their lives, end up triggering BLM supporters.
According to these people, all lives only matter the moment it benefits them.
I know these guys. They are the kids at school who cry and scream over the smallest and most trivial reasons. I know one at school and he always thinks negatively of himself and screams like those raging squeakers in games.
They suffer meltdowns right and left when they are triggered.
Obviously, not all liberals get triggered easily, but in general, there's not really any other group that gets triggered as easily.
Liberals get triggered due to their beliefs, and they should.
The Newcomers
With that picture, do I even need to explain this one?
Not all of them, but some threatened Justin's girlfriend.
Geez, now the Beliebers are saying his most recent CD proves how great he is. *gag*
I don't hate conservatives, but a lot of them get triggered easily and are bigots.
What are these? Moms obsessed with their child being on the soccer team?
Hate them. They overreact and boycott everything.
Is there even a question anymore about who is the greatest of all time? No wonder they are triggered if you don't agree.
Now that he's going to the Buccaneers, maybe the fans will be less annoying. That is, if there will be any left...
They mainly get triggered when they lose or when you say another QB is better than Tom Brady.
Metal elitists especially. They think if you listen to other music besides black metal, you're a "poser," or if you listen to a very popular mainstream band like Metallica. They especially get upset and start yelling "poser" if you like a band that they hate because it's not "real metal" to them, which is just ludicrous.
As a fan of rock, R&B, and metal music, I can say that elitists are super annoying, especially metal elitists. They give off a bad vibe.
My cat would be so triggered if he found out I liked mainstream and pop music. He's 100% a metal elitist.
I bet whoever took the picture thought, "Hey, I have an idea. Let's take a picture of a couple of 6-year-olds throwing fits for not getting the Elsa doll they wanted and put it on every social media platform that's ever existed."
That picture made me spew out my drink.
We all know who you're talking about. I used to follow him.
If anyone wants to know, I added this. And not just because of Disney1994. There was actually a Liv and Maddie fan visitor who got triggered when I made fun of Dove Cameron on the list of people with the most punchable faces. - ModernSpongeBobSucks
I'm a Mr. Enter fan, and if someone hates him or has a different opinion than him, I suck it up since it is their opinion.
Let's see, you hate abortions because you think it's murder. You are a Christian extremist. You probably don't know that your ancestors are from another country. You are homophobic. You hate transgender people. You hate drag queens. You hate the unemployed. You are a redneck. You don't like the thought of gun control. You just vote for the upper class. You live in the past.