Top 10 Most Boring Things
James Cameron went to the depths of the Mariana Trench to discover that the so-called mythical and treacherous monsters did not exist there. Pure nothingness, devoid of random movements or things like that. At that point, he conceded that such a world would be the most hated of all the things in the entire universe. Nothingness is just boring!
I can't even get started... (yes I can, heheh). Well, I get so bored when I have nothing to do.
I have a habit of bored eating, sadly, and I need to get myself active so this doesn't happen anymore.

I HATE school. It is just a place to learn useless stuff you forget in 10 minutes, and about 99.9% of the stuff they teach you is useless!
Okay, yes, I agree that school is important. I just feel like they could make school a bit more entertaining. Maybe we could do something fun that teaches us about multiplication.
I've also heard that some people literally get anxiety attacks because of the stress that comes from school. I like school, but I would appreciate it if people could make things more entertaining and also maybe put more awareness on how much stress school gives some kids.
Exactly! Totally not worth it. I think we should decrease the amount of homework and get paid for it.
The joy of helping someone without expecting something back is TRUE JOY.
Should at least get paid or something!
Every day, my mom says I don't have chores. It's a lie. Clean your room. Vacuum (not every day). Put your clothes away.
I agree. Imagine having to clean your room every Sunday. It is so boring... YAWN!
They're a waste of time! I could be playing Donkey Kong Country, but NO.
Watching paint dry is not only boring but stupid too. Why would anyone do it anyway?
It is as fun as staring at a rock all day.
Well, it's as fun as staring at a rock.

But if you're in jail, you probably deserve it.
I've never been, and I never plan to.

He never used to be boring. From 2009 to 2011, he released songs that were not only entertaining but good as well. Since 2012, he's released songs that are not only boring but bad as well.
Boring and obnoxious to listen to, like ripping out your eardrums.
My friend likes Justin Bieber. She won't agree with this!
Exactly. Whenever I get a new game, my family always plays it first. I have to watch them play, and my opportunity comes when they get bored of the game and I finally get to play it. Not only is it boring, but it is also frustrating.
I actually like to see new talents and see who can be a better person in what they do!
That is the most boring thing in the world to me!
Unless they're so bad they keep falling over and it's at least a bit funny, huh?
Watching sports in general is boring.
How rubbish can a team get?

The Newcomers

I'm obsessed with the internet and screens! It definitely bores me to death when there's no internet. The internet has been around since I was a child.
Boring me to death! Nearly everything I love to do using my phone or computer requires the internet, so no internet = no phone or computer.
At least we have cellular data on our phones, but still, no internet is really boring.
I want to save up for something.
Me: Can I wash the dishes for £5, Dad?
Dad: You can, but you will get no money in return.
Me: That is not fair. Everyone else gets paid.
Dad: No, I don't care about everyone. Just go do it.
Me: No, I will not unless I get paid.
Dad: My son, it's not all about money.
My dad says that all the time. Then I angrily storm out of the room. Ugh, no money for washing the dishes.
I just want money, money, money, and yes, you got it right, more money!
Boring, boring, boring, fantasy, boring, boring, lies, boring, boring, work of fiction, boring, boring, boring.

Every book is boring, in my opinion. I hate books. I just read two words, and I'm bored. I honestly would rather watch someone sleep than read! (The only book I like is the Bible.)
I'm a bookworm. The Trumpet of the Swan is a good book. If you are entertained by something other than video games, you would think so too.
I am a bookworm. However, only for good books. If I completely despise a book and it is so boring, then yes, I totally agree.

Yes, exactly like all the Home Alone movies. In the first movie, Kevin McCallister has to stay home all alone and watch out for two burglars, Harry and Marv! The other four are similar but a little bit different.
Yes! I hate staying at home being bored all summer while my relatives go on vacations and have fun.
Yes. My sister goes to a public school and I go to a private school. I remember starting sixth grade while she was still on vacation.

Hey, let's spend about 7 hours of our time on homework because we all have no life!
I could be playing Roblox, Minecraft, or Super Mario Odyssey, but NO. Instead, I have to do homework.
Just tear it up, and then you don't have homework!

England can trace its history as far back as the 10th century, but modern England didn't start till the Norman Invasion of 1066. In 1535, England annexed... read more
It's so oppressive. Grey, cold, wet, concrete. People pretend others are not there. It's full of corrupt politicians who would sell their soul for someone to think they are secretly clever. No one can express themselves without first obtaining permission from the equally boring police. There are cameras everywhere. It costs $10 to park a car for 1 hour. Driving to central London is charged via your number plate. You're charged illegally for services you never used. Public transport is full of angry non-British people with a sense of entitlement and their aggressive, loud children.
Yeah, it's so damn boring when your parents stop in the middle of the street and talk about things that you aren't aware of, especially with distant friends you don't even know.
This is terrible. Just watching them talk about the presidential campaign for 20 minutes at the dinner table, and you're just like, "Uh, can you - can't talk Mom, can you - still can't talk Dad? - STILL can't talk MOM AND DAD, CAN YOU PASS THE SALT?"
They just talk about annoying things!
History shows are so terrible! I do not like them.