Top 10 Delicate and Fragile Things in Life

By "Delicate and Fragile," I mean objects that easily get broken or destroyed. An alternative way of saying this is that it's really easy for these items to get damaged in many different ways.
The Top Ten

Bubbles are possibly the shortest-lived things in existence. Once something or someone touches them, they inevitably pop. Trust me, you wouldn't want to turn into a bubble if magic existed, because that means you'd die very quickly, just by popping when touched by something.

They're the easiest things to break. Most of the time, they pop by themselves.

They survive longer on a wet surface. I trap bugs with bubbles.

Spider Webs

Spider webs are created by tiny creatures with eight legs, obviously known as spiders. You can also call them cobwebs. Spider webs are usually weak and can easily be destroyed, usually just by putting your hand through them.

I'm sorry to all the spiders whose creations I've destroyed.


Glass is not only delicate and can easily be broken by throwing or dropping it, but it can also be very dangerous when doing so. If you throw glass cups on the floor, for example, you get lots of shattered parts on the floor that are likely to harm you.

Glass is the most breakable object made by humans and the most frequently broken object ever.

It easily breaks when you drop it. It shatters, so it goes everywhere. Wine glasses are dangerous.


Balloons are incredibly sensitive to sharp objects, meaning that if something sharp touches them, such as a pin, for example, or when someone squeezes the balloon, they pop easily and get destroyed quickly. When a balloon pops, it usually frightens me because of the loud noise it makes.

That's why I always feel agitated around balloons because I'm afraid they'll eventually pop.

Daddy, where do balloons go when they blow up?


You can easily scrunch up and damage paper, depending on how thick or weak it is. Paper may be useful for working or drawing, but depending on what type of paper you have, it might be delicate to use.


Flowers may be beautiful and are good life sources, but they are very fragile and easy to kill. For example, flowers can be picked from the grass, be stepped on, and some animals can also eat flowers such as rabbits, deer, turtles, and squirrels.

I feel somewhat sad when I find one and the stem breaks because of me.

Decorated and held in honor by soldiers led to battlefields.


For someone who despises the taste of eggs yet also views them as useful ingredients for baking, eggs are very easy to break when tossed around. When you crack eggs into a bowl, for example, you can easily get the yolk out and the shell breaks down.

At least they can be useful for cooking.


How could I forget about the fluffy clouds from the blue sky during the day, for example? Clouds are very delicate things. They are not just fluffy. They are also made out of water droplets. You can't necessarily touch clouds, but you can go through them, such as in a plane. You can also easily go through fog.

I think it would be cool to touch a cloud.


Humans themselves are a lot bigger than insects and can sometimes kill them easily, depending on the insect. Anyway, bugs and spiders, for example, are probably the most delicate living beings of all time. They can't really survive for that long and can easily be killed by certain things, such as being stepped on by someone.

Bees, however, die when they sting a human being, and wasps are somewhat hard to kill since they tend to sting a lot if you even come near them.


The Newcomers

? Plastic Bags
? Mechanical Pencils
The Contenders
Balsa Wood

Especially compared to timber wood, it almost feels like a toy.


Jewelry can be difficult to keep safe. Heck, you can even lose or break them easily. Whether it's necklaces, earrings, tiaras or rings, jewelry items overall are very fragile and delicate, needing proper care if you want to keep them without breaking or losing them.

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