Top Ten Worst Things to Say to Your Spouse

Suppose you have a good, or even a decent relationship with your spouse. You are happy to have found each other, and maybe even have a family. You almost mever argue, and everything is great for you.

But then your spouse does something stupid, like decide to buy a coffee pot with your money. Instead of thinking about it, and being calm about it, you choose to argue with your spouse over something that little. So, what should you not say to them? Read this list.

Feel free to add more to the list, if you choose, vote, comment, share your opinion on the ideas, remix, or give criticism. But please, enjoy.
The Top Ten
1 Our relationship is about as fun as being tied to a post in the middle of a cornfield during a tornado

That's one heck of a comparison!

2 I was going to buy the family a TV today, but after you did something as stupid as that, I'm gonna buy your casket instead. We've got the knife already.

Hey, if you really want to say this, be ready to have a trial coming your way.

3 You remember the good ol' days when you were allowed to abuse your spouse? We're going to invent a time machine and go back there. We can bring a wooden spoon, too.

This is sure to provoke a massive fight.

4 Everybody has to be perfect. You made a mistake, and it's a fair warning. Next time it's a divorce.

When it's a small argument, it's even worse to say this.

This is horrible if you say that.

5 Sex cures everything. Even HIV. So maybe if you had sex with me, you could save me from my HIV.

But if you actually believe the above said thing, you're even more stupid than the speaker.

Saying something like this officially proves you're an idiot.

Oh man. If anyone falls for that, they are going to get burned!

6 I had a good conversation with Michael Vick today. He said what we should do with our dog is to buy three more and have them attack each other, then attack you.
7 Hey, wanna go out on a date today? I'm thinking we could hit the strip clubs. Brought a whole fifty...

Strip club... Wow, what a date...

8 Oh, come on, how could you not like this puppy? It's adorable like you, and so tempting to put in the sack.
9 Ok, ok, we won't have kids! But if you change your mind, half their genes are in the fridge.
10 Remember those happy days when I just followed you everywhere and didn't have to put up with you talking?
The Contenders
11 I have you take showers every day in the morning because when you go to bed, I...

This sentence is doomed for sure. Don't even try...

12 I'd like to thank my secret other family for helping me put up with this one.
13 Wanna go fishing? I'm sure you do so you can "hook" another patient for your business...

Accusing your spouse of being a hooker? Nice job, you're getting divorced for certain!

14 Our kids just aren't as productive as those Chinese sweatshop kids. I was really expecting more from them.
15 I wish you could see me without this mask on.
16 I've always admired those bazongas, but darling, they're just mediocre when you're angry.
17 I just wanted to say that there's no shame in coming out as gay. Yes, I am gay. But thanks for doing so much to hide it from everyone.
18 I heard skinny dipping's fun... I figured I'll bring a few friends to go. Make sure you have some dinner ready for us when we get back.

I will not explain anything else.

Thanks for reading!

19 You're the most awful, fat, disgusting, ugly, stinky disgrace of a human being to ever live.
20 Don't bother ending it, honey. Hitler killed himself and people still hate him.
21 I love masturbating in public.
22 Which of our daughters do you think is sexiest?
23 Shall we take the kids to your mother's party- I mean, funeral?
24 I reckon if you live till age 80, that’s decades more years I have to deal with you
25 You were adopted.
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