Top 10 Crimes You May Have Committed Without Knowing It
There are crimes we all know of... Murder, Rape, Child Abuse, Drug Dealing, Theft, Fraud etc. But there is also those crimes you may not know of and you may break these without knowing it.Have you ever got sick of thinking what to type on your assessment? If so, have you copied and pasted from a website without referencing the source? If so, congratulations. You have broken the law.
I once did this while doing a report because I didn't want to type the long description which I couldn't spell. So I'm a criminal, a kid criminal, going to jail, kids' jail.
I simply copied and pasted most of my 21-page paper about food and nutritional science. I only got one mark of 41%. SHAMELESS
That's right. Ever got a piece of junk mail chucked through your letterbox? You instinctively open it, then find out it was for your next-door neighbor. Then you realize you broke the law. Damn.
Many of us have been on sprees of downloading songs for free from unofficial websites. Well then, if you have, welcome to the group of people called criminals!
I'll admit I've done this. I always use those YouTube to MP3 websites to download songs onto my MP3 player.
I have actually done this. A lot.
Let's say you're working in a restaurant and you get a lot of tips. You take the tip money home with you without notifying your boss because you're the one whom the customers are tipping. That's right. This is a form of tax evasion, and tax evasion is illegal.
Did you know it's illegal to go on your friend's laptop if they don't allow you to? No? Well, it is. Let's hope your "friend" didn't set you up and tries to sue you for it. That is a possible situation.
There is a reason we log out people.
Don't get too mardy on the internet to someone! You may find yourself in front of the judge as the defendant is suing your sorry self!
There are many instances of trolling where someone finds themselves in the slammer. A man trolled a site dedicated to a dead teenager, and his penalty was 18 weeks behind bars. He was also banned from social network sites for five years. That's quite a price to pay for being a douche on the internet.
Once a kid called the police for a McDonald's Happy Meal.
Ever messed around with a friend's profile on Facebook after they forgot to log off, changing all their information? Well, that is a type of fraud, as transmission of false information is a variation of internet fraud.
Have your friend ever offered you one of their prescribed pills? Better not touch it, or that counts as possession of an illegal substance, as you don't have that prescription!
The Newcomers
It makes sense to some degree, but sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes speeding is necessary!
I think almost everyone who drives has done this.
Stealing pencils and scissors is a crime?