Top Ten Biggest Social Pet Peeves

Things that most bother you in regards to everyday conversing and interacting with other people.
The Top Ten
1 People who only talk about themselves

Annoys me like crazy. I tend to stay away from these types of people, sorry.

Because I am Greatest!

2 Getting interrupted when talking

Worse: constantly getting interrupted.
Even worse: getting interrupted by someone who wasn't listening and they start talking about something else.

3 People Talking too Much
4 Being left out of conversation
5 People not giving eye contact when speaking to you

I know sometime it can be partly due to one's confidence levels but still please try.

6 Getting ignored by people you know

Common example: people pretending to ignore you but you clearly know they're there.
Not gonna lie though, I have done it, we all have.

7 People mumbling when they speak
8 People not making any attempt to socialize

Usually this is related to confidence or ignorance.

9 People with poor personal hygiene

It's important for the people around us to have good personal hygiene for reasons such as personal contact (handshaking), smells (BO, bad breath), and more.

10 People talking quietly

And then when you ask them to repeat what they say they get upset. Lol.

The Contenders
11 People you know, leaving a place and not saying goodbye
12 People bringing up politics out of nowhere
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