Top 10 Dumbest Things to Do When You're Bored
I did that when I was twelve. My mom, dad, sister, and brother were gone. They left me here because I am old enough to stay home by myself. Anyway, I broke my computer and then got extremely bored. I just jumped out the window.
I screamed until I passed out. Then, when my family came back, they rushed me to the hospital. My left leg and left arm were broken. I was so stupid back then.
This is really dumb, but dangerous too. It depends on the distance between the window and the floor. If you live in a house, it would hurt a bit, nothing else. I wonder what happens if it's a huge tower.
Yep. The only reason I'm reading this is because I got nothing better to do.
These people are geniuses! The reason I'm reading this is because I'm bored.
Ugh, do you not see this would have been perfect for the end?
I would not do that. You have so much love around you, and none of your family would want you dead. It would be sad. Your mother and father have bought you all the things you have liked, so it is not worth dying.
I've done this at least 150 times. My parents always ignore me though.
Who says I haven't done this before?
Yeah, why just buy those historical swords from the 1600s when you have tablets? Woo-hoo! Yeah, let's fight! My father died because my uncle pressed an iPad on his belly. Prepare to die, uncle!
Then I killed my uncle by throwing my iPad mini 2 on his head. Yeah, tablet knives to cut meat and bread! Oh man, I chop wood not using an axe (because axes suck), but using a Samsung tablet. Yeah, man!
I use my iPhone as scissors and my iPod for jam and butter spreading. Yeah, baby!
Girl: Mom's Samsung Galaxy is not a burrito.
Boy: Oh, whatever.
Hiya! Hiya! Wooo - tablets fly to the TV. SLAM!
The best cure for boredom! Then you can make two trips: wherever your family was planning on going and a fun place called the hospital. That is if you even make it.
It's the stupidest thing to do in the world!
I've done this a few times. It's kind of worth it, but sometimes the helicopter rotors get scratched.
I recommend this sublime sport to everyone with a working car.
Done this 12 times. Died 10/12 times. 99% guarantee to die. 10/10 definitely recommend to kids.
Done this at least 30 times. One of my favorite activities!
This is the story of a little girl named Diamond who was bored as hell. She lived in a huge room of a tall skyscraper. She saw the broom and took it as if it were a horse.
She jumped out of the first window she saw and fell out of the skyscraper. We all know how it ends.
Hey! I've done this loads of times and died. But the last time I did it, I survived!
Please, while doing this, jump out of the ground floor.
I did this one time, yeah! I also jumped out of my TV and crashed a helicopter. Whoo-hoo! Oh, and I landed on a baby diaper.
The Newcomers
A whole new world! A dazzling place I never knew!
It's called the hospital, and that's where I'm about to go. That is, if I don't die instantly.
This would be kind of fun, but it would end up being painful.

I hear my parents do that all the time... and sometimes hear my name.
Girl: Computer! I gotta tell you something. I came in like a BAM! No! My prized computer!
I came in like a wrecking hammer!
I was at my friend's house. She was chasing me around with a stick, so I climbed into a tree and fell. I couldn't walk for a while after that, but it was so funny!
My friend climbed a tree to the very top and could see my dad mowing the lawn on the other side of the house. Me: HI DADDY! *laughs creepily to myself* (whispers to self: I'm stalking you!)
A better title for this list would be "Top 10 Ways to Earn a Darwin Award."

This made me laugh. Has someone actually done that?
What a wonderful idea! I'm going to try it right now!
Very fun to do with the whole family!
Poke a stick at a grizzly bear. Eat medicine that's out of date. Use a clothes dryer as a hiding place. Dumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to die.
What the actual heck? Who sits here and writes this and thinks, "Yeah, this is a good idea. I will influence young kids to set their hair on fire."
I've already done this. Smells bad.
Quite the cultural experience! I now feel like a quirked-up white boy too!
I tried it once and barely escaped alive.
My friends dared me to do these things, so I did.
Does everyone hate their grandma?
That's a death wish right there.
It's all fun and games until the actual firefighters show up.
Well, keep swinging until the genie comes out.
Boy: Let's save the world! jumps on pole NO NO NO NO NO NO! CRASH! SLAM! CRACK!
I've done that before. It didn't turn out well.