Top 10 Craziest Deforestation Facts
Imagine if trees gave out free WiFi. Then everyone would be planting like crazy, and their would be no environment problems. Too bad they only give us the air we breathe to live.In my opinion, the problems with the environment and deforestation is the biggest problem. The arctic is melting, animals and plants are dying, and if the ecosystem dies, so will we.
No! More than two trees should be planted.
There are many things to do to solve this:
Go vegetarian. I'll become one once I'm 18 and my parents can't force me to eat meat. Staying in the ecosystem - grazing land used for animals is taken away from the forest.
Start a petition. I think we should have a law that for every tree we cut down, two more must be planted.
We've got 100 years to change this. We need to! If there are no rainforests, plants will be scarce, causing herbivores to eat all the producers and then die out. This will cause every animal to die out, all the way up to humans. Humans will then have neither plants nor animals to eat, and we all die.
I am going to protect the heart and soul of the Earth!
How exactly do we manage to do that? Oh, I know, we are wasteful. We draw on paper and don't use the back. We add a few empty pages in a book that is being published, and we give out too much paperwork.
Can't we just ditch paper and use technology to reduce deforestation?
These are just a few of the disastrous effects of deforestation. Another is plant life extinction. The lives of native tribes are destroyed, medicines that could be found are destroyed, and global warming is exacerbated.
So many things are happening because of deforestation. Stop it!
Before water condenses and then precipitates, it needs transpiration and evaporation. Transpiration comes from plants that absorb groundwater. The Earth will be in a drought without the rainforest.
Wake up, people! We need to stop this! We have destroyed and overpopulated this planet, and we have already taken down so much! When are we going to DO something about it?
Tropical rainforests cover 6-7% of the Earth, and so many animals call them home. How would you like it if (greedy, evil, satanic) idiots started taking your things and destroying everything until it's a pile of rubble?
Basically, unless we start planting trees instead of destroying them, we're screwed: the environment is screwed, animals are screwed, and plant life is screwed.
I think it's crazy that 20 football fields are cut down every minute.
Let me explain: soil erosion allows silt into lakes and rivers, damaging the water quality and affecting the health of the population surrounding it. This could be you, which is why you should donate to save the rainforest.