Top Ten Worst Things About Going to the Doctor

The Top Ten
Male doctors checking to see if you're circumcised
Having to strip to your underwear in front of nurses

Especially when the doctor is the opposite of your GENDER!

Getting needles inserted into your hand
Learning you have a serious disease
Posters of people smiling and staring at you
Prostate exams
Long waiting time

It's worse when other patients cough and don't cover their mouths

The creepy diagram of the human muscular system
Getting your finger pricked
Being forced to pee in a cup when you don't have to go

I actually can pee on command but most people can't

The Newcomers

? Blood tests
? Having to take an influenza test
The Contenders
The cost
You get more shots on the same arm in different areas
Blood pressure measurement
Getting a prescription for antidepressant pills even though you don't have depression

These pills are just a cash grab. They don't even help the person who takes those pills. A lot of people have committed suicide or murder because these pills messed with their brains.

Getting weighed
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