Best Ideas for Cards Against Humanity Black Cards

Just some interesting idea's for black cards in Cards Against Humanity
The Top Ten
1 I don't usually care for ______, but 20 dollars is 20 dollars.
2 I don't know why ______was there But it certainly livened up the party.
3 ______ and ______ aren't very powerful on their own but together are a very deadly combo.
4 New Bestseller How to turn ______ into ______ in 12 easy steps
5 Your Honor, on the charge of ______ we find the defendant guilty.
6 The secret to success? That's easy. It's ______ .
7 This tastes so good because the secret ingredient is ______.

This-this would be golden.

8 ______ seduced my sister with ______ before coming to a gruesome and tragic end.
9 If God exists, then why the hell did he create ______?
10 Take ______, I couldn't return it.
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