Top Ten Bad Habits We All Share

This list is top ten bad habits we all share and do. Hopefully this helps you get rid of your bad habits.
The Top Ten
Staying up late

We all stay up late sometimes. Staying up late disturbs the body's natural sleep-wake cycle, which can affect a person's mental health, functioning, and energy levels the next day. Frequently staying up at night may lead to sleep problems and can have long-term effects on health.

Yeah. I cannot fall asleep at all a lot of the time.

I think I'm actually an insomniac.

Not exercising

Come on, most of us don't exercise (including me). If you don't exercise, it is considered a bad habit. Not exercising or getting enough physical activity can lead to heart disease, even in people who have no other risk factors. It can also increase the likelihood of developing other heart disease risk factors, including obesity, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes.

I have an office job, and in my free time, I sit at my desk at home on my PC. So I'm spending about 10 hours a day sitting, and over one year, I'm barely doing any proper sport. My health, and especially my back, says thank you!

Eating fast food

Come on, we all have fast food a couple of times a month. Fast food is a bad habit. It is high in sodium, saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol. It isn't something you should eat too often. Eating too much over a long period can lead to issues such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and unwanted weight gain.

Domino's and KFC are my biggest guilty pleasures when it comes to food.

Eating candy

Yes, we all love candy and eat a lot, but there are also some side effects to having candy. Eating too much added sugar can have many negative health effects. An excess of sweetened food and beverages can lead to weight gain, blood sugar problems, and an increased risk of heart disease, among other dangerous conditions.

I eat candy daily and drink sugary drinks every day. My nutrition is a nightmare.

Staring at a screen

What I mean by staring at a screen is looking at an electronic device. Come on, we all do this. For example, you're reading this list right now. Spending too many hours staring at a screen can cause eye strain. You tend to blink less while staring at the blue light from the screen, and the movement of the screen makes your eyes work harder to focus.

We typically do not position the screen at an ideal distance or angle, which can cause added strain.

If you're reading this comment, this means you are also guilty of this.


We all lie sometimes, even if it is a white lie. Lying is bad because a generally truthful world is a good thing. Lying diminishes trust between human beings. If people don't tell the truth, life would become very difficult, as nobody could be trusted and nothing you heard or read could be trusted. You would have to find out everything for yourself.

It is something we could all improve on.

Chewing fingernails

We all chew our fingernails sometimes. You would never think chewing your fingernails would be bad, but it actually is. For example, nail biting can damage the skin around the nail, increasing the risk of infection. It also increases the risk of colds and other infections by spreading germs from your fingers to your mouth and can harm your teeth.

I always do that. I should probably stop, but at least I don't have to cut them, so there's that.


This is one of my biggest weaknesses.

Not brushing teeth

Gotta admit that if I don't have anywhere to be in the morning, I sometimes forget to brush them.

I sometimes forget to brush my teeth. I forget more in the morning.

Drinking coffee

Most of us should be the age of 13 or above, and this is when we start having coffee every morning. Sure, coffee boosts our energy, but there are also some negative aspects. Consuming too much caffeine can lead to jitteriness, anxiety, heart palpitations, and even exacerbated panic attacks.

If you are sensitive to caffeine and tend to become overstimulated, you may want to avoid coffee altogether. Another unwanted side effect is that it can disrupt sleep.

The Newcomers

? Watching online videos
? Buying useless things
The Contenders
Watching TV

We all watch TV, most of us a lot. Too much screen time can be a bad thing. Children who watch TV for over four hours a day are more likely to be overweight. Kids who watch violent action TV are more likely to show aggressive behavior and to fear that the world is scary and something bad will happen to them.

Nose picking

We all pick our nose, but no one thinks it's bad, but it actually is. Frequent or repetitive nose picking can damage your nasal cavity. One study found that people with compulsive nose picking (rhinotillexomania) may experience inflammation and swelling of the nasal tissue. Over time, this may narrow the nostril openings.

Peeing in the shower

We all do it. Don't be afraid to admit it.

Being quick to get angry
Sleeping for a long time
Watching porn
Drinking soda
Bad posture

I lean forward in any kind of seat, and I'm going to break my spine when I'm older. I'm sure of it.

I just found this out today, but apparently, I don't hold my head straight when I walk.

Taking anger out physically
Drinking alcohol
Insulting people
Giving up quickly
Not spending enough time outside
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