Top 10 Most Perverted Fandoms
Even fandoms can be weirdly perverted. And I`m counting down the most perverted fandoms of all.
People who think FNaF characters are hot are crazy. First of all, they're robots. You can't have sex with a robot!
Second of all, they're haunted. You can't have sex with a ghost either. Finally, the animatronics are haunted by the ghosts of CHILDREN. That basically makes FNaF fetishists pedophiles.
If I had a penny for every overly sexualized fan art of Roxanne Wolf I stumble upon while browsing images on Google...
I never understood this one. They just took the word "weird" to a whole new level.

1. Sans and Papyrus are siblings. SIBLINGS.
2. Toby confirmed that Sans is at least 18.
3. Given the game's time period is within the 21st century, beginning with 201X, Papyrus (if his username Coolskeleton95 means anything) is 15 at the very youngest.
So, incest and pedophilia. Great job, guys.
Just downright disturbing perversion. Trust me, you'll know.

I'm not joking when I say there's literally clop porn of the Cutie Mark Crusaders kissing pony fetuses. Aren't bronies just wonderful or what?
Considering My Little Pony Rule 34 fans were listed on the Most Annoying Fan Bases, it's no surprise there are perverted bronies.
To all the little girls who have come across the disgusting fan art created by my fandom, I'm so sorry.

They don't know when to stop with shipping!
Examples: Cupcest and any Boss x Cup Brother ship.
1. Incest is wrong.
2. The Cup Bros are adolescents, for crying out loud!
Why do all the good games have to have bad fandoms? Cala Maria is my favorite Cuphead boss, and seeing her sexualized disgusts me.
There is so much porn of Grim Matchstick and Cala Maria that it makes me regret being a gamer in the first place.

If you think furries are very childish, cute, and innocent, watch out - they are so perverted. I mean, so perverted.
Look around the furry websites, for example, e621 and Fur Affinity (unless you turn off the adult content). I should also mention that popular anthropomorphic characters get sexualized by furries, like Tony the Tiger, Digimon like Renamon and Leomon, Pokémon, and others. No joking, just look around Google, but for me, no thanks.
Ok, so they messed up foxes (so sad!) and almost every animal except my favorite animal (dogs), but now they've started doing it to the doggies! That's animal cruelty!
Animals shouldn't have those body parts humans have! We need to stop furries and the furry fandom!

Why do they have to make characters like Amy and Rouge so sexualized?! It's not sexy. It's just plain disgusting bestiality!
DeviantArt ruined this fandom. From vore to porn, to gore and really weird fan fiction, this is why I think this is one of the most toxic fandoms out there.
It's not bestiality if the animals can talk and you can understand them… but many of the Sonic characters are still minors, and it's still disgusting.

The perverted fan art takes kid show characters and displays sexual acts between them. If that wasn't bad enough, they go into incest territory, as the main character has sex with one of his 11 sisters.
Some of them have actually been shipped and had names for their pairings (often a combination of both names, e.g., "Lynncoln"). I've reported every incest-related fan art from these disgusting people.
Shipping siblings with each other, sometimes even with the parents, is just a red flag. Most of the fandom also oversexualizes characters who are underage or ships characters who have a significant age gap.

I love vore, but most of us are perverts... I'm not even sexually attracted to it, and the stories I post are non-erotic, but this deserves to be on here... Coming from a voraphile.
I have no big problem with vore itself, but sometimes it can be...
A little...
I'm a furry, so can I really say anything?
Never understood this one. Just someone eating someone else. I'm also wondering how the hell they did that anyway.

Horrible game, horrible fandom.
The Newcomers
I'm surprised that people think The Amazing Digital Circus characters are sexy, especially Kinger and Zooble, who are a king chess piece and a mix-and-match toy, respectively.
Eh, why do I even bother? This is the internet, so of course, there will be tons of porn of the characters anyway.
Not surprising, since it's an adult game.

Only from the adult fans. I can assure you that 98% of the kids who play Minecraft are more into DanTDM and don't do anything gross. But some (not all) of the adult Minecraft fans are gross.
Some of my friends were watching R34 videos of a Minecraft girl, then Roblox after that.

Definitely one of the most sickening, perverted, and degenerate fandoms there is, if not the most. Then again, this is a disgusting series that tries to make pedophilia, bestiality, animal blood sports, and underage gambling sound perfectly acceptable, so I'm not surprised...
Some of the Pokémon fans are pedophiles.
There are good fans, but there are also bad fans.
People forget that Ash, Iris, Bonnie, Serena, Misty, Clemont, May, and Dawn are kids.

This is very true, sadly. I feel sorry for Lyndis (Lyn) from FE7. She seems to get the worst of the perverted fanbase. Fans put her in crossover couples when that is never going to happen.
The whole shipping war involving her has been bad enough between the Hector fans and the Rath fans in the Blazing Blade fanbase. We just don't want it to get any worse.
Boy, is the Fire Emblem fandom so perverted with the Fire Emblem girls!

Any grown man that is obsessed with My Little Pony... I shudder to think of other things they might be into.

I am part of the Creepypasta fandom, yes, but I don't go all crazy like some people do with ships! I can vouch that some Creepypasta fans are really perverted.

This fandom is one of the more tame ones, but it has its fair share of creeps. There are some very creepy and disgusting people in this fandom who want to mess with 12- to 14-year-olds.
The wizarding world of Hogwarts has quite the perverted fanbase. Lots of female ships and sexual fan-created images. Overall, a very dirty fanbase.

I love the MK games, but the female characters were so over-sexualized. People make questionable fan art, too.

Disgusting fetish fan art and fanfics, even though I love the show to bits! Please don't search up Rule 34 of Lapis and Peridot!
Seriously, nobody wants to see sexualized Crystal Gems with big boobs and butts.

I won't play Roblox ever again. Roblox won't ban online daters, so I won't be on Roblox ever again because it won't delete online dating games. There are girls showing boys their bottoms and wanting them to touch them online, which is nasty.
There are boys wanting to touch girls and their whole bodies online, which is not okay and is nasty. Online daters have been having sex, which is not okay at all. There are boys out there liking girls' bottoms - I saw it in a video, and that's nasty. Online daters are such perverts. They won't stop doing nasty stuff. That's it. I'm never playing Roblox ever again.

Just like with Sword Art Online, while Attack on Titan may be one of my favorite anime, it not only has a lot of diehard, rabid fans, but also a lot of perverted fans as well!
First, the body pillows of the female characters (scratch that, they even have body pillows for Captain Levi. What?) are the least of the perverted fans' notoriety because, trust me, it gets worse. Next, I believe I saw an image of Krista Lenz oozing some sort of white liquid from her mouth that I don't even want to know the name of.
Finally, there's the Titanized female character porn fan art. That's right, female characters such as Mikasa and Krista are re-imagined as sexually suggestive female Titans, posed nude in a very suggestive manner. Attack on Titan is an awesomely epic anime, but like with every anime, its fan base is filled with bad fans, especially the perverted ones.

People are insanely perverted about this freaking movie! So what if it's a bunch of furries? It's not free material to turn into one of your pervy portraits. Yikes.
I always see feet pictures of Judy.

I love this show a lot, but most people on DeviantArt make fetish art of the characters. Why do they find them so hot? I'm not saying they're ugly, but there are prettier fictional girls out there.
I'm sure the writers tried to make the characters look decent, so people should stop making porn art of them. It's a show that was most likely made for kids.