Top 10 Biggest Misconceptions About Mental Illness and Disorders

The Top Ten
1 You have to get over it This is a common misconception that mental illnesses are something that people can simply "get over" if they try hard enough. However, mental illnesses are complex and often require professional treatment and support to manage effectively. Telling someone to "get over it" can be harmful and dismissive of their struggles.

"Get over it"?

Funny how people can just say to get over mental disorders when they take the term "mental illness" so seriously. Make up your minds. With the connotations the term "mentally ill" has in society, it's contradictory to just say to get over it. Besides, choosing to ignore someone who needs help is as cold and heartless as directly hurting them - after all, it's the same thing for all practical purposes.

This is like saying "You have asthma? Just get over it and breathe".

If you think about it, it's incredibly messed up!

2 People with depression and/or those who commit suicide are weak This is a harmful and stigmatizing misconception that depression and suicide are signs of weakness. In reality, mental illnesses are medical conditions that can affect anyone, regardless of their strength or character. It takes strength and courage to seek help and treatment for mental illness.

Mental illness is not a sign of weakness. These kinds of negative attitudes are what cause suicide in the first place

3 Everyone gets depressed While it is true that many people experience periods of sadness or low mood, depression is a clinical diagnosis that involves persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest in activities that were once enjoyable. Not everyone experiences depression, and those who do require proper diagnosis and treatment.

Only about 1/10 of the population has depression. Sure, that may seem common compared to the 1/68 chance of having autism, 1/162 chance of getting Tourette's, and approximately 1/200 chance of having Downs Syndrome, but it still isn't in everyone

4 All psychopaths or sociopaths become killers This is a harmful stereotype perpetuated by media portrayals of psychopaths and sociopaths. In reality, not all people with these conditions are violent or criminal, and the vast majority of violent crimes are committed by individuals without mental illness. It is important to challenge this harmful stereotype and recognize that people with mental illness are not inherently dangerous.

Of course not. But the probability is off the chart compared to the general population.

Not every psychopath or sociopath become serial killers. Some just don't feel empathy for others

No. Barely any of them do. They just don't feel empathy for others

5 Mental illness is cool Mental illness is not cool or trendy. It is a serious medical condition that can cause significant distress and impairment in daily life. Romanticizing or glamorizing mental illness can be harmful and trivialize the experiences of those who struggle with these conditions.

Actually, not all mental disorders are objectively bad. Autism is one of the most widely admired disorders by people who have it (such as me), and while it represents the origin of neurodiversity advocacy, it's not the only disorder to contribute to it, as other disorders also have good sides. I also have ADHD comorbid to said autism, for example, and it has its ups and down in my opinion; it's really not all bad.

Not to say some disorders aren't objectively bad, of course. Depression, OCD, anxiety disorders (which might include OCD anyway depending on the classification system), BPD...all of that is pretty much bad. Not cool for anyone to have at all.

6 Autistic people are retarded This is a harmful and outdated stereotype that has no basis in fact. Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects social communication and behavior, but it does not impact intelligence or cognitive abilities. Autistic people may have strengths and challenges in different areas, but they are not inherently "retarded."

In 4th grade, me and one of my closest friends were considered "the smartest". My close friend had autism. I don't think I do.

I just am knowledgeable.

Um, you know the light-bulb? Yeah, the guy who invented it was autistic. Albert Einstein was also autistic. Temple Grandin, Mozart, Bill Gates and probably a lot of people you know. So stop saying that.

That is stupid, wrong and offensive. Albert Einstein himself had Asperger's Syndrome. I'm fairly smart and I have autism too

7 Mental Illness is untreatable This is a misconception that can prevent people from seeking help for mental illness. In reality, many mental illnesses are highly treatable with a combination of medication, therapy, and support. While there is no cure for mental illness, many people are able to manage their symptoms and lead fulfilling lives with proper treatment.
8 Mentally ill people are crazy violent psychos This is a harmful stereotype that is not supported by evidence. While some people with mental illness may experience episodes of violent behavior, the vast majority do not. People with mental illness are more likely to be victims of violence than perpetrators. It is important to challenge this harmful stereotype and recognize that mental illness does not equate to violence.

The word "psycho" is a slur. Most people who actually have a psychotic disorder, like myself, find this term discriminatory and would rather not hear it. Perfectly mentally healthy folks who wear those "cute but psycho" shirts are not helping the alreay heavy stigma. Its not funny, its not cute, and it hurts people. Stop.

9 Antisocial is the same as asocial This is a common misconception that can cause confusion. Antisocial behavior refers to behavior that is harmful or disrespectful to others, while asocial behavior refers to a lack of interest or engagement in social activities. Antisocial behavior is often associated with conditions like psychopathy or conduct disorder, while asocial behavior may be a symptom of conditions like depression or social anxiety.

It's stupid how people confuse being asocial with being antisocial. Antisocial is a personality disorder.

10 Mental illness has correlation with intelligence There is no direct correlation between mental illness and intelligence. Mental illness can affect people of all levels of intelligence, and it is important to recognize that intelligence is not a factor in someone's experience with mental illness.
The Contenders
11 People who are mentally ill are just attention-seeking This is a harmful and dismissive misconception that can prevent people from seeking help for mental illness. Mental illness is a real medical condition that can cause significant distress and impairment in daily life. People with mental illness deserve compassion and support, not judgment or dismissal.
12 There is a cure to Autism and/or other mental illnesses This is a harmful misconception that can give false hope to people with mental illness and their families. While treatment can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life, there is no cure for autism or most other mental illnesses. It is important to focus on providing support and resources for people with mental illness to help them lead fulfilling lives.
13 People with mental disorders are evil This is a harmful and stigmatizing misconception that can lead to discrimination and mistreatment of people with mental illness. Mental illness is not a moral failing, and people with mental illness are not inherently "evil." They deserve compassion and support like anyone else.

I have two mental disorders and I do not wish to do harm on anyone

14 All bullies are autistic This is a harmful stereotype that has no basis in fact. While some bullies may have autism, the vast majority of autistic people are not bullies, and the vast majority of bullies are not autistic. It is important to challenge harmful stereotypes and recognize that autism does not cause bullying behavior.
15 You only have Tourette’s if you curse This is a harmful stereotype that is not true. Tourette's syndrome is a neurological condition that can cause tics, which may or may not include vocalizations such as swearing. However, not all people with Tourette's swear, and not all vocal tics are swearing. It is important to challenge harmful stereotypes and recognize that Tourette's is a complex condition that affects people in different ways.

I have Tourette syndrome and I don't curse. I just blink my eyes, shrug my shoulders, and clear my throat

16 Eating disorders are a choice
17 Manic episodes are fun

They really aren't. They are absolutely horrifying. When I'm in this state, I hallucinate, I become paranoid and delusional, I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't stop going, everything is too loud and too bright, I could go on. Does that sound fun to you? Does it?

18 People with mental illness stab people
19 People with ADHD can't listen This is a harmful stereotype that is not true. People with ADHD may struggle with attention and focus, but they are capable of listening and comprehending information. It is important to challenge harmful stereotypes and recognize that people with ADHD have strengths and challenges like anyone else.
20 The mentally ill are nasty This is a harmful and stigmatizing misconception that can lead to discrimination and mistreatment of people with mental illness. Mental illness is not a character flaw, and people with mental illness are not inherently "nasty." They deserve compassion and support like anyone else.
21 Social Anxiety is just shyness This is a harmful misconception that trivializes the experiences of people with social anxiety. While shyness is a common personality trait, social anxiety is a diagnosable mental health condition that can cause significant distress and impairment in daily life. It is important to recognize that social anxiety is a real condition that requires proper diagnosis and treatment.
22 People with OCD are germaphobes and clean freaks
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