Top 10 Biggest Disadvantages of Being Tall
I am pretty tall myself, and sometimes it's good, but there are distinct drawbacks.Read on to find out more.
I have a distinct crater on my forehead from walking into a sign. One time, I was about to catch a bus when I got clocked by the bus' wing mirror. People of normal height weren't in danger from it, but it hit my face square on. Ouch.
I've lost count of how many times I've almost cracked my head open by accidentally hitting it on things, especially shelves.
This is true. I'm 6'7 at 14 and a freshman in high school, and I hit my head on some doors. I deal with this every day.
I was the tallest in my grade from 2nd to 7th grade, and since then, I've been the tallest girl in my school, standing at 6'1, almost 6'2. I seem to intimidate everyone.
And it's really fun dealing with school desks because my legs are so long, and the chairs are tiny as well.
Having to bunch my legs to fit between seats or under short tables, accidentally kicking people sitting next to me, hitting my head on low-hanging branches - it's quite annoying sometimes.

Yes, I do have this problem. It's because my legs are out of proportion to the rest of my body.
You may think back pain is bad for anyone, but if you're tall, it's more common. The pain tends to be more spread out, more frequent, and harder to deal with.
Tables, desks, and sinks are too low for me. People shorter than me say it's just right for them, but it's definitely not for me.
I have constant back and neck pain. My desk at work is too low, and my legs can't fit under it, but my boss insists I mustn't complain.
A shorter person just has to bend their arm to pick something up. A taller person has to either squat awkwardly or fold their spine like bending an iron bar to reach something. That's why I rarely wear shoes with laces.
I have to squat down or bend my knees. It's really annoying.

My bed is the longest one my family could find, and I still have to bunch up my legs or lie diagonally to fit comfortably. I think manufacturers need to consider making longer beds. It would do tall people, particularly tall insomniacs like me, a massive favor.
I don't actually have back pain, but people assume I do because I slouch to be closer to my friends' heights.
This is my ABSOLUTE most frequent issue. Of course, they make tall men's clothes in stores, but rarely do they have options for women or juniors, which is stupid in my opinion. As a tall teen, I have to either spend $65 and up for pants that are long enough or just live with pants that don't fit properly. And don't get me started on trying to find a dress that actually covers my butt... *eyeroll* Even maxi dresses aren't long enough for me, so they just look strange on a thin 6'1½ girl, almost 6'2.
From sleeves to pants to skirts and dresses, everything is too short or small for me. I've been dealing with it since I was about six years old.
I had a small bedroom when I was very young. It was fine as a toddler, but as I grew taller, it became more cramped. By the time I reached 5'8", four and a half years ago, I had to change rooms. I'm now 6'4".
Yeah, I'm 6'6, and my ceiling is 6'5. Let's just say the bed barely fits in. My room... well, it's a hard knock life.
I know! People say, "You would be good at basketball" or "You should do ballet." I'm about as graceful as a puppy going through a growth spurt. I have really long legs, and I grew seven inches in six months - it was terrible. I was running one day and got my legs tangled up and fell over, and people yelled "Timber!" It was humiliating.
If shorter people beat you at something, they act like it's a huge accomplishment. But if you win, it's "whatever, they're bigger." Like, what? We just have more body than you. I'm tall, you're fat, we're all big in our own ways.
Also, I hate how bullies are always portrayed as big dudes picking on smaller guys. It's becoming a tall-people-discriminating stereotype.
SO RELATABLE. At school, we have low tables (aka "average height"), and when we have to write, I have to hunch over to avoid straining my eyes by looking down.
My posture is horrible. I always slouch.
The Newcomers
People come up to me and say, I feel like a midget, when they are not. I also hate being called Slenderman because I'm so tall. But the worst is when people say, You're so tall. Like, do they think I haven't noticed?
I'm a 14-year-old girl who is 5'11", and everyone always tells me how tall I am. I'm getting so sick of it.
You are so tall.
How tall are you?
How many feet/meters are you?
Oh wow, I wish I could grow that tall.
Do you play sports?
I get so annoyed by these comments.
I cannot find women's shoes in a normal shoe shop. I have to go to specialty shops that carry extra sizes to buy any.
I'm scared if I grow just a little bit more, I might not find my shoe size!
This applies to Robert Wadlow and other giants who passed at a young age. But think about Christopher Lee, who was 196 cm. He lived for 93 years.
I am taller than most people in my grade.
Oh great...
That is scary and also reminds me of Robert Wadlow.
I hate this. When I was 10 years old, I was 5'5" and weighed over 100 pounds. I was the tallest in my grade, and all my friends were shorter than me. My family and friends always said I looked like I was 13-14 years old, and I constantly had to remind them I was still in fourth grade.
Usually, height makes you look older because most 12-13 year-olds who are taller tend to reach adolescence earlier, which also makes their faces appear more adult-like.
Super, super true! I'm only 14, but people think I'm 17 or older. I get hit on ALL the time, and when I tell them my age, they don't believe me.

I hate the fact that most chairs and couches support your back if you're short or medium height, but if you're tall, the top of the chair hits your neck, or worse, your spine. To avoid this, you either have to lean forward and cramp your back, lie down on a couch that's too short for you, or buy a large but hideously expensive couch or chair. We eventually had to do the last one.
I do this all the time! I grab the arm of the nearest tall person, say "You'll do," and have them reach for high shelves for me. They've always happily obliged.
I get asked to reach things a lot. It can get annoying after a while, especially when the second tallest person in the room could also do it.
@PositionWildhawk You can also be a jerk and put kids' things on high shelves. Just don't do it to my skateboard.
Honestly, not being able to fit in anything, having a higher risk of getting cancer, and a shorter life expectancy isn't great at all.
It's true. Anybody who is average or short doesn't know how being tall feels.
I'm taller than my mom, aunts, and grandma, and I eat more food than them. But my mom always complains that I am or will get fat if I eat too much.
Yeah, I wish I could be smaller so I wouldn't take up most of my family's budget on food.
"When I go to the movie theaters, people either ask politely for me to move out of the way or demand it in a very rude manner. I'm constantly moving in the theater, and it's a real pain!"
Taller people are often thought to be tough and are judged by their appearance. This makes them more likely to get picked on in fights.