Top Ten Most Interesting Mental Illnesses

The Top Ten
1 Schizophrenia

Thanks for whoever put my disorder on here. I know a lot about it, and a few kids like me who suffer from it. It's an annoying condition to have, and even though I love being alone, I can't because the voices and mirages are there.

Basically everything psychological has fascinated me, but no doubt one of the reasons I wanted to become a psychologist was so I could find what causes it, and how to make it easier for the sufferers.

I feel extremely to all the sufferers of this terrible mental illness. But I am interested in learning more about it (I would never want to have it though)

The whole "voices in your head" seems very interesting, and I wonder just what it's like to have those voiced.


I have autism and ADHD that comment made me very very angry

It's expansion is Attention deficiate hyperactive disorder.

Well, a lot of people have it...


Much more than Sheldon Cooper.

5 Bipolar Disorder

It's only "interesting" to those who don't suffer with it.

6 Multiple Personality Disorder

*ahem* Dissociative Identity Disorder

7 Borderline Personality Disorder

It is the most difcult thing to have a fear of abandontment caused by a disorder but that's the same disorder that causes people to walk out of your life

I don't want it anymore

8 Tourette's

Tourette’s is NOT FUNNY. It is painful, physically and emotionally. People stare, mock, and judge you for something you can’t control. You fell stuck in a box, not knowing what to say. Admit your illness, or just say you’re stretching. South Park is not the place to go to learn about mental illness, or anything for that matter.

This is a disorder that will make everyone laugh

Definitely not the same thing as Tourette's Guy.

Tourette's is a nervous disorder, isn't it?

10 Alice in Wonderland Syndrome

It may sound fake but no, search it up. One of my friend actually had this mental illness. I thought it's interesting because of the name and how you see if you have this.

If I could go through a mental disorder ( besides adhd which I already have ) with no health problems, this would be it. It just seems so strange. I actually have a character who has this so.

The Contenders
11 Antisocial Personality Disorder
12 Fragile X Syndrome
13 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
14 PTU
15 Dissociative Fugue

Is a psychiatric condition in which the sufferer has memory lapses for sometimes lengthy periods and can even take on a whole new personality and identity during this period.

Very. Scary. To. Deal. With.

16 Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder (MADD/MD)

It's when daydreaming negatively affects your real life. Totally doesn't happen to be me...

17 Narcolepsy

It's rather dangerous than interesting.

Homer simpson much

18 Anxiety

Anxity is hell it feels like you can't breath.its like your caged in an open space its hard to explane

19 Depression
20 Anorexia
21 Gender Dysphoria
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