Top 10 Best Ways to Lose Weight

A list of easy ways to lose weight and keep it off.
The Top Ten
Get a life

The more time you spend doing something other than eating, the less time you spend eating. This leads to eating less, and it reduces eating out of boredom or anxiety.

If you choose the right activities, such as raking leaves or cleaning windows, this can help give you some exercise.

Keep yourself busy to avoid "boredom snacking." Do household chores or small "fix-it" tasks.

Drink water

Most of your body is made up of water. Water has 0 calories, and if you drink water 30 minutes before eating, you'll eat less because you are hydrated.

Being hydrated helps because, as the comment below me said, your body can confuse hunger with thirst. So, drink up!

Drink lots of water if you want to lose weight. Wait a sec... Didn't a list on this site say there was such a thing as diet water?

Your body is often confused between hunger and thirst, so have a low-calorie drink before you immediately eat food.

Walk more

Not only will you save on gas, but you'll also get your exercise. Instead of driving, walk to the store, take the bus and get off a few stops early.

Sweep the leaves and shovel the snow instead of using power tools. ALWAYS take the stairs.

When school started (back in September), I weighed 197 pounds at 5 foot 10! I have been walking for 1 hour and 30 minutes each day at school, and I had school 5 times per week.

Ever since then, until NOW, I'm 180 pounds and 6 feet 1.

Switch to low-cal

A friend of mine lost 50 lbs by cutting out staples like potatoes, bread, and pasta!

If you eat none of those ever and avoid sweets and alcohol, you'll lose weight!

This is all true. Pills and surgery won't keep the fat away, at least not forever. This advice has definitely been well thought out.

It's the simplest way. If you like veggies, you're in luck because they are low in calories and best for you.

Add food, don't subtract

Instead of taking away food from your diet, try adding healthy options like vegetables and whole grains. You'll be fuller after a meal and will consume fewer calories.

Don't forget to add fruits to your desserts or breakfast cereals.

Contrary to smaller-portioned meals, you still get to eat as much, so you won't feel hungry. And you'll lose weight!

Chew gum

So true here. I chew gum every day now, and it helps me control hunger a lot.

I always used to think I was hungry, but I wasn't. I'd grab a piece of gum, and I'd be all good.

Sometimes you think you're hungry, but if you chew a piece of flavored gum, that hunger can go away.

Chewing gum is good if you think you're hungry. But it can bring back a lot of calories.

Use smaller portions

Put your food on a smaller plate, and use small forks and spoons. You'll eat less cereal if you use a smaller bowl.

Much of eating is psychological - take the advantage back.

Plates made today are a lot bigger than they were decades ago. You just need to do the math.

You can easily make two meals out of most restaurant portions nowadays in the U.S.


Fun fact: Without sweat, we would all die.

Turn off the TV

The Newcomers

? Intermittent fasting
? Cook your own food
The Contenders
Drink diet soda instead of regular soda
Eat dinner before 6:50

Studies show that if you wait three hours after eating to go to bed, you'll gain less weight.

Your body burns fat faster when you're awake.

Then that's under the assumption I sleep at... 9:50?!

Stop eating when you're full

When food tastes so good, people sometimes don't care if they are full. They will still eat just for the taste. It's a habit that isn't hard to quit.

Workout while you watch

Make movement part of your evening routine. Dance to American Idol, or do tricep dips and crunches while watching Survivor...

Skip a meal out

Don't eat out as often. Try bringing your lunch instead of going out for it. When you do need to go out, choose healthier food options.

Get a dog

They're like workout machines!

Do a sport you enjoy with music

Music actually makes you perform better when doing physical activity.

Cut out fried foods

I am a big eater, and that's the problem for many of us. We start off doing great, but diets are hard.

Finally, I made the decision to simply cut out the fried stuff (other than maybe once a month) and always bake things instead. I didn't really change the amount of food I ate, just how I prepared it, and over the course of a year, I lost fifteen pounds and didn't even notice it.

Be patient

It's always easier to keep the weight off than to lose it. Once you see the scale drop, your motivation will increase, and the process will become easier.

Don't work out

Switch to activities you enjoy, such as hiking, biking, or walking, instead of "working out."

Activities you enjoy are less intimidating than "exercising."

Share portions

If there's no one to share with, you can pack up leftovers for another day instead of trying to eat it all at once.

When you go out to eat, split a large meal between two people. Do the same with dessert or a pint of beer.

Get good sleep

When we deprive ourselves of sleep, all sorts of things happen: we look for comfort in warm, fatty foods, our judgment is affected, and we don't stop eating when we should.

But really, if you're sleeping, you can't be eating.

Sleeping is good for me because when I sleep, my mouth stops chewing food.

Go to the gym
Cut out sweets
Take the stairs
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