Top 10 Craziest Fan Bases

The Top Ten
Directioners A Directioner is a super fan of the British/Irish boy band called "One Direction". Directioners are dedicated to the band's five members: Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Harry Styles, Zayn Malik and people associated with them.

I'm a Directioner. However, I'm one of the very few Directioners who is obsessed with the boys but does not ask anyone who does not like them to kill themselves. I hate a lot of my fandom. They're crazy, they're jealous, and they have no mercy. They're convinced that they will marry Harry Styles one day.

I don't blame them - I mean, who wouldn't want to marry him? But these girls take it to a whole new level. If the boys are seen with any girl, they turn into rabid beasts, ready to rip the poor thing to shreds. There are very few in my fandom who are actually nice. If I find any of them, I become friends with them quite quickly. The Directioners should be 2nd or 3rd on this list, only because Harmonizers and Beliebers take the top spot.


Justin Bieber is a great singer, but there are legit so many guys out there who sound just like him. Bland, basic, male teen pop artists, not to mention overplayed. The way girls obsess over him and go super crazy over him hurts my ears - listening to their constant screaming. I swear to God, why are these people so loud?

I am a Belieber, and I believe that us Beliebers should be in the top 10 best fan bases. I think that we are the best! We are so supporting, so caring, and so outrageous for Justin. We show him we care, through the internet of course, by getting his albums, songs, anything to the top! Please make a recount on your decision for the top 10 best fan bases.

Five Nights at Freddy's Fandom

Everyone keeps saying how abominable this fandom is, but I really don't know what they are talking about. If the FNaF fan base has people in it who run charity live streams, make talented animations and stories out of the animatronics, and interesting theories, then I'd be happy to join the fan base.

Surely it has had its ups and downs, and there has been some fan art made that many people wish to unsee. But people need to stop and look beyond the fan art and stuff and realize that FNaF has really opened the door for people's ability to be sociable and creative. I know I sound like a fanboy, but surely there are much worse fandoms out there?

Pokemon Genwunners

I love Pokemon. It's one of my favorite games (in my opinion), and I'm excited for the new Pokemon Sun and Moon. But whenever I come across a Genwunner, they just annoy me saying "how Gen 1 was so great" or "how much better the games were back then."

Play Emerald and be enlightened, Genwunners!

True Pokemon fans enjoy all the games.

Sonic Fans

Some whine about how he sucks now and how good he was last time, but some draw poor-quality fanart and do stupid shippings. What's left are the good ones who respect other people's opinions, hate or love Sonic. Personally, I prefer the third section of the fanbase.

If I were to choose between the first two, well, I would choose the second section any day. I hate whiny retro fanboys. I would rather sit around with a group of teens who do poor-quality fanart and stupid shippings than sit with retro fanboys who whine and whine and whine.

SkyDoesMinecraft Fans

Why don't you like butter? The chat is for people to say whatever they want. If they are telling a friend that they found "butter" or just exclaiming it to themselves, then I don't see the problem.

Unless they are deliberately spamming "butter," it's not that big of a deal. Even Sky said not to spam butter before.

Bronies A brony is an adult male fan of the Hasbro animated series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. The fandom gained enormous popularity during the 2010s.

Dope? Seriously!? It's an overrated piece of junk! To know that many people even like this crap so much, including grown men, at around an estimate of over 30 million, it's just very depressing, and it really makes me not want to live on this planet anymore.

Someone had to say it. This group of 30-year-olds finds out you don't watch a show for 5-year-old girls, and they will attack you like a pack of rabid dogs.

And don't even get me started on all the "original characters" and the group of this type so large that they have a name for it... "Cloppers."


God, no. He screams in his mic like a girl and five-year-olds love it. How is this not higher?


Sure, Potterheads are crazy (I'm living proof of that), but is that really wrong? We like Harry Potter - it's just so awesome! Sure, we may be a little bit stubborn at times, but you are too sometimes. When people say something bad about Harry Potter, of course we're going to dive in and defend it. It's only the natural instinct of us witches/wizards. Haven't you ever liked something so much that you wished you were part of it? That's exactly how Potterheads feel, and there's no reason to make fun of us for that.

I am one of the only kids I know who likes Harry Potter. Many kids don't understand me, but I don't care. With some music and a good Harry Potter book, I'm able to recover some of my self-esteem. Please don't make fun of me. Don't you know what it's like to be made fun of and ridiculed for something you believe in or like? It's absolute torture! Those kids can get very mean sometimes. Harry Potter has caused those taunts, yes, but it helped me forget about them as well. Luna Lovegood especially helped me because she taught me it's okay to be different sometimes.

90's Kids

If I see one more 90s kid complain about how trashy today's music is, I will lose it. All these people like to do is talk about this generation and how amazing stuff was 'back in the day'.

They need to accept the fact that we're now in the 21st century, and we don't want to listen to your classic rock. Don't get me wrong, you can listen to whatever you want, but I'm not going to go and buy a vinyl Guns N' Roses CD just because you're a pushy little ass.

AKA Retro Fanboys, they complain about how gaming sucks now because the most popular games are 'lame' shooters. I have not played any shooters yet, but I heard Halo and Call of Duty aren't really that bad. Their heads are also stuck in nostalgia and hype over Oot and Mario Kart 64 when those games are about 20 years old.

My advice (to all retro fanboys): Stop being so nostalgic and get with the times.

The Newcomers

? Dream Stans

Some of these people terrify me. These stans see nothing wrong with shipping minors or writing very graphic and offensive fan fiction about Dream.

? Amphibia Fans
The Contenders
Football Fans

They are so stupid! What's the big deal about football? A lot of people at my school (even the girls, and even the girly girls) are going crazy when there's a big game going on. They say to the teachers, Did you see the game? Who's team do you like? And if they like a team they don't like, they think they're weird. It's so annoying!

Me and my family (even my dad) are not fond of football. We never go to games, and I'm glad.

I live in Nebraska, where literally everyone wears a Huskers shirt on game day. And if you don't know every single team member, you're considered kinda weird. It sucks so hard. Seriously, throw a rock in any direction, you will either hit a Huskers fan or some Huskers merch. Also, you can't get anywhere downtown on game day. It's packed.

Anime Fans

Not really. They hate on you if you don't like anime, then threaten you and tell you that you just haven't been watching the right ones. They aren't cool. They are annoying. They aren't cute. They are creepy. Yes, they are random.

They are the coolest, cutest, and most random people you could ever meet. They never seem to cause any trouble and don't hate on anyone. You'll always hear them fangirling over fictional characters in mangas if they are in a group of anime/manga fans.

They're obsessed with everything anime. They use terms from different anime that nobody understands, and they scream at people who don't like anime.

Michael Jackson Fans

I'm a Michael Jackson fan, and to be honest, I'm a little disappointed at how some of the other MJ fans are. What I mean is, if someone says something negative about MJ, they'll go all crazy on that person. Meanwhile, I just say, "Well, that's your opinion and I respect you for it." I'm pretty sure that Michael wouldn't appreciate how some of his fans act.

In my first month on this site, I would attack people for not liking his music, but now I respect their opinions a bit more.

After MJ's death, they became extremely rude to other artists and their fan bases. Get a life, guys! You only give a bad name to the MJ fan base. I don't think Michael would appreciate it.


If you don't think that Whovians are crazy, go look up "Doctor Who Twelve Dancing Princesses."

I personally am a Doctor Who fan, but some people take being a fan a little too far.

Doctor Who fans are some of the most boring people I've ever met.


Taylor Swift is my favorite singer. I will consider myself a Swiftie, but the die-hard fans are out of control. They will attack you if you like any other artist, call you a fake fan if you don't love all of her music, and will tell you to "kill yourself" because of your opinion. So yeah, we are crazy.

Taylor Swift is one of the most influential, powerful, popular, and rich people in the world, and to be honest, she deserves all the success and love she's getting. She is highly critically acclaimed and one of the biggest commercially successful stars in history. She is able to make even a re-recorded, 11-year-old, country album with no music video go number one. So, you can imagine her power.

She was also the most influential person on Twitter, which has over 1 billion accounts, last year. Even after 15 years into her career, she is at the top. So yeah, she is probably the biggest star/singer/songwriter right now on the whole planet.

Twilight Fans

Don't get me started on Twilight and its fans. So many Twilight fans I ran into are so mean and petty. Some tell you that you shouldn't have been born if you say that you hate Twilight. I only get along with a small majority.

They overreact over the littlest things, such as admitting you don't like Twilight. They will try to murder you. I believe that the majority of the Twilight fanbase is full of jerks. Twilight is so vague, and Bella is a typical Mary Sue. Her name hints that she's a Mary Sue, and so does her life. She got popular, and the guy that many girls were talking about fell for her.

Bacon Fans

They are a pain. If you say that bacon is overrated, they will go nuts and get mad at you.

I am one of these partly because my last name is Bacon. I swear it is.

90s Fans

We love to play. Now, I have to go play.

Donald Trump Supporters

I don't mind the people who like him. I personally am okay with him. Far from the best president, far from the worst.

The people I can't stand are QAnon believers. That theory is borderline schizophrenic. Donald Trump is not here to save us from the New World Order. If anything, he's part of it.

OMG, like they are so dumb. Like literally, I think they can't think and won't get the vaccine and are selfish and won't listen to experts. I wear two masks (only one when I go to bed) when I'm with people, and like they can't even wear one.

Black Metal Fans

I'm a fan here. I speak for no one but myself. I just like it. I don't know why other people like it, but that's their business and not mine, just like how it's my business that I like it, and no one else's. Arguments avoided.

Little Monsters

I'm a proud and devoted Little Monster, and Gaga is my queen and goddess... But girl, we're crazy! Me included!

Creepypasta Fans

They're just... I honestly can't even describe how bad they are.

Black Veil Brides Fans

How are they crazy? Not crazy enough to go around looking for information like the Directioners... I'm not even going as far as telling you what people know about 1D... or think they know.

Daisy Fans
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