Top 10 Inventions that Were Probably Inspired by Laziness

I'm not complaining - I enjoy most of the inventions I put on this list.

These inventions can also be explained in a more serious way, such as through societal changes, the transition to urban lifestyles, changing needs, and demands.

But what if some inventions were actually products of human laziness? That might be true as well. Haha.
The Top Ten
Remote Controls

Just press a button, wait for the elevator to come down, get in, and it will take you up. Elevators are great if you're pushing a cart or in really tall buildings.

Online Shopping

It's scary that Amazon will probably, at some point, have a complete monopoly on the entire shopping industry. We need to support small businesses, but at best, it's a feeble attempt to keep them going.

Want to find a rare item that you probably wouldn't find in stores.

Click this. Click that. Click delivery. Done!

Automobile / Car

You don't have to walk to the next town to buy a new horse.


- You don't have to walk to the person you want to talk to.
- You don't have to write letters telling what you did last summer.

Revolving Ice Cream Cone

Revolving ice cream cone? That's not laziness. That's genius.

Licking ice cream takes so much effort, man.

Washing Machine

From pizza delivery to bulky home appliances delivery.

"We have to install microwave ovens, custom kitchen delivery..."

Online Banking

The Newcomers

? Escalator
? Smartphones
The Contenders
Instant Noodles

No need to cook food when you can just pour water, microwave, and eat some noodles in a cup.


Some people don't even use these things to exercise their own legs. They put the dog on it so they don't have to walk it!

Sorry, I go to the gym to run on them and lose weight.

Snowball Maker

Totally this, because our hands are perfect for making snowballs already! Like, who would buy that!?

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